Chapter 13 : Black Card

The manager look at Yue Li Lian, He didn't saw that Li Lian came inside the store with Xiao Chen, so he didn't know that she came in with a rich person and still thought that Li Lian is poor.

" Miss, Can you please just let go of the clothes and give it to this lady ? " says the manager.

Although it seems as if he just wanted to resolve this by peace, he couldn't mask his arrogant attitude that look down on Li Lian.

Li Lian snorts," So this is how your store works? "

" Huh? What do you mean ? " asked the manager acting all naive.

Li Lian raises her eyebrow and speaks more loudly so the people at the store could hear it more clearly. " So this is how the famous Plum Store treats their customer ! A lady snatch my clothes that I was going to buy and the manager sided with the lady! "

Everyone on the store turns at the source of the voice and start murmuring.

" Wow, I didn't know that this store treats customers this way! "

" Look at the girl, she was only buying her clothes, but the manager sided with the other lady just because she looks richer "

" That's awful! "

" Let's take a video and post it in the internet "

Li Lian heard the whispers while hiding her smile, everything move as she thought!

The manager's expression turns sour as he sees heard the other customer whispers. But he couldn't let Li Lian take the dress, after all, the other Luo Jang is rich and a patron of the store so he needs to please her.

" No, miss, you should now, the clothes that you are holding is very expensive." says the manager with a more higher tone.

" So are you saying that I look poor and couldn't afford to buy the clothes? " Ask Li Lian with a pitiful voice.

Everyone on the store starts to side with Li Lian. Luo Jang couldn't help but feel provoked by her words and chimed in. " Well you are not wrong, you are poor and you don't fit here." Her voice was full of arrogance as if she is the richest woman on the whole planet.

The more the other customer hear the manager and the lady words, they felt more disgusted with them and continues to side with Li Lian.

" So if I have to look rich first before I could buy the dress? " ask Li Lian

" Even if you look rich you are still poor and couldn't afford it anyway! " Luo Jang snorts

" Miss you have not bought the clothes, so this lady could still take it . " answers the manager while backing the other Luo Jang.

" I have not bought it? Then, she also hasn't, right? " ask Li Lian

The manager raises his brow when he heard Li Lian. Li Lian walk past them and took the clothes from Luo Jang's hand before walking to the cashier.

" Can You check this now ? " Li Lian asks the lady at the cashier.

The lady look at the manager waiting for a response. Thinking that Li Lian would not be able to afford it and in the end embarrass herself, the manager orders his subordinate to just do what Li Lian wishes.

The lady scans the price " 20.000 RMB" Says the lady with a weak voice. She had seen Li Lian from the start and knew that Li Lian wasn't the one who's wrong, but the price is too expensive for a normal person. When the lady thought Li Lian would not be able to afford it and embarrass herself, her eyes dropped.

But, unexpectedly Li Lian pulls a black card from her bag. " Can I use this? " asks Li Lian.

The cashier lady shriek when she holds the black card. The black card can only be used by a few numbers of people in China and only extremely rich people can use this card, she didn't expect to ever see this card!

The managers and the Luo Jang face turn paler when they see the card.

" Check if it's fake ! " order Luo Jang to the manager. Still tries to hide her nervous expression with a haughty expression.

The manager hurried and went to the cashier. He stare at the car blankly for a few moments before he swiping the black card to the machine.

The manager's voice grew meeker and with a wide eye he looks toward Luo Jang, " It's real ."