Chapter 14 : Embarrassed Now ?

The manager's face turns dark, 'What had I just did?!' He regrets his previous behavior toward Li Lian and sneakily walks away from the scene.

Slowly Luo Jang also tries to walk away in embarrassment. Yue Li Lian who notice Luo Jang trying to run away, hides her grin and continues with her act.

" Ah! The lady from before ! " says Li Lian while pointing her hand to Luo Jang to attract more attention.

Luo Jang clicked her tongue and turns her face again to Li Lian. She wore a prideful expression to hide her embarrassment. " What ?! " says Luo Jang.

" I'm sorry, but now that I bought the dress, the dress is mine, so you can't have it anymore, and in the future, please don't act like this and belittle another person ." Answers Li Lian with a meek, innocent voice. Although her words sound gentle, her eyes sternly warn Luo Jang for her pathetic behavior.

The people in the store look at Li Lian with a pleased expression.

" That girl is very kind and she didn't act pompous The other lady."

" Yes ! she always answers them politely, even though, they were so rude to her! "

" Even at the end she politely reminds the other lady for her behavior elegantly! "

" truly, that is how a human supposes to act."

Hearing other people chatters and Li Lian's words, Luo Jang face turns red from embarrassment. She humped at Li Lian furiously and ran away from the store with tails between her legs.

After Luo Jang ran away, there was another person with a face full of disbelief, sneakily she took a picture of Li Lian before quietly walk out of the store.

At the same time the person left, Li Jun Wei walks into the store. The person was too absorbed with their thought that she didn't notice that she passes Jun Wei.

When Li Lian looks at the door, her eyes immediately lays upon Jun Wei that comes inside from the door. Her eyes brighten, flowers bloom in her heart.

She ran towards Jun Wei and was about to pounce on him,

" Darling! " her pitch was higher than before.

Seeing the girl's delightful expression, his cold expression melted " Li Lian" he calls her name affectionately

Most of the customers had left the store because they were disappointed by the service of the store. But some people who were still inside the store, start to shriek again after they look at Jun Wei.

" Who is that man?! "

" wow so handsome!

" he is more handsome than the one before! "

" Yes! Yes ! a quick search for him on the internet! "

" Wait let me take a picture first !"

Before anyone could take a picture, suddenly some men dressed in black blocked their views.

Jun Wei wants to show the world that Li Lian is his wife, but knowing that she would be put in danger, he restrains himself and decides to wait for a little more time before announcing her as his wife.

Jun Wei himself always keeps a low profile and rarely shows his face in public. Most of the appearance in TV and interviews, Xiao Chen would always be the one that attends it.

Meanwhile, Xiao Chen is crying in his heart at the corner of the store, ' More handsome than the one before? Geez, He is another species! a devil, you know ! ' he continues to curse himself for not getting all the handsome genes from the Li Family.

Li Lian hold Jun Wei arm happily and walk out together from the store, leaving the store.