Chapter 49 : Troublesome-1

Three women stood in front of Li Lian with a cynic expression. Three of them wore a haughty expression and crosses their arm while observing Li Lian with their eyes. Not only do they wore a very revealing clothes and short skirts, but also heavy make up and a sharp, stifling scent of perfume.

The people around Li Lian scatters in fear like a mouse escaping from cat. Li Lian narrowed her eyes toward the crowds' awkward behavior. 'They're avoiding this three women?'

While Li Lian was trying to observe the crowds' reaction. Out of no where, the three women starts to comment on Li Lian bluntly.

" What? So, you are the so-called the Angelic mystery singer?" she snorts.

"Hm?- Did you just say Angel? I never knew that an Angel could look this...plain."

The leader of the three woman smirk in satisfaction, she cover half of her face with her folding fan before turning her face toward the two women behind her.

Still acting like a graceful and compassionate senior, the woman answered, "Oh, you two don't say that in front of her...She's a newbie, let's not put pressure on her too much, alright? Or else...she would be too afraid to even speak."

The woman flap her hand and close her folding fan with a loud crisp sound. She then observe Li Lian who didn't speak a word and felt satisfied with finally venting her jealousy toward Li Lian's sudden fame let out a devious grin.

She pet Li Lian's shoulder softly and continues, "-Sorry newbie, my friends here are not bullying you ore anything...They're don't mean to hurt you- they're just worried that you'll get hurt by the bad comments from other people and decided to say it out loud so you could get used with the bad comments- You understand right?"

Li Lian silently look a far as if she didn't heard or see they're existence. One of the woman supporters grew irritated from Li Lian's apathetic expression and loudly yell, "Hey! Are you deaf? Can't you hear us?"

Li Lian jolt from her seat acting as if she was startled by the sudden raise of voice from the woman. She look up and tilts her head to the side in confusion, not long after Li Lian answered, "Um...Are you talking to me?"

The three women became enrage by Li Lian's answered. As soon as they walk toward Li Lian, the crowds swiftly scatters in fear and no one would dare to be on their line of sight. In other word there are no one other than Li Lian who's sitting there and there's no way Li Lian didn't know this.

Irk by Li Lian unchanging expression, the three women felt as if Li Lian were stepping on their heads.

Giggles and snickers travel from the crowds who's watching the spectacular spectacle.

"Look, it's that trio-combo!"

"Ugh...Again? What are they now targeting that newbie?"

"Poor her...They must be jealous of her beauty, talent, and raising fame-"

"Did you hear what they said? They said that the newbie is plain, hahaha, don't they know that they're the one that's too extra?"

"Hahaha, that newbie is pretty good at making that trio speechless!"

The three woman grew angrier from the whispers behind their back, the two women in that stood next to the woman in the middle glare towards the crowds. Warning the crowds of what they could do if they dare to gossip about them anymore.

Quickly, the crowds shuts their mouth-

The leader of the two woman still try to mask her anger with a soft smile, "Newbie, of course we are talking to you, who else do you think?"

Li Lian had deal with an even troublesome and cunning than the trio-combo. In a mouth-fight such as this, the first one to raise their voice mean they have lost.

It was a game where Li Lian are very familiar with-