Bonus Chapter : Warm

White snow falls down gracefully from the dark sky, coloring the ground into pure white. Watching from the residence's window, Jun Wei silently gazes at the slowly pilling snows before taking a sip from the warm tea.

Since he was young, Jun Wei had always hated winter especially the white snow. Every time his dear one was in danger, snow would always collapse from the sky.

He hated the pure whiteness that always looks graceful...yet easily taking the souls of the people he loves.

Xiao Chen walks down from the second-floor shuddering and muttering endless complaints from the freezing weather. Just as she was about to step at the last staircase, the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of Jun Wei's silhouette and halt his legs.

Years had passed since their parent's death, but every winter and every time the siblings look at the snow, unwanted memory lingers in their minds.

Xiao Chen couldn't remember the accident that happens, however, he did remember seeing the snow and hearing the bad news of their parent's death...Even though he was very young at that time he could still remember everything as if it just happened yesterday... He couldn't even imagine just how that accident affect his brother...How he was feeling at that time...and how painful it was.

While the two were in their reverie, a cheerful giggle travel on the early morning. Li Lian steps down from the stair in a hurry wearing a Randolph headband along with Christmas ornaments on her hand. She stops next to the stiff Xiao Chen and follows his line of sight which was staring at Jun Wei.

Staring silently, Li Lian's heart tightened in pain from gazing at Jun Wei's sorrowful expression. For more than two weeks after the first snow, Jun Wei's and Xiao Chen's expression often shows their glum.

From observing their expression, it seems that there's something complex hidden inside their hearts... But she didn't dare to ask them thinking that she would probably open the wound on their scarred hearts.

'But...' Li Lian scratches her chin, 'I must to do something!'

Suddenly, as if the light bulb in her mind flickers, Li Lian pet Xiao Chen's shoulder and brought him back from his reverie and beckoned him with her hand toward the kitchen.

Li Lian point her fingers toward Jun Wei and whispers to Xiao Chen. Hearing Li Lian's whispers, Xiao Chen's curious expression turns into a wide smile. Without waiting any longer, the two quietly walk towards the kitchen.

A few hours after, just as Jun Wei closes his eyes a delicious scent filled the house. Before Jun Wei's eyes could open, Li Lian's palm hide his vision along with a warm voice that he adores.

Li Lian, "Guess who is this?"

Jun Wei let out an unusual faint chuckle, "You."

Li Lian shrugged her shoulder, "You, who?"

Jun Wei, "Li Lian"

Li Lian hadn't expected him to call her name that loudly...For some reason, her face starts to redden and her heartbeat raises loudly.

Li Lian move backs speechlessly as if a cat got her tongue. She didn't dare to grow closer toward Jun Wei afraid of her loud heartbeat being heard. 'My heart...Why are you so noisy?'

Jun Wei gazes at Li Lian's cheeks that redden all the way toward her ears and smile warmly. Looking at the girl that had began to become more conscious of him, Jun Wei's hearts felt as if flowers blossomed.

Li Lian waves her face with her hands and laughs awkwardly before continuing, "Ah-hehehe...You got it right! So here! My present!" She took a small present box wrap carefully with ribbons.

Jun Wei took the present without a word, blankly gazes at the present before saying "Thank You."

Li Lian continues, "Open it! I want to see how it looks on you!"

'How it looks on you?' Jun Wei opened the present box after Li Lian's order and took the red hand-knitted scarf. His eyes soften and the corners of her lips raise into a serene smile.

Looking at the red scarf on Jun Wei's neck, Li Lian claps excitedly and raises her thumb, "You look great! As I expected, the red scarf fit you! Good!! Jun Wei, I knitted this on my own, how does it look? Good right?"

All this time Jun Wei had received different kinds of presents without a price ranger that was very expensive, some even can not be bought by money. However, he had never had this warm feeling on his heart, the joy of getting a present...

This was the first time he had ever experience this...

Li Lian observe Jun Wei's warm smile and like a reflection, her face brightens with a smile.

Jun Wei took off the scarf and gazes toward her after a few moments in the silence or staring Li Lian, he continues, "Mn, beautiful."

With his light-colored eyes staring straight to her eyes and his low-toned voice that sounded like a hook, Li Lian's face blushed unconsciously. Her mouth agape, thinking to herself whether the praise that Jun Wei gave was directed toward the scarf or her.

Li Lian, 'Is he saying that the scarf is beautiful...or me?'

"Pfft-" Jun Wei couldn't hold his laugh anymore and laughs softly. Li Lian glances toward him and pouts her lips as she knew Jun Wei was teasing her.

She opens her palm wide in front of Jun Wei and asked, "Where's my present?"

Jun Wei, "I don't have it..."

Jun Wei never celebrated Christmas and also didn't know about her idea of exchanging presents and clearly didn't prepare anything. Knowing this Li Lian still asks him for a present.

Looking at Jun Wei's troubled expression, Li Lian laughs in satisfaction after accomplishing her task to tease Jun Wei back.

Li Lian shrugged her shoulder, "Well, I guess you can give me something simple..."

Jun Wei, "Like what?"

Li Lian cupped her chin with her hand, 'I didn't think about it yet...'- suddenly Li Lian thought of a good idea and answered "Perhaps something simple like a hug?"

Just as Li Lian finishes her words, warm sturdy, yet careful hand embraces her. She looks up wide-eyed not knowing what to do or say, she didn't expect him to actually hug her!

Before she could do anything, a dainty kiss landed on her forehead, Jun Wei smiles as he looks at Li Lian's flustered expression and answered with a low yet seducing voice, "Merry Christmas, I didn't prepare anything, next time let's go on somewhere."

Li Lian parted her lips and before she could speak, a loud voice echoes from the kitchen.

Xiao Chen, "Ge-Ge! Sister-In-Law!! I've prepared everything!!"

Jun Wei let down his arms from her waist, and as soon as the hand releases her, Li Lian marches toward the kitchen with a very red face.

Suddenly, a few steps before she enters the kitchen, Li Lian mumbles, "Thank you." and continues to run.

Jun Wei looks at her back and laughs softly.

"Perhaps Winter isn't such a bad thing you are beside me."