Chapter 102: Was It This Hard To Write a Message?

Li Lian's beautiful voice echoed through the room as the song's melody grew weaker at the end before eventually stopping.

Li Lian pulled her mic away as she finished singing the song and all the audience couldn't help but gave a rain of applause. Qing Jiang Mei proudly spoke to Du Zhen whose eyes widened like a shocked squirrel. Crossing his arms as if he was the one who sang the song, Qing Jiang Mei nudged. "So? What do you think? Amazing right? It was worth dragging you from your secluded hotel like a monk here!"

Du Zhen nodded like a broken toy. "Y- Yes! Woah! Amazing! Was that even my song? It's completely alive!"

Qing Jiang Mei continued. "Of course, but isn't it a pity that she couldn't sing our ending theme?"

Du Zhen rubbed his chin before clicking his tongue. "You are right!"

Li Lian walked down to the stage and excitedly pull up her phone and to chat with Li Jun Wei. Her fingers nimbly wrote 'I finished, I think I did very well.' but then stared at the word for a moment and mumbled. "This message sounds more like a report..."

Fiddling her fingers on the phone she tried a few times again. 'Jun Wei, are you bus-' and once again deleted the message. Li Lian ruffled her hair. 'Was it this hard to write a message? How do I start the conversation usually?'

Thinking for many times and wrote a bunch of messages that eventually deleted by herself, suddenly a message popped out to her phone.

Startled awake from the phone, Li Lian nearly threw the phone to the floor. Quickly she caught it and focused her still-surprised eyes to the chat.

[Li Jun Wei: What is it?]

'How did Jun Wei know that I was going to send him a message...?' Li Lian looked at the small line on top of her keyboard written her status of 'Li Lian is writing...'.

Li Lian slapped her forehead helplessly. No wonder Li Jun Wei know that she was about to chat with him but took more than 10 minutes to decide what to say. Her status revealed everything!

'How embarrassing...' Li Lian swept her forehead and gulped before continue to write her message.

[Li Lian: I finished the audition!]

[Li Jun Wei: How was it?]

[Li Lian: I think I did very well!]

[Li Jun Wei: Good job. Do you want a celebration?]

'Celebration?' Li Lian pondered.

By celebration that Li Jun Wei mentioned, it must be that wine... right?

The memories of her pushing down Li Jun Wei and the sight of his red lips and pale unstained neck wafted to her mind.

Li Lian shook her head.

If she drank wine alone with him, she couldn't promise nothing will definitely not happen...

Suddenly as if Li Jun Wei read her mind, the following message popped.

[Li Jun Wei: Let's eat dinner together somewhere.]

Li Lian's thoughts shattered for a moment. She was too hasty and thought that they would once again drink in the house alone...

A dinner date with Li Jun Wei, of course, the answer was only yes!

[Li Lian: Sure! I will be going to Sprit Entertainment first. ]

[Li Jun Wei: I will pick you up later. ]

[ Li Lian: Okay! See you later!]

Right on the time, Li Lian finished chatting with Li Jun Wei, Qing Jiang Mei's assistant came to announce the singer selected for the 8th soundtrack.

"The auditioner who would be singing the 8th soundtrack had been decided. The selected singer is Ms. Yue Li Lian! Thank you very much, everyone, for participating and have a good day!" The assistant clapped his hand along with the other auditioners. After hearing Li Lian's singing on live, no one would hold any opposition that she was selected.

Li Lian brightly thanked the judges and walk down to the entrance of the building. As she arrived, at her car which she had notified first, she nimbly entered the car and ordered the chauffeur. "Mr. Lin, to the Spirit Entertainment, please."

Mr. Lin nodded and drove the car carefully to the Spirit Entertainment.

While in the car, Li Lian uploaded her audition video in an anonymous account and gave a curling smile.

Her plan hasn't finished the least- Rather this was only the beginning for Xie Hue Lin to her downfall.