Chapter 103: Li Lian's Manager

After a few minutes, Li Lian arrived at the Spirit Entertainment Company.

Just by a glance, the building was elegantly decorated almost like a hotel. A company that almost looked exactly like a hotel.

Li Lian took her purse, walk down the car and entered the company while silently observing the building's lobby.

The lobby was decorated luxuriously while still maintaining its simplicity. Just a moment as she entered the building, eyes followed her like a wireless tracker.

The people that mostly crowded the company were actors, actresses, and singers, but never the less they could instantly identify Li Lian who had been fumingly famous all over Weibo.

Li Lian ignored the stares and proudly walked toward the receptionist. Her behavior and upright posture gave off an air of a famous person, unlike newbies who would crouch up or put down their heads, Li Lian gazed up straight with confident eyes.

As she was about to say something to the receptionist, a young lady came out of the elevator in a hurry and called up her name. "Ms. Yue!"

Li Lian turned to the voice and gazed at the young lady with a kind smile. "Yes, what can I help you?"

The lady politely crossed her arms down on her waist and replied. "Ms. Yue, I'm Xin Xin, the director's secretary. He ordered me to bring you to an assigned place if you have arrived. Please come with me."

Li Lian thought silently in her heart. 'Xiao Chen's secretary?'

"Alright. " Xiao Yun nodded.

Xin Xin politely spread her right arm and pointed it toward the elevator. "Please follow my lead."

Li Lian followed her to the elevator and went out on some floor. While following the secretary's lead, her eyes examine the plate written and the recording studios that filled the hall.

After some walking, the secretary stopped in front of a room. "We have arrived, Ms. Yue."

Xin Xin knocked on the door lightly and opened the room. Li Lian walked in first and spotted Li Xiao Chen sitting with a somewhat stiff face and a woman with an hourglass figure and eyeglasses that reflected a ray of bright light.

Her face was beautiful and sharp. Her makeups was dark, and her whole posture and bearing emitted an air of coldness and sharp pickling feelings.

Tapping to her hand and colored fingernails, the woman turned her eyes and glanced at Li Lian with sharp eyes.

Confronted by such a look and tense air by the studio, Li Lian walked while hiding her awkwardness with her smile. Taking the first approach, Li Lian greeted them politely with a slight shake of the head.

Li Xiao Chen replied with another bow and a weird smile, while the woman seemed to give a light approach and suddenly raised her question. "Good afternoon, Ms. Yue. I'm Wei Mo Ran, from now on, I will be taking the place as your manager."

Li Lian expected Wei Mo Ran's cold approach after she heard how Li Xiao Chen's portrayed how she would look. But unlike her thought of a real tsundere person, she seemed to be warmer than her imagination.

"Nice too met you, Ms. Wei Mo Ran, please take care of me."

Wei Mo Ran gave a slight nod without a smile. Perhaps because Wei Mo Ran had never smiled before, she looked very intimidating and pressuring to some person.

"Alright then, let's cut to a chase. Ms. Yue, I think you have been to in a hurry and everything that has been done is not organized." Wei Mo Ran pushed the back of her glasses.

Li Lian didn't give any objection and like a thoughtful student receiving her lesson from her master, she inquires patiently. "Can you please explain to me?"

Wei Mo Ran nodded and tapped her hand on the chair's seat while giving her observations. "First, I think your breakthrough in the competition was done very well. I guessed that you have been selected as the singer for the 8th soundtrack, right?"

"Yes." Li Lian replied. From behind Li Xiao Chen sneakily gave a thumbs up perfectly only for Li Lian to see for a congratulation.

Li Lian gave a slight laugh at her heart after seeing Li Xiao Chen's sneaky gesture.