Chapter 151: Fate Of The Confidence-I

Li Jun Wei raised his gun one hand and pulled the trigger that goes straight to Nobu's hand. Nobu who was caught off guard held his hand that now had a gaping hole created above his wrist. The man groaned but Li Jun Wei didn't let the man take his breaths again and continued to shoot him.

"You **!" Nobu growled, using the gun with his left hand at the time to take a shot on Ni again but this time the bodyguard was quick to avoid his bullet and moved behind.

The fight was tense taking breaths in between was hard for either the enemy of them. Though Ni, San, and Li Jun Wei had become a nightmare to the assassin, the enemy won by number making a gap but slowly, the trio was able to overcome their drawbacks.

Li Jun Wei kept his cool expression as he walked in between the fight. He made sure not to get too far from the car as the person he wanted to protected was inside the car.

"We only have five more of our men including us, sir!" Said the man who followed his steps, hiding beside the tree not too far from Nobu.

"** that man didn't say anything like this!" Nobu shouted his voice was gruff and came out with desperation now. He could only resent the person who hired him to the suicide mission as based from what he had heard, there was nothing saying that there was a crazy man who could shoot his bullet with an extreme precision! He eyed Li Jun Wei to see the man had aimed his gun to the head of the man who had made a slight move to change the position he was hiding at.

The body of the man collapsed lifelessly and limped down to the ground as Li Jun Wei took a new cartridge of fresh bullets to refill his gun.

"What should we do, sir?" the subordinate asked with a sheet of horror over his face.

"We have no choice kill the woman and retreat!" Nobu yelled at the subordinate who then gave his pointers to the other two men left at their group.

Li Jun Wei snapped his eyes to his left side when he saw Nobu running toward him. The man pulled something glimmering that Li Jun Wei thought to be a knife and swiftly dodged his attack that kept swung in front of him left and right aiming to severe his head. Then suddenly the man threw his knife upward that made Li Jun Wei looked up for a moment when he guard his left to push Nobu's gun upward.

"You are strong, deserve to be praise." Nobu commented with a grin. His face had broke into a sweat.

"I know." Jun Wei smiled knowing that the man would kick his leg and he did.

Nobu's lips twitched at his confident reply. "But I am stronger." he said for one side of his lips to pull up. His hand which was holding gun that Li Jun Wei had been trying to push upward ascended slowly downward. In term of raw strength, the man was far stronger comparable to his large muscular figure but Li Jun Wei put up his fight. When he was pushed down he held it and thrust his arm upward.

"Well aren't you too confident?" provoked Li Jun Wei to have a sneer written over Nobu's face.

"You still didn't notice? I pity you." his fake pity came belatedly from his mouth and in a split of second, the knife the man threw upward came down raining straight to Li Jun Wei's shoulder.

Li Jun Wei didn't have the time to frown and kicked Nobu's stomach to create distance but instead of letting him go, the man held his whole person with his arm securing his shoulder.

"Die **er." Nobu whispered as he laughed at the end of his cursing. The knife glimmered as it hit the light to strike down in a whised sound.

On the other side, Li Lian was inside the car watching how the fight had broke out. It had been less than a ten minutes but bodies of the enemy had laid down all over path. Normal people would have shrieked in fear but it was different for Li Lian. She held her gun near her hand, Liu Jun Wei had never told her not to fight. He only did say she couldn't use the gun unless it was needed and she did.

She hopped out from the car helping behind the scene ever so slightly when she was needed but not too much as her bodyguards and husband was stronger to overcome the enemy.

A clicked sound resonant from her left side and she saw a man who was terribly wounded while laying down on the ground tried to aim at her. Pulling her gun, she aimed and shot the man without a single hesitation.

There was a time where she hesitated fighting but she never hesitate when it was life and dead situation.

The fight continue without a spare for anyone to rest and Li Lian was attacked again by a man who was sent by Nobu while the man was fending off Li Jun Wei. The man used two knifes from the look of his expression the man was agitated and she couldn't blame him. From what she could see the people came confident and was sure they would be able to execute her along with her group without a causality but now they ended up in a horrible state.

"We will need your life miss." the man quirked a smile waving his hand, "It would be less painful it you would only come to me and I promise I will also let your people go."

"Do you know that judging from your word I could take it as you all were ordered just for me?" As Li Lian's hand was holding the gun, she saw the man shifting his glances  down to the gun. There was a look of mocking on the man's face as he doubted a slender lady like her could do anything other than bluffing...