Chapter 152: Fate Of The Confidence-II

"What good would it do for someone who is about to die?" The man cackled going forward and brought the knife he had on his left closer to his face.

"You are correct, that's why before I die wouldn't you do the kindness to tell me who sent you so I wouldn't be a lingering ghost?" said Li Lian her right leg making a step backward.

"Hm," the man sang his humming and snickered, "A lingering ghost wouldn't do bad, miss!" then the man charged forward nimbly slashing his knife he held on both right and left hand without a pause. Li Lian took steps back but not entirely as she moved only to dodge the sharp attacks he gave without a break.

"How passionate." Li Lian commented, "A lingering ghost wouldn't do bad but you surely don't want to have me cursing you till death, don't you?" when she felt his hand move down, Li Lian jumped and turned her body to have one hand on the ground preventing her from sliding to the muddy ground. She then felt the muddy ground to be too slippery and clicked her tongue which the man found her expression to be frightened.

"Finally regretting that you didn't come for a painless death, miss?" the man mocked to bolt in front of her and slammed down his knife.

"I guess you are stupid enough not to understand that a painless death is still dead!" Li Lian turned her body and the man struck down his knife for it to stuck on the ground.

The man saw her moving and tried to pull his knifes from the ground but was unable to budge. "Sh*!"

Taking the opportunity, Li Lian flung her leg to kick the back of the man's neck only to hear the man sneered, "You thought I will say that?" Li Lian noticed the smile to be a bad one and brought back her leg to see that as expected the man had a other knife hidden beneath his clothing.

"Two isn't enough that why you brought more?" she jested.

"That not right, two is enough but I can't leave my other knifes lonely at house." The man continued to attack Li Lian with his knifes, the two was hidden behind the car thus Ni and San didn't knew Li Lian had been fighting with the man as they were also busy with their fights.

"You are too slippery!" the man clicked his tongue fastening his move but his knifes wasn't able to harm her. Sweats dripped down from the man when he looked at Li Lian, the woman hadn't broke a single sweat and looked languid every time his knifes slashed the air.

"You! How?" it was odd he should be the one having the upper hand as a man who is both large with two knifes on his hand yet his knifes can't reached her at all.

Li Lian pulled a smile, generously replying, "Because you are slow? Your movements are too big and useless." her words angering the man to plunge the knife on his left upward while the other one was expecting Li Lian who moved to their right and she did.

He smiled thinking he had won only to feel a painful jab on his upper left stomach and the other one to his chin. The man's eyes faded to white and fell unconscious to collapse on the ground in front of Li Lian. She sighed bending to take the knife which was heavy and sharp enough to severe one's hand.

"This is too dangerous," she murmured under her breath and was wondering whether the enemy had anything to do with the case in Japan when the corner of her eyes caught the sight of knifes plunging down from the air toward Li Jun Wei's head.

Li Lian snapped her eyes taking the knife she threw it over to change's the knifes direction when Nobu felt his body was lifted up. Li Jun Wei had pushed the man down to the ground and picked him to use him as a human shield.

Nobu shut tight his eyes failing to realize the knife was thrown away by Li Lian. When he opened his eyes, he felt his hand was crushed to the back and screamed, "AHHH!!! MY HANDS!"

Li Jun Wei kicked his back putting him down to the ground and pressed all his power to keep the man on the ground. His eyes first sought to Li Lian and finding her free from wound, a smile reached up to his lips only to fall when he spoke to Nobu.

"Who sent you here?" Li Lian walked toward him when Ni and San had also wrapped up their fight, the two came by his side standing not too far but not too close.

"No one sent me- AHHH!" Li Jun Wei wasn't find if seeing him or his wife attacked out of nowhere with the intent of killing. He had broke both his hand and now he had pressed firmly to the bones that he broke to go up to his shoulder every time that man lied.

"Whose factors sent you here?"

"I don't know!" Li Jun Wei twisted his arm for the man to shout again, "Please! Wait! I really don't know!"

"What do you mean?" It was Li Lian who asked standing beside Li Jun Wei as he interrogated Nobu.

"The man who sent me here didn't say who he was and we don't know him! We are only ordered what to do and it was the policy not to question who ordered us!" The words slipping from his mouth came out in a hurry. Nobu was afraid the man who had broken all bones on his both arms and legs would soon break his spinal cord as Li Jun Wei had pushed deeper his legs to his back and that was the least of thing he would ever want to feel.

"But there should be a way for you to contact him back, don't you? and I doubt you doesn't know him completely." Li Lian saw the man's eyes looking at her in horror.