Chapter 454: Beside Your Seat-I

Li Lian's sight was covered by a large and broad back. She stared at the person whose face remain a question to her as she wasn't able to look at his face earlier. From behind she heard a series of stomping feet from the two women who was standing before the man. When Fu Wanxi and her clique realized how much they might have stained their name, the two left the place without putting a fight that surprised Li Lian as she knew to how these people were; they were like leeches who once bite into a person's skin and would never let go no matter what the consequences were. Yet they left so easily like soap bar falling from a hand.

"T-Thank you," said Li Lian to the unknown person. Who was he? came the next question that popped to her mind. 

"It's fine; you should be careful and never be alone. People like them would always find your weaknesses," and that was all their exchanges was as the man left the place like a brush of a wind.