Chapter 455: Beside Your Seat-II

It was strange. Something about the man hooked Li Lian in a strange way that she couldn't name what was wrong with her. But she indeed find it enjoyable beside him because he wasn't one of those men who would use the chance to harass a woman, in which, she had faced many times throughout her life.

Her black eyes continue to shadow the man's silhouette until his head seemed to move from the faint moving shadow and she realized that she had been staring him more than necessary. Pulling her eyes away, she cleared her throat, "So, why are you here? I doubt those girls caught you here too, right?"

"I was here to meet someone," answered the man and Li Lian hummed, she wondered if she could ask more or if it was intrusive but the man continued as if knowing her polite hesitation. "It was the son of someone who is working under my company."

"Company?" Li Lian asked, sensing the man's silence, "I thought you were younger; your voice sounds youthful."