Handling Business

It had been two days since Wu SuYi's last meeting with Han XiGuang. He hadn't contacted her and Wu SuYi wondered if she should start the call to ask how Rui was faring… and also if he was doing well.

Just as she was about to make the call, all of a sudden a call entered to her phone, startling the life out of her.

"Detective Mo?" A shock tone slipped from her mouth, startling Detective Mo as well.

"Oh dear, I thought you've been awake. A certain someone told me they can only sleep for three hours. I wasn't expecting you to be so surprised to hear my call. I'm assuming you have fixed that terrible sleeping habit of yours?"

Wu SuYi sighed when hearing Detective Mo's words, placing her palm on her face to cool down her embarrassment. "I slept for only three hours."

"You did? Then you should be more than awake. Or maybe—"

"Maybe?" She asked his unfinished words.

"Maybe you were waiting for someone else's call and was disappointed to hear my voice?"

Wu SuYi who was holding a cup of water felt her finger slipped. She felt as though her mind was read aloud that startled her. Quickly she stumbled forward to catch the cup when Detective Mo from the other end of the call heard the clashing sound.

"Seems like I'm right?" Detective Mo teased.

"No you're not!" She argued. Not wanting her pace to crumble she quickly veered the conversation. "So why did you called me today?"

"Ah yes about that. A friend of mine called me this afternoon. I was confused why he would call up to me when he came up with a news. I think you have seen yesterday's news about mass murder case in a high school, didn't you?"

Wu SuYi recalled hearing the news from the TV and nodded her head, "I did. I heard the culprit is still on a run."

"Actually about that SuYi, the culprit is not on the run but she refuse to utter a single word until one person would come to meet her."

Wu SuYi raised her eyebrows. When it come to searching for people, she wasn't the best compared to the police like him. Unless… "It's me that she want to meet?"

"Correct. I know it isn't your case but can you help me to talk with her for a few minutes. Just so we can understand her motives. I saw the girl but I can't help feeling something off from her."

Wu SuYi recalled how she doesn't have any client until late afternoon. Guessing it would only be questioning the culprit, it shouldn't take too long. Also, deep inside her heart, Wu SuYi healed a lot of respect and gratitude for Detective Mo who had helped her when she was barely making by after leaving her family house.

"Of course. I have time until the afternoon," Wu SuYi gave in her schedule.

"Thank you also, I will be leaving to the temple next afternoon to help pray for your success," Detective Mo responded.

Wu SuYi unaware smiled, "My success?"

"In love with your new partner," Detective Mo chuckled aloud while Wu SuYi hoped for the ground to swallow her whole.

"I said it is not like that!" Wu SuYi argued again while Detective Mo laughed aloud until the call ended.

When his wife walked beside him and raised her shoulders in question, Detective Mo chuckled. "Changes out of blue is always great, always great! Maybe I should prepare myself to meet this man who's going to be my son-in-law."

His wife shook her head, "Silly you, SuYi isn't our daughter but even if that's the case, I am hoping she fell with someone who could respect her. Not like my husband who always drink until night neglecting me."

Detective Mo chuckled and went to his wife, raising his hands for an embrace, "So someone is having a deficiency. Come here! Hey why are you running! You're asking for this!"

Wu SuYi looked at her phone again after ending her call. She sighed. She didn't know the line she could cross between her and Han XiGuang. The man was kind to her and she might had grown attached to Rui but there was still a line between them where they weren't be close enough to exchange call every day.

Not to mention it had only been two days… no, it has been two days.

Wu SuYi sighed, deciding to push off her thoughts for now and quickly prepared herself to the police station.

Half an hour later after arriving to the police station, she entered the room to see a girl sitting on the chair. Her hands were cuffed that had her to narrow her eyes. There were still traces of blood splatter all over her sweater, appearing as though she had stayed in the police station for days without having the chance to change her clothes.

Once entering, Wu SuYi could tell a few thing from the girl's expression. Including despite how harmless the girl looked, she appeared guiltless after taking the lives of her friends in her school.

Detective Mo walked beside her, "She requested to talk to no one but you. Especially you."

"Any case of bullying?" Wu SuYi immediately questioned. It was unthinkable for a young teenager to kill at a sudden impulse, even psychopath would have a reason for their actions.

Silently Detective Mo shook his head. "She had a clean record. The smartest in her class, the most beautiful, and known to be very friendly. We suspected she was bullied but there was no trace. She was clearly friend with everyone and even stood up to people who had been bullied."

Wu SuYi placed her hand bellow her chin, "People who had been abused are the best in hiding the traces of their abuse. She can deny but it might happened."

"I thought so but as long as she remain silent, I really couldn't say anything against her."

Wu SuYi nodded her head and went inside the room. As she opened and closed the door, she watched his the girl didn't react as though her gaze was glued to the table.

Walking in front of her, Wu SuYi pulled her attention by pulling the chair and taking a heavy sit.

"It's me who you wanted to meet with?"

The girl's face lifted up, "You. Lawyer Wu. I thought you are a very busy lawyer." Her tone was bleak as though she had accepted something, maybe her own fate.

"So you do know me. But you are extremely surprised to see that I would be here. You expected that I will never come so you could stay silent forever?" The girl's silent proof that she had guessed correct.

"But you have made your promise," Wu SuYi offered her a smile, "let's start with some basic question. How do you know me?"

"Magazine," the girl replied, "online magazine mentioned your name a few time. The lawyer who would help all abused victims."

Wu SuYi hummed, she never remembered being that famous but Mei LiLi might have mentioned about a magazine that includes her name which was famous for a week before she had to pull some strings to die down her fame to avoid unnecessary attention from Wu Family.

"So you wanted to call me because you have been abused?"

"Abused? No," The girl showed her a smile that didn't reach up her eyes, "I am not abused. I am very loved by people, it's not that I am bragging but people around me are very kind."

"Is the reason why you had killed your friend because they have been very 'kind' to you?" Wu SuYi remained a smile on her lips despite the passive aggressive exchange she shared with the girl.

For a moment, the girl flinched and her eyes looked at Wu SuYi without a smile.

"You are smart."

"Likewise, is this what you learned from school? I might reconsider going to school once again if it can make me this smart," Wu SuYi tapped her finger on the table that made the girl uncomfortable. "So a non-abused person calling me, I suppose not because I'm simply pretty and famous, right? Maybe if it isn't you who had been abused, someone else was?"

The girl who had been smiling had everything from her face slipped. It was easy for her to loose her cool in a flip of a coin.

"I see then we're done here," Wu SuYi pushed herself from the chair while the girl looked at her again in a puzzle.


"It's simple. Now that I have found the reason of your possible murder, all I need to do is to investigate. To search for anyone in your class who was once close to you or perhaps in the same class of you and had been abused terribly by a bullying case. What do you think?" Wu SuYi smiled, "Do you think I will now get you to speak?"

Even though she had been cornered, the girl refuse to answer, holding to her seat. Wu SuYi met her gaze for a good ten second before arriving toward the door. The girl finally yelled, "Stop! I will talk."

"And will you also fill me in with the person who had made you killed your friends?" Wu SuYi looked at the girl who appeared more flustered as she questioned this.

The girl wanted to shake her head but finally couldn't hold herself and nodded her head, "but I will only talk to you." She continued her defense.

Wu SuYi walked toward her again and sat down on the chair, "Let's continue to talk again from the beginning then. I'm Wu SuYi and you?"

The girl gulped, feeling the intensity of a cornered rat. Wu SuYi appeared harmless, but the girl was certain she was far from being harmless. The woman knew how to use her