
"He was bullied. I couldn't stop him," Ni SuSu said. "Life was easy for me but it wasn't for him. On the surface, people liked him his family treated him well but I saw it all happened."

Wu SuYi watched the teenager girl speaking. "What happened?"

"He was bullied. They brought him to the washroom and began to do whatever they could to torment him." Ni SuSu offered Wu SuYi a spiteful expression. "But that wasn't all. His parents had never taken a day off without hurting him. Under his uniform were all wounds and injuries. His step mother was always bragging about how many hits she could place to wound him."

Wu SuYi took her time, "Who is this him you are speaking about? Your boyfriend?"

"You really do know everything don't you, Lawyer Wu?"

It came out of sarcasm but Wu SuYi indeed could piece the puzzle faster than others.

"Correct," she answered. "You know, I always wanted to be an adult. It is because I know there are many things in this world that I could never do. I was naive to think if I had brought up this matter to anyone I thought could help would solve the problem. Do you know what happen the day after that?"

Wu SuYi kept silent in face of the rhetorical question.

"His bullying had gotten worse. The wounds on his face caused by his parents made him unrecognizable," Ni SuSu clenched her fist. "Day by day his life became hell. I thought he would blame me but for once he never. He always put up a smile towards me. He's a precious person. Always smiling, always speaking positive words, always lovingly look forward to the future but that future never came."

Silence filled in the station.

Detective Mo who heard her story from afar could only shook his head. In abuse such as bullying, it was difficult for anyone to help and stop . It was due to many people looking away from the case, even exercise ignorance and putting a blind eye to all the abuse.

"He killed himself. This January," Ni SuSu responded again. "I saw how my parents never batted an eyelid on my words when I told them what happened. They didn't care. Most people wouldn't care if there is harm living beside them, not until it hurt them."

"The classmates that you have killed," Wu SuYi spoke.

"Day by day it annoyed me. Why did he had to die? He was a pure soul but this world is unfair. Those people continue to live in peace. They were smiling regardless of the blood that drenched their hands. Even though he disappeared. He would never come back. Once a human die, they would disappear forever. This pain I am feeling, why isn't there anyone who understood it?"

Tears that streamed on Ni SuSu's eyes flowed in sorrow but it quickly turned into a deep wrath. "I asked them one day. 'Why did you bully him'? They never bullied me even though I was against them. It's because they fear my parents. But he doesn't have parents to protect him."

"They replied to me with a simple smile, 'Because it's fun'" the vein on her forehead throbbed. "I was tired of everything. Therefore, I did the only thing that I could do."

"You do know what you do will never make him happy, don't you?" Wu SuYi questioned.

"What else do you expect me to do? What can I do other than this? Nothing," Ni SuSu brought her hand toward her neck. Pulling the necklace from her neck, she had took it off and placed them in front of Wu SuYi, "I love him, lawyer Su. Had you never fallen in love with others? A love that is so strong for a single person. I could not protect him. I wish not for you to become my lawyer, miss Wu. I accept what's coming to me."

Wu SuYi stared at the sky after leaving the police station. Walking beside her was Detective Mo, "Every deaths here brings a wretched story. It had never been easy and through all my years becoming a detective, it never got better."

"What will happen to her?" Wu SuYi questioned.

"She is underage. Also, it appears that the first one to attack wasn't her. She was protecting herself but had also let her rage take the better of her. It's hard to say what will happen, but most likely she would be spending her time for a long time in juvenile."

Wu SuYi hummed. Ni SuSu's question rang on her mind. Have she ever fell in love with a person so much she would lose all reason?

Will she ever do the same thing as her if she had loved someone?

Shivers ran down her skin, "I would rather never know love."

Detective Mo watched her, seeing the words spoken not from fear but the deep trauma in her life.

"My mother loved my father so much she had also lost all reasons and sights. Funnily enough until today, I have never seen a single picture of her in that damned house. Detective Mo, you once asked if I am ever scared of anything."

"I certainly did," he confirmed.

"I think my biggest fear is to fall in love. If love change me and leave me; if I ever given someone my heart but instead they had discarded it, I think I would never be able to recover."

Detective Mo watched the girl. He recalled how traumatized she was to be in the accompany of others. Wu SuYi would always be on a look out to the people around her. Instead of being delightful when others approach her with love, she saw it as a threat. Because her trust she had since she was younger was never returned by the people around her.

"Everything comes with a risk, SuYi. You will soon learn that maybe giving your trust a little bit to this one particular person would make you happy. I always pray for that to happen."

Wu SuYi nodded but she didn't agree. When she had arrived back home, Ni SuSu's words continue to ring on her mind.

When her phone rang and she saw Han XiGuang's name, Wu SuYi only stared at her phone for a good five minutes.

She wondered what was she expecting from Han Xiguang. Would she be able to give him her trust? Would she ever?

Her heart didn't flutter again when her mind cooled down. To be exact, she had forced herself to cool her mind and when it happen, she could feel her heart turning numb. All her emotions slowly dying as though she was a living doll. Even though she was expecting his call, now she was filled with worries for herself.

Wu SuYi brushed her hair to the back of her head, "I'm such a coward." She whispered. Holding her phone, she decided to reply with a nervous heart.
