An Inkling

Wu SuYi crooked her eyebrows, staring straight at Steven who stared back at her with determined eyes. She let out a small breath before throwing her head forward and bursting out laughing.

Han XiGuang's car which stopped beside her allowed him to look at the two people inside the car. His eyes narrowed as he read Steven's lips,

'How about me?'

Han XiGuang wasn't best in reading people's lips but he believe he has a skill in it. He was confident in what he had seen. The two words of 'marriage' that slipped from Wu SuYi's lovely lips and 'how about me' the offer that Steven gave.

His hand that had been holding to the glass cup tightened, causing the glass to crack and shatter from his hand, startling the driver.

As he was about to read Wu SuYi's reply, he saw her turning her body forward and finding the two people laughing afterward. Seeing the exchange that seemed positive caused his face to darken even more.

Han XiGuang was so close in taking the guns he has to kill Steven.