Itchiness and Ache

Steven frowned. He wanted to throw up seeing how Han XiGuang was behaving tamed and kind as though he was a saint when he knew how the true Han XiGuang is covered by blood most of the time. If he was kind to someone, it would only be for his own benefit.

Even though they aren't well acquainted, Steven know this as he was familiar to what most members of Mafias are. Han XiGuang is one of them.

When the food arrived, Wu SuYi enjoyed her time eating. Meanwhile, she thought she needed a room to talk with Han XiGuang. She wanted to ask his opinion on his upcoming marriage. But the more she thought, the more she wondered if she has any right to ask him any question. While he was forward with his feelings for her, she was still undecided on her own emotion.

That being said, she know she will regret it if she didn't start to unravel her knotted emotions.

Steven who had finished eating looked at her expression, noticing her distress, "SuYi, can we talk alone together?"