Missing Rui-II

YuMen carefully watched the little boy. He knew the Wu family quite well and knew there was not a child in the current family members. JingYi havent married much less the younger one HaoRan who was busy with his own life. He wondered who this boy could be if he wasn't the child coming from the servants. Not to mention, the boy was adorable and clever, making him smile naturally. 

"Then, little boy are you lost?" YuMen carefully questioned but Rui shook his head. 

"I'm not lost but YueYue is lost," Rui pointed out, thinking that he wasn't the one missing. 

YuMen cocked his head to the side, "YueYue? Well I haven't heard of that name before…" while he was about to leave, YuMen didn't think it was right to let the boy walk alone in the wide Wu Family house. After a while of thinking, he said, "What about searching for that YueYue peson with me? I'm taller, so double eyesight should help you find her."