Missing Rui-III

Wu SuYi saw how her father had stared down at the documents in front of him. He was truly thinking of whether to agree to Han XiGuang and sign the conditions. Although she knew how her father was involved in weapon trading business, she wasn't aware of its scale. Although she couldn't grasp how big of an offer Han Xiguang had offered, it  appeared thatthe offer was too intriguing for her father to not agree with it. 

He hummed for a while, "Do you have other conditions?"

Han XiGuang looked at Wu SuYi once, "I do but we could discuss this in another day. First is whether your agree to my offer or not."

Senior Mr. Wu took his time to contemplate again. When he lifted his face, his cold eyes stared at Wu SuYi, making her frown as his eyes were not studying her as a daughter much less a person, rather he had seen her an object for sell that seemed to be somewhat more valuable than it appeared to be.