Chapter 145

There was never a calm moment when sailing on the seas of the Grand Line. Anxiousness about when your ship would be destroyed by a passing typhoon, or suffer under the wrath of one of the many thousands of sea kings living under the surface of the ocean. These are just two of the reasons as to why people feared sailing on this massive sea.

Amell was currently walking on the sea by freezing it like Aokiji did when traversing the sea on his bike. He was in deep contemplation about this war with Kaido, a war he did not want but rather needed for the betterment of this world. Betterment had always been his goal when creating the Gotei Thirteen. The methods he would use has varied a little from his past self, but he still would not hesitate to kill pirates or Marines if he had to for the future of the Gotei. The only thing he forbade was the killing of innocent bystanders, and he would use the Gotei to protect them since they could not protect themselves.

This war that Kaido were rumoured to be planning would be inevitable, so all Amell was doing was speeding it along and at the same time trying to cause minimal damage. And he had a pretty good idea about that. He would trap Kaido in Wano and also at the same time try and not let all the civilians die. Trapping Kaido in Wano he could do pretty easily with his commanders, but try and not let any civilians die was an impossible task, so he was trying to think about the people that would hopefully benefit from this rather than the ones that would die.

Amell looked up at the night sky, "Changing the future will always be uncertain so I need to be prepared for what's to come." A sigh escaped his lips, and his eyes focused in on the stars in the night sky. "To make the Gotei the supreme power, Kaido and Big Mom need to die, and one of them will be a lot easier to take care of then the other." Amell was traversing the sea at incredible speed, he would probably appear as no more than a blur to even Vice-Admirals of the Marine HQ.

"I should go back and spend the next few days with Sylvia, I will probably be away for a long time when we move on Kaido." He nodded to himself and he accelerated his speed and it caused a sonic boom as he disappeared into the distance.


A few hours later somewhere in the New World, Amell was flying towards his island that was stationary high up in the sky. It didn't take long for his eyes to land on the giant island floating thousands of meters above the sea. And after another quick increase in speed, his feet touched the ground on his island, and the first thing he saw was the hundreds of pirates running around and training like a regular old military camp. None of these sweaty men and women caught his eyes, but what did catch his eye was the beautiful middle-aged silver-haired woman sitting down in the garden did what looked like planting something.

'hm, I forgot she had an interest in gardening. But it looks like she is being well taken care of." Amell looked at the twelve pirates surrounding Sylvia in a circular formation. They wore stern expression, and a heavy killing intent surrounded them all. If he had to guess these pirates most likely had a bounty of at least two-hundred-million. And now someone had put them on bodyguards duty for Amell's wife, and from their expressions, they seemed to take it seriously.

Amell started walking towards her and immediately he grabbed all the attention from everyone as soon as he started walking. "Captain! Welcome back, where is Minerva? Did you kill her?" Genma, one of the inner circle members and one of the Gotei's highest authority figures, only losing out to Amell, Sylvia, Shiryu, and the commanders, said stoically.

"Haha, no I didn't, I tamed Crocodile and I left her to keep an eye on him," Amell said to the dwarf-sized man. And Genma nodded in understanding before looking around at all the pirates that had stopped their tasks just to gaze upon the emperor. He took a deep breath and yelled, "Stop staring! Get back to work!" And one thing that the world knew about this man was to not underestimate him just because he was short. The amount of raw strength Genma possessed would surprise even Whitebeard, even if he wasn't as strong as that old emperor, his raw physical prowess was nothing to scoff at. So when his voice echoed out, even the elite guards that were guarding Sylvia felt a shiver go up the spine.

One of the pirates guarding her saw Amell and walked up to the woman digging in the ground and bowed down respectfully, "Your Majesty, Emperor Amell has returned." And Sylvia looked up and after a few seconds her eyes located her husband, and a smile coupled with a giggle showed itself as she saw the scene of the incredibly short Denma talking to the very tall Amell.

"Thank you!" She said to the pirate, and he bowed once more and went back to his position in the formation. Sylvia removed the gloves on her hands and started walking towards Amell, and her security detail followed her with the pure resolve of protecting her, even though the emperor of this island stood just a few meters away.

"Welcome back, love" Sylvia walked passed Genma and Amell bowed down to meet her for a hug. And after she firmly planted a kiss on his cheek, her smile blossomed into a thing of beauty and she looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Guess what!"

Amell played along cheerfully and asked, "What?" And Sylvia's smile grew so wide that it looked like it would escape the boundaries of her face.

"I'm pregnant!" She said and immediately the atmosphere together with the people gathered around her froze.

"What?" Was all Amell could get out before his brain stopped working.

