Chapter 146

"S-Sylvia, y-you're pregnant?" Amell was hearing the worlds, and now he was working on believing them. And the same could be said for Genma and the twelve elite guards around them. Genma was the first one to recover from his shock due to this revelation, "Congratulation, Ma'am! Believe me, I will protect you and your child with everything I got!" He said and he kneeled in front of Amell and spoke his next words clearly and with determination, "Your majesty! I request that you put me in charge of the child's protection. I will give me life for this duty!" Genma's words finally caused Amell to wake up from his stupor.

He looked at the kneeling bearded man and sighed out loud, "Genma, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I just managed to comprehend the news my wife just delivered. So let's talk about that at a later date." He turned to Sylvia and looked into her eyes, and with one step forward he arrived in front of her. "Can I?" He gestured toward her belly.

"Of course, I'm sure that the kindhearted and warm touch of the father will give comfort to our child. And it's your child, so you and I should be the first people our baby interacts with." Syliva said with a smile.

Amell nodded nervously and placed his right hand on top of her belly. And immediately he could feel the new life force existing inside Sylvia, and when that first pulse of life force hit him, he felt a tear rolling down his cheek. "A strong soul, this one. One hell of fighter I bet!" Amell said with a bright smile, but Sylvia delivered a quick shop on the head to the kneeling Amell.

"Hell no! I will not have another one of my children become a fighting obsessed maniac." Sylvia said sternly.

"But, Honey, our children need to be able to protect themselves. The same goes for any future children as well." Amell said and stood up.

"No! I said no! With you, Gildarts, bradely, Byakuya, and the entire Gotei, I would be surprised if anyone in the world can get within even two kilometres of this child without their heads separating from their shoulders" She scoffed and turned around and walked away, and as per usual, her protection followed after her.

"We'll see! Watch how I turn our child into the worlds strongest fighter!" Amell said in a whisper tone.


In the land of Wano a man with long brown hair, a classic samurai outfit, and a big straw hat was walking on a deserted road in the middle of the night. He wore a calm and tranquil smile that reflected his current good mood. The wind ruffled his hair and waved his brown cloak back and forth.

For each step he took, the closer he got to the flower capital where his current assignment was located. His eyes pierced the distance and locked onto the big castle in the middle of the city. "Kurozumi Orochi, I have come for your head. May the angel of death have mercy upon your soul." And with that, a cold smile grew on his face and with his next step, his presence completely disappeared.


A few days had passed and after getting nowhere with Sylvia in their little argument, he decided to leave. He had a lot to do in preparation for the war with Kaido, and his head hurt after all the yelling that the two of them had been doing the last few days, so much to his annoyance, he was forced to take the loss in this war. But as he saw it, until the baby was born the war between his wife and him was on. So he might have lost this battle, but ultimately he would win the war.

"Boss, you look tired, something going on with you?" Lubbock came walking up to Amell that stood leaning against the railing of the ship they were currently sailing on.

"Oh right," Amell glanced back at his commander and smiled, "Forgot I didn't tell you guys about it. Sylvia is pregnant, so we're having another kid." The exhausted emperor said.

Lubbock walked up to the railing beside Amell and leaned forward against it. He gazed out over the ocean with a deep and understanding look in eyes, "I see! My condolences!" He said seriously and sighed out loud. And immediately a flying kick came and hit Lubbock in the back that launched him forward and through the railing, destroying it completely.

"Moron! Why did I have to be related to this brainless, cold-blooded green fart cloud!" Toshiro landed where his brother had stood just a second ago. "Captain! I apologize on behalf of my brother, so please don't kill him." Toshiro bowed respectfully, hoping that Amell had become less ruthless than before like the other commanders said that he had. Otherwise, he feared for his brother's life.

"Haha, it's fine, Toshiro. No need to be so tense. I like that side of your brother, it's what gives him character and makes him so likeable." Amell gave out a hearty laugh and watched Toshiro visibly ease up.

"I have to respectfully disagree with you there, captain. Try and spend more than a decade with him and you will tire of his attitude as well." Toshiro's aura leaked out from him on accident and brought the surrounding area to close to zero degrees.

"Captain Hitsugaya, p-p-please stop freezing the area. You might kill us soon!" One of the pirates on this ship that belonged to him said while shaking from the sudden temperature change.

"Sorry, thinking about that air-head makes me so angry." Toshiro stopped leaking his aura and the temperature was slowly returning to normal in the area around the ship. Suddenly a barely visible string even by Gotei commander standards appeared and wrapped itself around the railing of the ship, and soon Lubbock came flying out of the sea and landed on the deck of the ship.

"What the hell was that for? Your kick launched me down in between two clashing Sea Kings! Do you know how annoying it is to kill two Sea Kings that both know how to use Haki?" Lubbock yelled while breathing heavily out of fuming anger. And as he said that, massive amounts of blood bubbled to the surface in a wide area around the ship, and right after that, hundreds of tiny pieces of two different Sea Kings floated to the surface. Lubbock himself didn't have a scratch on him which most likely meant those two Sea Kings were no match against Lubbock's power.

"No, I don't know how annoying that is, and I am not planning to find out either. And as for why I kicked you, that should be self-explanatory." Toshiro turned toward his brother with an irritated expression.

"Oh really? Please, why don't you try and enlighten me!"

"You insulted the captain without thinking twice. Now, he may not mind that, but I definitely do, you clueless green fart cloud!" Toshiro released his aura once again, albeit now he controlled the release.

"I did NOT insult him! I merely stated the universal truth!"

Toshiro tilted his head in utter confusion. "Universal truth?"

"A man should never settle down! A new woman EVERY night! This is the one and only universal law!" Lubbock did a confident self-five with himself and a happy yet a slightly perverted smile spread out on his face. At this comment, Amell started laughing and Toshiro face palmed himself while quietly groaning.

"MORON! How the hell would you know anything at all about that, you're a freaking VIRGIN!" Toshiro yelled out loudly and a few pirates around the ship involuntarily spat out their drink, and they had to forcefully hold down their laughter or they would personally get to experience why Lubbock was nicknamed The slaughterer.

Lubbock grew as red as a tomato in the face and his killing intent rose to such levels where even Amell raised his eyebrows in interest, "I am not some freaking virgin!" He yelled while eyeing his brother's crew contemplating whether he should kill them or not for hearing this.

"We are twins! I know you better than my right hand!" Toshiro yelled back and cancelled out his brothers killing with his own so his crew wouldn't suffocate to death.

"GROSS!" Lubbock yelled and summoned hundreds of strings around him, his anger reaching extreme levels.

Before this could escalate any further, behind Lubbock like a ghost, appeared a tall man with spikey blonde hair and a long red coat. He instantly put Lubbock in a chokehold and because of Lubbock's extreme anger and lack of control, he was quickly put to sleep by the figure that appeared behind him.

"Even though I'm always up for a fight, I would prefer if we kept all the killing focused on our enemies and not our allies." He said with a smile and dropped Lubbock on the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"Welcome aboard, Vash," Amell said and smiled at the newly arrived blonde.

"Heya, Cap'n! Sorry for the late arrival, some rookie pirate crew saw me and wanted to cash in my bounty so I had to deal with them first." Vash said and stretched his arms.

"No worries, you're actually right on time." Amell turned around and looked at the island coming up over the horizon, "Welcome to Dressrosa, Boys!" Amell said and glanced back with a smile.

