Chapter 3: We are going to school

Harry was checking the mailbox. He was shocked when he saw his name Mr. H. Potter in the letter sealed with green wax. He fetched the other mails and went inside.

Another letter fell down said Ms. L. Potter. He opened the door at the same time opening the letter with his name.

"Opening other's letter is a misbehaviour Harry" Larry plucked it from him.

"Oh god. You are getting mails from someone" Larry asked him.

Harry tried to take this situation as some advantage to tease her.

"Yes that's my Uncle. He doesn't want to talk with you. He usually mails me" he adjusted his round glasses and tried to snatch away the letter from Larry.

"So you are having relation who mails you frequently but not for me!!" Larry exclaimed and tore the letter into small pieces so he could never make it together.

Harry stared her which made Larry to feel the pain in her forehead.

"I'll tell to Uncle Vernon. I'll make you suffer for this" she walked very fast to see Dudley.

Harry placed the other mails at the table. He folded the letter came for Larry and shoved it inside his pocket. When he turned he saw Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Larry and Dudley were standing there staring him.

"What's that boy?" Uncle Vernon asked.

"No... Nothing" Harry stammered.

"Hand it to me" Aunt Petunia asked in a firm voice.

With no choice left, Harry gave it to Aunt Petunia. Everyone peered at the letter when Aunt Petunia opened it. Larry was standing at her toes and tried hard to see it. She tried to snatch the letter when she saw her name written in elegant cursive letters.

Aunt Petunia saw the words "HOGWARTS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY" and threw it in the fireplace.

"Why would you do that?" Harry saw the tears rolling down from Larry's eyes when she said these words.

Larry was not a crying type of girl. She never cried. At least no one seen her crying. She always pretended that she was strong and stone-hearted girl.

She sat on the couch and stared at the fireplace where her letter was burning into ashes. She gathered all the mails from the table and threw it in the fire. She glared at Aunt Petunia who stood frozen while Larry left to her room.

Harry went to his cupboard and tried to paste his letter together from the pieces. He was worried about his sister but part of him was happy that she paid for what she did to him. Tired of trying to make it together he threw it in the fireplace.

Two letters flew from the top of the Firehole which landed in front of him. It looked same as the letters that were burnt. He grabbed the letters and went to see Larry.

"Larry" he knocked the door.

"I don't want to see you. In fact, I wish I had never seen you. I hate you Harry" she shouted at him.

"If that's what you wish. Then consider the feeling is mutual" Harry shouted and turned to leave.

"Wait. So this is why you come to meet me? To see me suffering?" Larry opened the door.

Harry didn't utter any word and gave the letters to her.

"Here Mr. H. Potter this one's for you not for me"

"You can read it" Harry said.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

            Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress

She looked Harry with a don't-make-fun-of-me look and opened her letter.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

            Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely,

 Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress

She read the list of things and books that attached with the letter. That all students should buy.

"Are you kidding me?" Larry raised her eyebrows.

"No. I'll never do that" Harry shrugged.

"Of course, you don't have such knowledge to do that" she twisted her lips thinking if Dudley had sent this.

Larry convinced that Dudley have less knowledge than Harry so he wouldn't have done this. She thought about how Aunt Petunia was terrified when she saw the letter.

Harry suggested that they should not tell this to Dursleys.

"What? How you'll go to the school without their help? What we would do for money?" Larry told Harry as she planned something else in her mind.

She called Dudley and explained everything to him. She told him how much she wanted to learn magic.

"I wanted you to come with me to my school. I want you to be with me" Dudley complained.

"Listen. I'll go to this school and will teach you magic. How about that?" Larry tried to convince him.

She tried to make the rose petals to fall over him. But as she waved her hand, the knife from the table fled and stopped exactly pointing Dudley's throat. Aunt Petunia entered the room alarmed.

"This is what happens if you don't accept us to go to the wizarding school" Larry cornered Aunt Petunia.

"Do whatever you want. Go wherever you want. Leave my son" Aunt Petunia hugged her son.

Larry smirked and rolled her eyes at Harry who was standing silently at the corner of the room. Harry smiled in reply and gave the thumbs up which she ignored.

"I'll go to pack things and will do research about the things we've to buy and where to buy" she left to her room.

Harry could not believe what just happened now. He thought the possibilities of how he would have made it to the school if Larry was not there.

Harry thought whether Uncle Vernon would spare some money for him or Larry will go to the school leaving him in privet drive.

"I should go to this school no matter what" Harry murmured to himself. He lied flat in his bed trying to believe what happened the whole day.


Don't miss out the chapter of new crush in next chapter. Comment your thoughts and vote for the story.