Chapter 4: Diagon alley

Harry woke up and saw the date August 30.

"Two days to go" Harry said to himself happily.

From the day, they received the letter from Hogwarts. Both the twins were counting the days.

For Harry, he want to escape from Dursley. Larry was looking forward to learn magic.

He hurried to open the door when he heard the knock on the door. The knocking sound echoed inside the Dursley's house. Harry felt the vibration when he approached to open the door.

"Yes coming" Larry came running, pushed him and opened the door.

There standing a giant man blocking the outside light. Harry widened his eyes in fear.

"Who the hell are you?" Larry asked annoyingly.

"Yea yes yes. I am a damn hell dear. I am Hagrid. I am the keeper of the keys at Hogwarts" Hagrid introduced himself.

"Wow" Harry came closer to Hagrid.

"Enough of your introductions. May I know what's your business here?" Larry asked in a bossy voice and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Um actually" Hagrid started.

"If you don't have anything to do, please leave. I have lot of works to do" Larry almost closed the doors saying those words.

"If you are so disturbed by me, I assume you will know where to buy the things" Hagrid turned to leave.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry. Please come inside" at last Larry forced a smile on her face.

"Another day dear, now I've lot of work. So come let's go and buy things" Hagrid showed his two hands towards them.

Both the twins held his hand. They were standing in front a small pub in a blink.

They entered the pub. Everyone dressed strangely. They were wearing hats, long black cloth that started from their shoulder which ended up swiping the floor.

"Is there any drama going to happen here?" Larry asked Hagrid.

"Shut up Larry" Harry said when one man glared at them.

The next second some of the people started to recognise the twins and approached them.

"Great to see you kids. We know that one day you will come here" the man shouted happily.

"What are you talking about?" Larry couldn't understand anything.

"Are we famous here?" Harry had some guess of what's happening.

"You don't have any idea about yourself. But everyone knows about you. Everyone praises you. Some people thinks that you are some part of God. Whatever! I'm happy to see you" the man finished talking and shook hands with the twins and left.

They could not avoid the eyes looking at them. They moved as fast as they can.

After crossing those weird looks, the twins had lot of questions to ask.

"Before you ask anything, I remind you that you have lot to do than knowing your history" Hagrid tapped at some specific bricks in the wall.

It was totally a different world. They felt like they entered into another planet.

"The whole place looks like a drama company" Larry laughed.

"Try some new jokes Larry" Harry teased her.

"First, need to withdraw money from the bank" Hagrid dragged them and stopped in front of a large white building that said "Gringotts Bank"

They walked silently watching the people who were short and weird. The people were working seriously.

"They are goblins. They are running this bank" Hagrid told twins in lower voice.

Hagrid handed over the keys to the goblin who sat in the middle. They reached their vault after a hell ride in a vehicle. A vehicle works like a rollercoaster.

As the goblin opened the vault. They saw the copper, silver and gold coins that piled up.

"The money your parents saved for your future" Hagrid told them.

"So this vault is for me right? And for Harry?" Larry asked.

"This is for both of you" Hagrid rolled his eyes.

"What? This is not enough for me" Larry complained.

"This vault is for me. You go and search for your vault somewhere else" Harry told her.

"I am going to kill you" Larry gritted her teeth.

"Oh I'm scared of you. You know why, you would have killed Dudley a few days back. You will kill me, Dursley family and whoever stops you from getting  what you want" Harry shouted at Larry.

Hagrid stopped Larry when she was about to wave her hand. The underground cold place which was surrounded by rocks and vaults were shaken for a second.

They couldn't feel their legs standing on the ground after a rollercoaster ride from the underground in Gringotts Bank.

"Where's next?" Larry was excited to explore that world.

"Uniform from Madam Malkin, wand from Ollivander, books from Flourish and Blotts" Hagrid told them.

When they entered Madam Malkin's Shop for uniform, Larry saw a boy with silver hair combed neatly. He was pale colour with grey eyes.

"Hi I am Larry and this is Harry. We are Potters. And you?" Larry asked him.

"Potters? Really? Stop kidding me. I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" he ran his fingers in his hair and shoved them out of the way to leave.

"Seriously Larry? You're trying to flirt with a guy you don't even know!" Harry threw his hands in the air.

"First - I'm not flirting, I'm just trying to make friends okay? Second - you kiddo, it's none of your business" Larry gazed.

They collected their robes and started towards Ollivander. Hagrid excused himself and went somewhere.

"You and me?" Larry groaned.

"Always the feeling is mutual. You don't have any choice and follow my rules as I'm your brother" Harry patted Larry's head and smiled at her.

"You should follow mine 'cause I'm your sister" Larry told and walked inside Ollivander.

"Anyone there?" Larry shouted in the small creepy shop.

"Hello kids. I'm Mr. Ollivander" he grabbed two wands from the shelf at a time and handed it to them.

Harry took the wand in his right hand while Larry took with her left hand as she's a left handed person.

Ollivander noticed the lightning scar at Larry' s hand and searched for the same scar at Harry's forehead which he hid under his messy black hair.

"Give it a wave" Ollivander smiled.

When Harry waved the wand, the boxes from the shelf fell down. Larry waved her wand after him and the boxes fell on the floor started burning.

"Oh no. I'm sorry Ollivander. I'm not intended to do that" Larry gasped.

Ollivander smiled and went inside. He returned with lot of boxes piled up in his hands. He explained the details of each wand, he gave it to them.

"This wand unicorn hair, eight inches. Give it a try" Ollivander gave it to Harry.

He felt warmth in his fingers when he held the wand. With a wave, colourful sparks came out from the end of the wand.

"I knew that. Unicorn is a kind, good-hearted, helpful creature, gives the life to the one who is at the verge of the death, that's similar to your character" Ollivander smiled at Larry.

For Larry it was hard to find. They tried and tried. Almost half of the shop destroyed from her waves. Some wands even exploded when she touched it.

"Powerful. Very powerful" Ollivander shook his head and shoved another pile of boxes towards Larry.

"Stop before she blasts this shop. Maybe she can't have any wands" Harry told Ollivander seeing Larry's reaction through corner of his eyes.

"No... We didn't find yet. I'll not stop until you get your wand" he searched for the wands with gold wrapped boxes.

After emptied all the boxes, she was about to take the last wand from the golden boxes.

"What happened here?" Hagrid was shocked seeing the shop which almost destroyed and burning here and there.

"At least leave this wand Larry. I started pitying for Ollivander and his shop" Harry told Larry.

She doesn't care about their critics and opened the box and saw the greenish brown, eleven inches wand.

"Go on" Ollivander told her curiously and moved forward to take a closer look.

She felt more happy and vibrant when she touched the wand.

"Amazing. Phoenix feather who raises from the ashes, the one who always raises even from the death, lion blood that goes for braveness, unicorn hair that indicates kindness and forgiveness" Ollivander told them.

Harry saw her with shock when he heard kindness word indicated Larry. Harry never seen her showing kindness to anyone.

"Last but not the least - the poison of a serpent who is strong as well as cunning. So much characters in one, this is so hard and awesome. I wonder in which house you will be placed. Gonna be tough for that sorting hat fellow" Ollivander laughed.

Larry waved her wand and all of a sudden the shop returned to its old self. The wands burned and exploded were returned back in the shelves as it was arranged before.

Harry and Hagrid watched her astonished. Larry was widely grinned at them.

"Have a great life like your parents. May you live a long life unlike them" Ollivander blessed them before they left the shop.

They bought the list of books from the Flourish and Botts. Harry looked sad as he was not satisfied with what happened at the Ollivander shop. He felt inferior.

"Boy. As much as the wand, your knowledge and how you react to a situation everything matters. And you got unicorn hair in your wand, that's also a rare thing. Legends only get those things. And who knows what are the other things hiding in those wand and brain huh!!" Hagrid raised both his eyebrows.

Harry was convinced and smiled. They reached the privet drive with luggages and with lot of galleons. The money to survive in the Wizarding World.

Hagrid gave them the cages with owl which he was carrying all the way. The white owl with blue eyes to Harry and the yellow one with green eyes to Larry.

"This is my little gift. It'll help to send mails. You can write to me if you want anything" Hagrid handed over the tickets.

"9 3/4th platform?" The twins asked in unison but Hagrid was already left.


With Hagrid gone, how the twins will find the platform!!! Let see in next chapter readers. Don't miss out the journey towards Hogwarts 😉