Chapter 5: Towards Hogwarts

Uncle Vernon started the car when Larry and Harry stuffed their luggages in the car.

Harry opened the car door and saw the Dursley's house revisiting the times he spent there and smiled widely at the thought of escaping from it.

Larry saw aunt Petunia who went inside the house and banged the door. She saw Dudley who stood watching her with a you-are-not-supposed-to-leave-me look.

Larry expressed her apologize without uttering a word. Larry opened her mouth to say goodbye but Aunt Petunia opened the door and dragged Dudley inside the house.

They reached the railway station at 9.45 A.M. after spending lot of time in traffic.

"Uncle. I didn't do that to Dudley, with the intention of doing that" Larry told Vernon seeing the ground.

"You know what! I'm sending you to this school 'cause I wanna get rid of you both. I don't want to see your faces. Get your hell faces out of my sight now" Uncle Vernon reversed his car to leave.

"You're their lovely cute little cousin and niece. Why don't they forgive you for what you did? They won't do that 'cause you are just a living toy for them" Harry told Larry while walking on the platform.

Larry didn't see him for a while. She walked silently looking at her owl - Lexi in the cage who was looking back at her.

"Yes I maybe a living toy for them. But you... You are a servant for them. A servant without pay" Larry laughed.

"Not so funny Larry" Harry twisted his mouth.

"Yes Harry. It isn't funny but it's true. Hahaha" she laughed again.

"We reached 10th platform. We're almost walking in the platform for 10 minutes. In five minutes,the Hogwarts train will leave" Harry changed the topic.

"I couldn't see 9 3/4th platform anywhere here" Larry turned her head right and left to see if she can find it somewhere.

"Could you please just use your brain? It is a magical world. The platform would have hidden somewhere, we should find out how to reach it" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh at last, Harry, my twiniee started using his tiny pea sized brain. That's so sweet of you" Larry shrugged and teased him.

They saw a red-headed family pushing the luggages similar to theirs'. They watched them running through the wall in between 9th and 10th platform.

The twins saw each other and ran towards the wall.

"Dear dear. You Potters right? I'm Molly Weasley, we Weasleys are family friends with Potters for generations after generations. I hope you and Ron will become good friends" the red-headed women kept on talking holding a little girl's shoulder who is smiling at them.

"Oh. If you will excuse us, we've train to catch" Larry pulled Harry along with her while running towards the wall. Harry was looking at the little girl keenly.

They reached the other side of the wall and saw the train departing. They hurried and climbed the train.

They were searching for an empty compartment. They opened a compartment and saw two empty seats.

"Don't pretend like you knew the spells" a girl with blonde bushy hair with rabbit teeth, pulled the wand from inside her robes.

"Wait. Wait. You girl, don't do anything stupid and blast the train" Larry stopped her.

"Mind your own business. You idiot-" but the girl stopped when she saw the scar in Larry's hand.

"Wait. Are you - !?" The girl started to ask.

"We are Potters" Larry finished.

"You never used the word Potter in your life. But now you're using more times than the days you lived Larry" Harry told in a cool voice.

Larry glared at him and asked the details about the boy and the girl sitting in their compartment.

"So Ms. Hermione Granger and Mr. Ron what?" Larry asked curiously.

"Weasley" the boy showed his hands to shake it with Larry.

"Oh. You are the Weasley. Then you're the one that supposed to be our best friend as per our history" Larry glanced at Harry.

Larry didn't notice the hands Ron showed to shook with her. Hermione signalled him to take his hands back.

Larry started talking again "So Ms. Hermione Granger and Mr. Ron Weasley... You two are together?" Larry raised eyebrows at them.

Both of them widened their eyes in shock.

"What? You're asking like "together" together?" Ron asked Larry who nodded in return.

"Impossible. With this stupid who doesn't even know any spells!? With the fellow who pretends like he knew everything but doesn't know anything!? Never" Hermione shouted.

Harry laughed at her reaction.

"You boy. Are you dumb?" Hermione brought her brows together looking Harry.

Harry adjusted his round glasses and started to talk something "I -"

Larry interrupted him "Actually he is quite dumb, he have little piece of brain to think and talk, so I'll talk for him"

"You should stop talking so others can talk" Harry pouted at Larry.

"Yeah. I agree that" Hermione and Ron nodded together.

"You'll become a cute couple. I'm damn sure. Oh I remember Malfoy. I didn't see him, I should meet him" Larry stood to leave.

"Malfoy? Seriously?" Ron disgusted.

"What? Why's that reaction?" Larry threw her hands.

"They're pure blood family. They are egoistic, selfish people. They always degrade others" Hermione looked at Ron expecting him to agree.

"Whatever! I don't have anything for him. Infact, I'm going to meet him to see his face, when I prove him that he was wrong. Inshort I'm going to make fun of him" Larry left.

"How you managed to live with her all over these years?" Ron asked Harry.

"She is a typical girl" Harry nodded his head.

"Every girl is typical" Ron saw Hermione and pursed his lips.

Hermione glared at them.

"Is it a bad word or something? Typical word is used to tell the person is quite different. That's it. I don't find it bad that made you angry" Ron threw an apologetic look at her.

Hermione crossed her hands stubbornly and left.

"We are going to spend next 7 years with these girls at the school" Ron rolled his eyes.

"Yes. It's going to be like a ride in Gringotts bank to reach the underground" Harry laughed.

"I've never been there. But I could feel,how terrible it gonna be" Ron laughed with him.

They're eating the Chocolates that they bought from the trolley witch. The boy with round face opened the door.

"Any of you seen my toad?" The boy asked sadly.

The boys looked here and there.

"The only frog we've seen is chocolate frog which escaped through the window" Ron told the boy whose face became more sad.

"Come have this chocolates" Harry offered him.

"I'm Neville Longbottom. I lost the Timber,my toad. He was a gift from my grandma"

"He'll be somewhere here hunting for his food. He'll come to you. Don't worry" Harry convinced him.

Larry crossed the compartments without opening anything.

She heard a familiar voice "Everyone says that, this year Potters will come to the school. The rumour is they're the powerful and strongest witch and wizard of this era. I'm sure that they can't be more Powerful and stronger than me. I'll prove that to this world. I guess Dark Lord would have sucked their power at that day"

"Draco. Don't tell that name aloud" another boy hissed.

Larry opened the door.

"Speaking of Potters, here she comes who calls herself as Potter to become famous" Draco told his friends.

"Why you come here now? To say that you are a Potter? Okay consider that I believed that you are a Potter. Now leave" Draco told Larry.

"I came here to prove you something" she rolled her sleeves up which was covering her fingers.

"Is she going to punch Draco?" Draco's friend asked another boy.

Larry showed the lightning scar at her left hand that looked like a tattoo at the back of her hand. That was exactly located few inches down between her thumb and forefinger.

"I heard that you want to prove that you're stronger than Potter. I'm up for it" Larry winked at Draco and pulled the wand from her packet.

Draco didn't move.

"No" one of Draco's friend blurted out.

"I'll spare you this time for that fellow" she kept back the wand in her back pocket.

"I'm in" Draco took his wand from the seat and stood facing her.

"I knew that you would be here.We're going to reach Hogwarts in few seconds. Your brother want you to be there" Hermione told peering inside.

"Next time" Larry moved out.

Draco relieved.

"I told you they're selfish and rude. Don't involve them in your life. They will make you suffer" Hermione told Larry on the way back to their compartment.

"So am I" Larry opened the door.

"Making others suffer is not new for Larry. She have got talents like being selfish, egoistic. She completed her master degree in being rude, making fun of others" Harry annoyed her.

"You don't act like you are a good person. You're my Twin, so you got everything as me. You hide your darker side wearing an innocent and kind-hearted look outside. I don't wanna act like that. I will be as me. I won't be a serpent who wears lion's skin like you" Larry stared at him.

"You are the worst thing happened in my life. You're like a fuel in my burning life" Harry groaned.

"I always wished that you should never been born or you should've died with our parents" Larry shouted.

"You're a burden for me. You're my mysery. Sometimes I wish that you should have never existed" Harry went near to Larry.

"I live a life thinking that you're not existing" Larry lowered her voice a bit. But moved close to Harry rolling her sleeves up.

"Oh god. The train had stopped. Almost everyone would have got down. Stop this shit and let get down from the train" Hermione told and pulled Larry as Ron pulled Harry.

Hagrid waved his hands "First year kiddos. This side"

They were made to sit in small boats. Larry tried to avoid sitting in the boat with Harry but she'd no choice.

Both of them were staring at each other until they saw the castle. The castle that was shining brightly in the night. They got the feeling of entered into the King - Queen period.

They were arranged as groups at the entrance. They all made to stand in a room.

"Hello first year students. I'm Professor McGonagall, I'll be guiding you until you all are get sorted. Your sorting ceremony will start in few minutes" she left as soon as she finished talking.

The room filled with the nervousness of, in which house they'll be sorted, for some students the nervousness is, they don't have any idea about the sorting and sorting ceremony.


Hello Potter heads, as I completed 5 chapters, I'll be waiting for your comments and votes.

Thanks in advance.

Read to know who belongs to which house in "Sorting Ceremony" the next chapter.