Lexi came holding a letter in her beak.
"You are carrying in your beak from how far?"
Larry saw that the letter was from Hagrid.
"Not so far actually. Anyway, have this" she shoved the plate full of meals towards Lexi.
She chose rabbit meat and flew back after nodding at Larry.
"She never talked with me in such a caring voice" Harry pouted.
"What's in the letter Larry?" Hermoine asked.
"He invited us for tea in his hut after the classes" Larry showed the letter to them.
Hi Larry,
Just to check how you're doing. Come to my hut for tea after the classes over. Don't forget to bring Harry, Ron and Hermoine.
With love,
"I heard he'll make tasty tea" Ron grinned.
-Charms Class-
"Today we'll see the simple spell 'Lumos'. Everyone ready?"
"Ready" the students sounded with eager.
"To bring the light, we use this spell. Get out your wand and say 'Lumos'. And no mischievous behavior in my class" Professor Flitwick warned them.
"He is warning you Larry. Behave yourself" Harry whispered in Larry's ears.
"Don't try anything stupid, he is referring you Ron" Hermoine told Ron.
Both Ron and Larry decided to pay them back.
"I have read about this Lumos" Hermoine told in her bossy voice.
"Wow. You are a legend Hermoine. Go on" Larry faked like she was praising her.
"Talking about legends, some legendry witches and wizards mentioned that this spell is very helpful. Lumos Maxima is the extension spell of the spell which gives large and bright light and withstand for longer time. The opposite of Lumos spell is Nox which means night. This spell gives darkness and Nox Maxima is—"Hermoine was interrupted by Larry.
"You should write a book Hermoine Granger" Larry patted Hermoine.
"Don't call me with full name. It sounds weird when you call me with that name"
"Ok. Then what about Hermmmmmm" Larry pulled Hermoines's ear.
"No" Hermoine shouted.
"Egoistic idiot?"
"Shut up Larry"
"Moine Monkey?"
"Enough Larry"
"Ok cool. Grandms"
"What?" Ron confused.
"Short form of Grandma" Larry shrugged.
"Perfect. Everything matches. She know everything, bossy, caring, old-fashioned girl. Wooo. Wonderful Larry" Ron wondered.
"What's going on there?" Professor Flitwick asked.
"Nothing Professor. Hermoine want to show you something" Larry chuckled.
"What Ms.Granger?"
"Um... I wanna show you how I do Lumos spell" Hermoine waved her wand.
But Larry pushed slightly Hermoine's arms and the wand fell on Ron's hand. Ron's hand became green.
"Oh god, what have you done Ms.Granger. You told Lousy spell by mistake. It made his hand become ugly. It'll rot as time passes by. We should take him to hospital" Flitwick hurried.
"I don't think she did mistakenly. I guess she did to avenge Ron" Larry told in sincere voice.
Hermoine didn't argue she just looked down.
"You'll have detention for this today evening. Come to my office after your classes over" Professor held Ron and moved to the hospital wing.
"Why didn't you tell the truth to Professor? I thought you would argue"
"But that's not true Larry. I did it on purpose, that was intended for you. I did it to avenge you, this is the bitter truth Larry" Hermoine was crying.
"Why Moine? What made you to do that? I don't mean anything that I say to irritate, if that what made you to do this" Larry raised her voice ignoring the fact that everyone was seeing them.
"Larry, you've one thing that I ever wanted in my life. But you never cares for that, to be frank you hate it"
"Hate what? What did I had that you are longing for? I am the one who is longing for love all over my life"
"What about Harry and Harry's love for you? You never considered him as your brother. I hate it Larry. The brother, I always wanted with me is what you got. I hate it. I'm jealous. I hate it Larry" Hermoine bursted out crying.
Larry was shocked. She doesn't know how to react. She held Hermoine and walked to their dormitory to put her in rest.
"You don't want to be jealous Moine. If you want a brother, I'm ready to give Harry for adoption. Harry is your brother from now on. Don't think about anything. Everything will be okay. Ron will be okay. Just take a sleep. I'll come to wake you up, you've got detention to do" Larry winked at Hermoine and pulled bedsheet over her and left.
She went to see Ron at hospital wing. He was sleeping.
"Madam Pomfrey told that he'll be recovered by night. I'll be here to take care of him. You go to attend classes and take notes for us"
"Yes, I should that for Hermoine. She'll kill me if I didn't. I'm getting late now, need to go. Bye Harry" Larry turned.
"Don't forget to meet Hagrid. He sent you the letter, you should go there even if we can't"
"We can go some other day together Harry. He invited all of us not me"
"Yeah. He'll be waiting for us. So you should just let him know what happened"
"Sure twiniee" Larry smiled brightly and left.
Larry went to see Hagrid after she woke up Hermoine to meet Professor Flitwick.
-Hagrid's hut-
Larry heard Professor McGonagall's voice shouting.
Larry peered through the window standing at stone so she could see inside. She saw McGonagall stood out from the chair she was sitting.
"You should not tell them Hagrid. They are kids. Stop sending me letters regarding this. Yesterday, when I was reading the letter, Harry came to meet me. He would have seen it Hagird" Professor's eyes were red in anger.
"They deserve to know the truth. No matter, how bitter the truth is. No matter, how it pains. They deserve to know what happened to their parents Professor"
"Okay Hagrid. Not now. They are kids. We can tell them if they are grown enough"
"You don't understand this Professor. You-know-who is still out there. He'll return to kill what's left. We should warn them at least. We should tell them that their lives are at stake"
"We are here to protect them Hagrid"
"We were here in this world being alive when you-know-who killed their parents. We didn't do anything" Hagrid tried to convince her.
McGonagall raised eyesbrows at Hagrid.
"I meant 'We can't do anything that night' what if same happened for Harry and Larry. What if we let them being insane and let them killed by Voldemort like it happened for their parents"
"I'll discuss about this with Professor Dumbledore. Meanwhile, don't send any mails Hagrid" She turned to leave.
"Anyway, they'll find out. They are clever than you think Professor"
"Let them Hagrid" Professor hesitated to turn. She left without turning back.
Larry missed her grip on the window and fell down. Hagrid heard the noise and turned to see his window. He saw no one. He remembered that he sent letter to Larry inviting her. Hagrid hurried to Castle to see them.
Larry was shocked with the truth. Someone killed her parents, they didn't die on accident. Someone avenged them. The person is still out there waiting to kill them. She couldn't breathe as the truth filled tears in her eyes. She ran inside the forest. She doesn't know what she was doing. With tears filled in her eyes, her visuals blurred. She hit in a tree and fell down.She heard someone laughing very loudly that echoed inside her head.
"Here comes the Larry PPottterrr. I'm waiting for you about 11 years now PPotterr. Where's your twin? Why you came alone?" the voice asked.
"Who are you? Show yourself. I'm not afraid of your words"
"Tut… tut… the same braveness as your parents had. Then you'll have same ending as your parents got. You PPotterrss have a fate to die in the hands of Riddles"
"If that's true why hiding" Larry shouted.
"I am proud to introduce myself as I'm the one who killed your parents, the great Voldemort" a black hooded figure came flying from the tree she was hit.
"I was handsome once upon a time. After you two idiots sucked out my powers, I became like this. Now I'll return to myself. I'm going to suck your powers first until you die and I'll suck out Harry's" the hooded figure came near.
She felt grief when it came near to her.
She heard the voice saying "You are the reason why your parents died. You killed them. You are part of me. You are a reflection of me. You have darkness inside you as much as I do"
She got up and ran as fast as she could. She saw the hooded figure followed her in the dark. Again she hit by something, this time it was human. Professor Snape stood like a tree without moving when she hit him.
"What are you doing here Miss Potter?" he asked in anger.
"I- I was just-" Larry turned to see the forest and saw the hooded figure approached her.
Larry started to run ignoring Snape. She stopped at the Gryffindor common room. She saw the students writing their assignments. She searched for their friends but no sight of them. She went to bed and cried and cried until sleep knocked out her.
Introduction to Lord Voldemort,the dark wizard was done. Anyway he was proud to introduce himself as the killer of Potters. Let see what awaits us.