Chapter 11: Hold on

 After few days of meeting Voldemort, Larry was quiet. She was not calling Hermoine as grandms. She stopped teasing Ron. She stopped irritating Harry.

When the hooded figure came near hear, she saw the flashes of someone dying. The women died had similar hair and eyes as Larry's. Is that her mother? She was haunted by that flashes. She was tormented by those flashes in her dreams.

"What's wrong Larry?" everyone was tired of asking her that question but they never got answer from her.

But Neville Longbottom seemed to not stop asking her.

"Could you please tell me what happened Larry" Neville asked her in Potions class.

As usual, she nodded her head left to right slowly not seeing him.

Snape came to her desk for the first time and told "Meet me in Castle grounds after your classes"

She just nodded at him.

-Castle grounds-

"I heard you started behaving yourself in classes. That's good. But you don't to be sad for that" Professor Snape told Larry.

"I'll try Professor" her voice was very low.

"Snape please. Now I'll teach how to control that" Professor went near Larry.

Larry wondered. Is he really asked her to call him as Snape!!! She pulled out her wand not letting out what she felt.

"Try in right hand Larry"

"But I'm a left-handed person"

"You can give a try in right hand. There is no harm in it" Snape returned his stern voice.

She nodded and waved her wand at her right hand pointing at the plant. She closed her eyes tightly when the plant vibrated.

"Open your eyes and see what have you done" Snape told her in cold voice.

She opened her one eye and saw the plant bloomed with flowers.

"But still I didn't learn to control it" she waved her left hand without wand and the plant started burning.

"Well you need lot of practice and patience Larry. Let we continue tomorrow"

Larry sat tiredly at the bench in the ground. She noticed for the first time that these benches doesn't have legs. She bent to confirm it.

"What? It is a magical bench. It can stand without legs and will adapt itself according to the people sit in this" Snape sat beside her.

The bench shrunk according to their comfort. Larry examined the bench curiously.

"Tell me the reason Larry. Why are you being sad?" Snape asked her.

"I can't tell you Snape"

"I know Larry. I know the pain of losing Li-" Snape scoffed fakely and continued.

"I know the pain of losing the loved ones. I know how it feels when they are not anymore but we living our life like they never existed. Trust me Larry. I know the pain" Snape closed his eyes to hide his tears.

"What if we are part of the reason they died. It feels like I killed them. I am the reason. They tried to protect me and died" Larry cried.

"Don't stress yourself if you don't know the whole story. It was their choice to protect you.  You live your life that is what they wanted. Every parents want their parents to live happily. Not depressing themselves for some idiotic reason" Snape glanced at Larry.

"But how I am supposed to live with them gone? In grief? They should have taken me with them"

"Larry. Don't talk like that" Snape shouted in sympathy.

"Their memories will accompany us. The things they've left for us will keep us going"

"But I don't have any memories with them. I have never been happier. I don't have anyone"

"Hold on Larry. You are very small to say these things. You have Harry and you got friends. You'll have a happy life as Lily expected. Come it's time for dinner"

On the way back, Larry held Snape's cloak. Snape asked her to take it off.

"I'm just holding on Snape" Larry chuckled.

Larry saw a little smile in Snape's face for the first time but it was vanished ASAP.

"You know what. I came to see you in your office not for this reason. I wanted to ask you something. I knew you are not stone-hearted man. Someone damaged your kind-heart and made you like this. I wanted to know who's that" Larry asked.

"Just because I convinced you, don't cross your limits Larry" Snape's vice hardened.

They were not walking to the Great hall. Snape was walking towards his office. He pulled out an album from his cup board and flipped through it. Larry tried to peer it by standing on her toes. She saw Snape standing near a women but he flipped the pages very fast.

He handed her the moving photo of a family. The women was carrying one child and the other child with the man that looked alike Harry. It took her a minute to realize that was her family and widened her eyes.

"Keep it with you" Snape kept back his album.

"Let's go and have dinner" Larry mimicked him by talking in stern voice.

Larry was seeing the photo with happy tears. When they reached near the great hall, Snape stopped and turned.

"Don't tell anyone that I gave this to you"

"I won't Snape. I won't tell anything that happened today to anyone" Larry told him.

"Call me Severus. But not before everyone" he smirked and walked fast to the great hall.

Larry felt relieved after so many days. When she reached the common room, no one cared to talk with her.

"Hey grandms. Hey Ron. Hey Idiotic twiniee" Larry cheered.

"Is this dream or real?" Ron pinched himself.

"Let me prove it" Larry punched him and Ron groaned.

"Anyone wants proof?" Larry asked.

They were happy to see the old Larry back. Larry torn the parchment in which Harry finished his assignment.

"Back to form" Hermoine and Ron asked in unison.

"Such a cute couple" Larry pinched both Ron's and Hermoine's cheek with both hands.

"Whatever I am happy for you Larry" Harry hugged her but Larry pushed him away immediately.

"With the same happiness, you three divide my homework and do it for me" Larry smiled at them and left to change into her favorite green pajamas.

When she returned only her friends were there doing home works. Larry told them what caused her to depress. She didn't tell the incidents with Severus to them.

"You don't know that your parents were killed?" Ron and Hermoine shocked.

"You know that they were killed?"

"Come on Larry. Everyone in the school knows. Why do you think that you became famous. How you got that scar you thinking?" Hermoine asked.

"What everyone knows? I thought I got it from accident" Harry gasped.

"I thought we're famous 'cause our parents are famous"

"You really don't have brains, Potter twins" Ron teased them.

"Probably we're the last one knows the truth. Especially, I'm the worst. I'm the last person. Oh god, I knew that you were hiding something Larry" Harry pinched her.

"We need to find everything. If our lives at stake, we should save it. We should know more about our enemy"

"I'm in" Harry told and saw Ron and Hermoine.

"Okay we're in" Ron told.

"I'm in if it doesn't cross any school rules" Hermoine threw her bushy blonde hair back.

No one was able to sleep that night. Larry walked to Hermoine's bed.

"To know everything we should start where it all started" Larry told her.

"Where it was started?" Hermoine thought.

"Don't lie. You know the place" Larry raised her eyebrows.

"I swear. I forgot it. Let ask Ron, he may know as he lives in magical world. He would know the place name"

The girls climbed down the stairs planning how to call Ron and Harry. They were already sitting near the fireplace.

"What happened?" Hermoine asked Ron who is shivering.

"Ron dreamt of a hooded figure and he was afraid to go back to bed" Harry laughed.

They convinced Ron and asked him the name of the place.

"Godric's hollow"

"How can we go there?" Harry asked.

"I have the floo powder that my family uses to go to the places. We can use it" Ron grabbed Harry's arms to on the way to their dormitory.

"You should spell the words correctly or you may go somewhere else" Ron warned them.

Everyone used the powder at a time and told "Godric's hollow"


Snape being kind with Larry!!! Don't get shock. Read the next chapter, a great surprise is waiting. Let we meet in Godric's Hollow.