Chapter 14: A war is coming

Few days went by after the attack. Sirius Black was appointed as the new Professor for 'The Dark arts". Snape was not talking with Larry for what she did. Larry knew that his anger will vanish after sometime.

Professor Trelawney in her class told "A war is coming towards Hogwarts. A war is going to happen here. The one who calls himself as Lord will be back to Hogwarts which is his home once"

In fact, everyone knew that. They need to do something for that.

"If war is coming, we need to prepare for a fight. We need to gather an army" Larry told.

"This time you decided to fight with everyone instead of trying it alone. Give a try to fight alone in the war Larry" Hermoine glared at her.

"I won't apologize. According to me, what I did was the best way"

"What if I did the same Larry. What if I went to rescue my god father alone. How you would have reacted then?"

"Oh Harry, I would have congratulated" Larry pinched his cheeks.

"To tell the truth, we would have grieved for you" Ron agitated.

"Cool Ron" Larry made him sit again.

"If you try to do the same, I'll kill you myself" Ron groaned.

"So Ron, you joined with dark forces? You are a dark wizard. Oh my god, how didn't I notice this earlier" Hermoine teased him.

"Talking about Dark wizard, who is the one with Voldemort with the same hair as Draco has" Larry asked.

"He is Lucius Malfoy. I told you there is something bad with Malfoys. You never listened me" Hermoine twisted her lips.

"Draco didn't join Voldemort, his dad did. It doesn't have anything to do with him" Larry defended Draco.

"Of course, he'll join them eventually" Ron told.

"You still have crush on him after what he did to Neville?" Harry asked her.

"No. I don't-"

"You forgot what he did to Ron in Charms class one day? He threw crackers on our desk that made me to go hospital for a week" Ron groaned.

"Actually, both of the events are targeted for you Larry" Hermoine said in casual voice.

"Enough guys" she looked the crystal ball trying to figure out what's her future.

-At Great Hall- Dinner -

"I want your attention students. I guess you all know the rumors about what happened at Godric's Hollow a few days back. Yes, he was back. That's true. He'll come here to destroy our school. A war is coming and we need an army. Students can participate with their interests. Interested people can give names to Professor McGongall in her office, you'll be allocated with the respective professor and will have practices. Thank you and the feast begins" Dumbledore raised his hands and food appeared on everyone's plate.

-Castle Grounds-

Each and every student from the first year till the seventh year was practicing in the grounds. Larry was allocated under Snape. She was the head for the first year students under Snape. Harry was with his god father Sirius Black. Hermoine with Professor Flitwick and she is the head for first years in her team. Ron is with McGonagall.

"Expelliarmus" Larry won the duel with Draco.

"Now I have your wand, I'll hide it and you should find it" Larry ran inside the castle.

"You have five minutes Draccccoooo" Larry shouted.

Larry left to see other students in her team . She was correcting a girl with red hair from Hufflepuff when Draco was back.

"Try Crucio Spell Miss Hella Lockwood. I'll be back"

"Did you hid my wand or disposed it? I searched every corner of the castle and I couldn't find"

"Welliarms" Larry whispered and a wand came to Draco's hands.

"A spell which is opposite of Expelliarmus. A spell that gives back the wand to their owner" Larry said in Hermoine's bossy voice.

"What if two people were disarmed. Both the owners will get the wand?"

"No Mister Malfoy. The one who you wish to arm will have the wand. You just see the wizard to who you want to arm with the wand"

"Okay Miss Potter. Let me go now" Draco ran his fingers in his silver hair.

"Larry could you teach me any spell" Neville asked her.

As she saw Neville, she remembered the day she went to rescue Sirius. When she stole the floo powder from Ron's dormitory she saw Neville.

-In Gryffindor Boys' dormitory-

"Whatever you are up to, I'm sure it involves crossing the school rules" Neville blocked her way.

"I don't even know the rules in Hogwarts. Now I'm in hurry. Get out of my way" Larry pushed him.

But he didn't allow her.

"Petrificus Totalus" Larry murmured and Neville fell down as his body frozen.

"I'm sorry Mr.Longbottom. You'll recover soon. Thanks to Moine for teaching this" Larry jumped over his body and used the floo powder in her dormitory.

-Back in castle grounds-

"Sure Neville. You should learn the spell that releases you from curse spell"


"You should learn defensive spells Neville"


An army of students against Dark Lord's army!!! Hogwarts is going to destroy in the war!! Let's see what happens in upcoming chapters.

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