Chapter 15: A letter from Voldemort

"Is that true Albus? Voldemort sent a letter? What he is intended to do? Shall I see the letter?" McGonagall rushed into Dumbledore's office.

From Future Head Master of Hogwarts,

Bellatrix Lestrange

To Present Head Master of Hogwarts,

Albus Dumbledore

Our Lord Voldemort doesn't want to destroy the school where he lived once. He invites you to fight with him in Godric's hollow's graveyard where he can sacrifice your army to get his powers back.

We'll be expecting you and your army.

With lots of hate,

Bellatrix Lestrange, a dark powerful witch

Professor McGonagall rolled the parchment indulged in thoughts.

"Someone is a spy in Hogwarts" Minerva choked out.

"We'll find them, Minerva"

"If his followers are here in Hogwarts, we are training our enemy Albus. We are feeding for the snake"

"Don't worry Minerva. Everything is for good"

-Great hall-

"Whoever choose to side with Voldemort can leave Hogwarts now. You've rights to choose your side. But being here and spying for him. That is an insult. A snake wearing a lion's skin will never become a lion. It's a shame being here and supporting them" Dumbledore's voice was genuine however his words not.

Everyone looked around to see if someone is leaving. Larry saw Draco who smirked at her. No one moved from their seat. Even Professors stood still.

"So you are not ready to show you. We'll find you in our own way. I have an important news. The war is confirmed. The war will take place at Godric's Hollow's graveyard. As I told, this isn't compulsion whoever interested only can participate. Feast begins now"

"I'm sure Draco is the spy"Ron told.

"It is not him. He didn't leave"

"You'll soon know the truth Larry"

"Well everyone will know one day"

Larry saw Draco who was talking with his friends happily.

-Practice in Castle grounds-

Larry noticed that red haired girl doing excellent. She wondered how the girl can do it.

"What's your name girl?"

"Hella Lockwood" she told.

"I want you to come with me. I want you to meet someone"

Hella followed her.

They reached the Dumbledore's office. Larry made the girl to sit in front of a mirror.

"Showmero" Larry looked the mirror but the girl remained as same.

"I apologize to intrude you. You can leave now"

"Suspecting everyone at Hogwarts Larry?" Dumbledore emerged from the dark room.

"Can't control it Professor"

"Or proving your friends that the spy is not the person they really think?"

"Both" Larry grinned.

"Good Larry" Dumbledore smiled.

"Can I read that letter Professor"

"Sure Larry"

"See you after sometime Professor"

"Larry, you don't need to do this. You don't need to drag them here to see the true. Ever heard of the spell "Idento"?" Dumbledore smiled.

"Thank you Professor"

-Gryffindor Common Room-

"Did you read the letter Harry? The letter from Voldemort"

"No Larry"

"Why he chose Godric's Hollow's graveyard?"

"Your parents buried there?"

"Maybe. But he mentioned that he'll make sacrifice in that place"

"So that place is kind of energy for him?" Hermoine suggested.

"Exactly. That is what I was thinking grandms"

"Planned something?" Harry asked.

"They would have planned something. Let implement it" Ron shrugged at Harry.

They reached the Godric's Hollow's graveyard. They searched if they can find anything. After searched for some time, the group was tired.

They sat near a tombstone.

"You had two parents?"

"What?" twins asked in unison.

"I saw the same tombstone there. 'Lily and James Potter -The greatest witch and wizard, father and mother, good friend, At peace" Ron told them.

"You are a legend Ron" Harry hugged Ron.

They started to dig it and found a coffin box.

"Nagini is sleeping. Don't disturb her" written in the box.

"I knew her. She is a snake. A pet of Voldemort. They have a story together. Nagini's boy friend was killed by a group of people who were friend of Professor Dumbledore. So she joined the Dark Lord to avenge them. They developed a relation and being together" Hermoine finished.

"Is she- Is it alive?" Ron asked.

"What's written in it? She is sleeping, not dead" Hermoine told.

"Who's in there?" Harry disgusted.

"Probably her lover. Let see" Larry grabbed the shovel and digged.

They saw the coffin box.

"Credence in peace. He'll return alive"

"So these two are the Voldemort's energy for him" Hermoine said.

"Positively" Larry replied.

"Let move this to somewhere else" Harry suggested.

"To Hogwarts?" Ron gasped.

"No Ron. We can't carry it to far" Hermoine said.

"We can hide it in our house. No one will know. We survived there. Sirius survived there. My parents lived there. So it would be safe there"

"I agree" Harry and murmured something to the boxes. The coffin boxes floated in air and followed Harry and Ron.

"You arrange the place as it looked earlier" Ron chuckled and left.

"Is there any spells for this grandms?"

"I should think meanwhile you get back to work Ary"


"What's wrong with it. You're calling me with lot of names"

"Because your name is lengthy, Moine. My name is already short"

"Ary is good. Not so bad compared to what you call me"

"Idea!!!" Hermoine shouted after sometime.

"You remembered any spells?"

"Nope. I will call you as grandch. How's that? Cool? You call me grandms, I'll call you granch. Short form of grandchild" Hermoine raised her eyebrows in joy.

"Not helping grandms. My hands are paining"

"Here I come to help, my granch" Hermoine pointed her wand and did the spell.

Everything gets back as it was earlier. They walked to Potter's house to find Harry and Ron.

"How about granda, grandms? Short form of grand daughter. You can call Harry as Grands. Wondeful idea right?"

"Harry is my adapted brother not my grands"

"It changes everything. Adapt him as your grandson. And what about granps Ron?" Larry laughed.

"Shut up Larry. Did you tell them that? The thing I did for Ron at charms class"

"Trust me. They'll never know" they high-fived each other.

After burying, coffins in Potter's garden. They reached Hogwarts.

"Victory is ours" they cheered up before leaving for sleep.