Just Another Hearsay

"Ye Su, Ye Si, I have a goal and a lifetime wish I have to fulfil no matter what. I can't tell anyone the reason behind my goal and wish, but I hope at least the two of you will be always on my side no matter what I might do in the future. If somehow, your loyalty and faith in having me as your master have changed in the past thirteen years, you could resign at this moment. Because after today, there will be no going back for me" Velove stood straight before the window looking at the distance with her back on them.

Ye Si and Ye Su were brought back by her silvery and gentle voice. This little master of them, can't she see that their whole person is her's and will always be so in the future. All this time they sincerely followed her not because it was their duty, but because they wholeheartedly pledge and swore to serve only her in their lifetime.

Sensing the sombre mood coming from behind, Velove could only sigh, "Please you two, do not misunderstand. I'm not saying I don't trust you, in fact, in this world the two of you are one of the few people I could trust my life with. I just want to give you choices. One last chance to break away from me if you desire to do so."

Although she gave them choices to go or not to go, she can't help but be greedy and selfish in keeping these two. By the looks of Ye Si and Ye Su, they won't leave her side nor will they betrayed her. But because she cares for them, she would give them their freedom if they wanted to.

"My lord, the moment we leave your side, is the moment we die. Our heart beats only for one master." Ye Si and Ye Su knelt with their heads deeply bowed, even if their master discarded and let them go, they will still protect her although from the shadow.

Their firm declaration and heartfelt dedication towards her made her eyes teary. And at that moment, she felt like she could concur any storm in front of her. With Ye Si and Ye Su, she felt she was untouchable.

"I see, then, this topic stops here. You two should go back to your designated places. Leave the rest to me." There was no need for thank you between the three of them. Ye Si and Ye Su stood up before they bowed towards their master, and in a split second, a current of warmth enveloped their soul. It was very comfortable and familiar at the same time. A long time ago, their little master has given them the same thing, but to this day, they still never knew what it's used for. They do not dare to ask, for if she wanted them to know, she would have already told them.

After the two had gone, the room became deadly silence again, but not for the mysterious Velove Vladimir. She took a seat, crossed her beautiful and long legs then closed her eyes. This majestic figure of her that looked as if she was sleeping was very defenceless, but if there were to be a person in the same room as her, they would have fainted from fear right now. Her entire aura was filled with blood lust.


In another room, a foreign man in his forties was also choosing to wait in peace until the event started rather than mingled with capital people. He was a handsome middle age man with blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was sitting on the sofa while reading today's newspapers, from time to time he took a glass of coffee on the table and sipped it. His attention was fully on the newspaper that he didn't realize an out-of-the-world beauty was watching and sitting elegantly opposite him.

"This capital's country is one of the most peaceful cities on earth, you won't get anything from it other than some cheap high society gossips and the rising and falling of market price." A crystal clear silvery voice that could hook people souls rang, crushing the serenity of the room.

The moment he heard there was another person in the room with him, the man was internally shocked and surprised, but his noble upbringing helped him not to overly show them. He took ten seconds to compose himself before he looked up from the newspaper to the person sitting before him.

As soon as his eyes landed on her, his entire body and soul were electrocuted by her majestic presence. Her extraterrestrial androgynous beauty and manners, the sharp and lazy gaze of her captivating trademark amethyst eyes, furthermore easily giving up her extraordinary identity. Her Highness- Velove of Vladimir.

As a long time member of the Council, he has been given the knowledge of their sovereign- an existence that far exceeded the human. They had been hidden from society for hundreds of years, so they still remain a mystery. But much to his surprise, one of them was sitting in front of him now and he was completely bewitched by her, unaware of the danger of his blatant stare would bring him.

"What an impertinence man. As one of the senior members of the council, I thought you had been warned about my kin, or do you think it was just another hearsay?" Velove eyebrows raised lazily.

Her words slapped him awake from his trance, realizing his action was very disrespectful, he walked and kneeling with one knee to saluted the royal in front of him. He should have kneeled and bowed to her the moment he sees her. It was very foolish of him to forget the good old warning of one of the Vladimir taboos- make direct eye contact with them. If the stories he had been told were turned out to be true, he was doomed. Because if all of them were true, she must have known all of his- Roy Raymond, deepest secrets and twisted desire.