Pitiful Lord

"My lord, this subject deserves to die"

Velove didn't say anything for quite a while, she was just sitting there quietly making Roy Raymond's back full of cold sweats. The air around them was very tense, Roy Raymond didn't know what he was supposed to say or do in this kind of situation. As a noble, he used to deal with all kinds of people, but this girl in front of him was not just any people. He must treat her with full respect that she deserves as a royal.

"Deserves to die? Is that so? Why though?" She eyed him mysteriously.

"Because I-"

"Because you looked me in the eye? Because you forgot to salute me? Or, is it perhaps because of your desire for me?"

Roy Raymond's heart dropped to his stomach when she says the last sentence. He did not dare to make a sound to refute her questions because all of them were true.

Getting bored of him, she walked to him and stopped a step away from the still bowing man.

"Stand up, I didn't come here to merely chatting nor playing with you, mister Roy."

He got no choice but to do as she says, but he still did not dare to lift up his head.

"I want to ask you something, have you ever heard of the Abeo project, mister Roy?" Her silvery voice was very gentle to the ears, but not so much to the man who already one step away from collapsing.

Roy Raymond knew exactly what Abeo project was. That project was one of the abomination project that was ever known to mankind, and as much as he hated it, he had a hand in it. But how can the young royalty in front of him know about it? What was her aim by asking him? His heart beats was racing fast while he thought of the possible answers. He can't let anyone know he had a part in that cursed tragedy, everyone involved in it has swore to buried them and never to mentioned it again.

Seeing there were no response from the man, she decided not to waste anymore time.

Roy Raymond wanted to find help and run but only then he realized his body was frozen still, he can't moved. Velove stretched out her hand towards his face and touched his cheek gently, she locked his gaze with her's and no sounds was heard for sometimes.

Roy Raymond can't do anything in this situation, even though he was a man, he was nothing before the presence of the most powerful Vladimir. He could feel something invades his soul and thoughts, searching and probing his whole being. His breath was irregularly getting faster and faster, his handsome noble face was red.

Roy Raymond was perfectly understand the state he was in, but he can't help getting turned on while she striped his thoughts and mind completely bare as if she stripped his body naked. As a noble gentleman he was never a lustful person, he rarely played with women unless if it was only for the purposed of satisfying his manly need. But right at this moment, he want nothing more but to be owned by the this enchanting person who was reading his mind and soul.

After sometimes, Velove breaks her eye contact with the red face man. She stroked his cheek while saying, "You are indeed a decent noble, mister Roy. Your life records were clean if not for your hand in the Abeo project. I thought by reading your mind I could find the head and brains behind that tragedy, too bad you are only an insignificant nail so you know so little. But well, at least I got a few more names, this is a start, so be happy you are not completely useless."

Roy Raymond opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by her finger on his lips.

"Shhh, I know what you were trying to say, I could read your minds remember? I could completely understand you were working under orders from your superiors, there was nothing wrong with that. Therefore, as your sovereign, I have a new order for you."

His blood was boiling with excitement and hope, his eyes that gazed at her were full with glowing obsession as she traced her fingers from his lips down to his neck and stopped before his chest.

"As I was saying before, mister Roy, this capital is one of the most peaceful cities on Earth. Other than some cheap gossips here and there, there was nothing exciting here. We, nobles, with too much times on our hands likes to play, so why don't we make this peaceful cities wake up and make it our playground? We will start it with you, of course. What do you say, hmm?" Her softly spoken words tickled his heart, unaware of the meanings behind them.

Looking deep onto her bright amethyst phoenix eyes, he was completely bewitched by her. He could barely say anything, "As you wish, my lord" His voice was hoarse and deep from holding on to his lustful desire.

Velove smiled after hearing his answer, "Excellent.." She tried to close their distance as if she was about to kissed him, but the next moment Roy Raymond felt a hand was holding his heart. He looked down and see her right hand was went through his chest. It was very clean and there was no a drop of blood spilled. His eyes widen in shocked, he choked while trying to asked her, "My lord?"

"Ah, I'm sorry mister Roy. I quite liked you, it was quite rare to meet a noble like you but to me, you are necessary in this game. Hate and despise me all you want, but I won't regret this" she whispered to him softly.

His confused eyes then slowly showing some clarity, he now understood what she was trying to do.

"I see, I think I understand what you want to do. You could do whatever you want, this old one can't hate you. I am honoured if I can be of any help to you. But please do not show such a sad expression, my pitiful lord." He used his remaining strength to hold her left hands and kissed it before his his heart stopped and his eyes gradually dimmed.