Ashamed for You

The moment Velove felt his heart stopped inside her grip, she released it and took her hand out from his chest. She took him to the couch and lay him down. The handsome man looked like he was in deep slumber, sleeping peacefully with a slight smile in the corner of his lips. By his appearance, no one would think that he was just murdered, his body and clothes were very clean, no blood could be seen. That was to be expected though, Velove made sure to kill him fast and painless.

Looking down at the dead man on the couch, she stretched out her hand to brushed off his golden blonde hair that gets in the way in front of his lips.

"Don't tell me not to be sad when all I feel is grief, Mister Ray. I grieved for you, I grieved for your naivete, I grieved for your past, I grieved for the future you won't have, and I grieved for my people. We are very pitiful, aren't we, Mister Ray? That is why I had to do this, I promise you to bring back the peace we once had. I wish for your eternal peace in your next life. Have a sweet dream, Roy Raymond, and thank you" Velove kissed his cheek before she vanished into thin air.


In the huge convention room, there was a teenage girl surrounded by her peers. She was sitting with her friends while listening to her friend's questions about the hidden treasure of general Shen- her half-sister.

Like any other person In the capital city, she came here to gain some knowledge in business but more than that, her curiosity to see the half-sister she never knew, won over. She wanted- no, she had to see her, she had to see the girl who had been the subject of her envy and hate, the girl who stole the attention, love and affection from her maternal grandfather.

Lin Meixi was the legitimate daughter of the Lin family. Like any other daughter from the high society in the capital city, she was beautiful, smart, and famous. She was also nominated as one of the great seven beauties in the capital. She was pampered, spoiled, and well loved by everyone but one, the legendary general Shen- her maternal grandfather. For the seventeen years she knows him, he had always been indifferent towards her, he never showed the affection she felt she deserved as his granddaughter. Sure, he doesn't treat her badly, but he never treated her with care either. The only one that gets it, was the first-born daughter of her mother. That's why the moment Lin Meixi heard her half-sister was coming, she gets very excited- but not with a good intention.

"Meixi, can you tell us a little bit about the hidden treasure of general Shen? After all, she is your elder sister, so you must know something about her right?" Su Yaya, one of Lin Meixi finally got the chance to ask her.

"Yes Meixi, please tell us about her. We are all very curious, have you ever seen her before? What was she like?"

"I once heard that the hidden treasure of general Shen is a commoner, is that true?"

"Well, no one in our family has ever seen her before, even my mother never mentioned her. But I once overheard my mother told my father that she lived in a faraway place to hide from people. Other than that, I know nothing. No one in my family even knows her name." Lin Meixi arrogant voice was unconcealable as she answered the girls' questions, this is a good chance to blackened her half-sister reputation.

"Ah, that's right. I heard from someone that she was born with a defect or something, I guess that's why she was hidden."

"Now that you said it Yaya, I also heard about that too. So it turns out she was a defect and a commoner, now it all makes sense.."

"If she is a defect, she must be ugly and stupid, ckck."

"Oh you poor thing, to have a defect half-sister. I guess not everyone can be born as perfect as you, Meixi."

One after another, the other girls that used to follow her like a lost chick, used this opportunity to get close to the Lin Meixi, they wanted to boost their hierarchy in the capital by being in the good side of Lin family. By hearing the disdain in Lin Meixi tone while talking about her half-sister, everyone could guess that she hated this half-sister of hers. After all, everyone in the capital knows that general Shen only acknowledge one girl as his granddaughter, who else if it's not the famous hidden treasure of his.

Lin Meixi, of course, love the attention from those girls. Even though she never said a word to dissed this mysterious half-sister of hers, but it was heavily implied in her words and tone and she did nothing to clear her half-sister reputation, in fact, she encourages them silently.

The adults and clear-headed people who heard those girls could only shake their heads from their stupid boldness. To be lead on by Lin Meixi who was obviously blinded by jealousy towards her half-sister, was stupid, and badmouthing the hidden treasure of the general was bold. Those adults knew all these but no one wanted to reprimand these young ones as they want nothing to do with them. But not all people are the same.

Standing not too far from those crowd of girls, are several young teenagers who had been listening to their conversation from the start. Jun Rin, as the only girl in the circle, felt absolutely nausea when she hears those crowd of mindless young ladies of the capital.

"Are you girls forgot to bring your brain today? If the hidden treasure of general Shen is stupid, then all of you must be brainless. What kind of stupid person gets an invitation from the government to give a speech in a big event such as this? Where did you donate your brains to? Please get it back, our society feels ashamed for you."