Lost the Ability to Think

"Bitch, what do you mean by that? Are you saying we are stupid? Do you know who I am?!" Su Yaya was angry at the words insinuated by the girl.

"See? You can't even understand such simple sentences, you might as well donate your face just in case you can't afford the shame, ckck" Jun Rin shakes her head with pity while looking at Su Yaya.

"Rin, enough. Don't trouble yourself with them." Jun Ren warned his twin sister. Those girls were infamous in the capital for their shrewdness despite members of high society. He doesn't want his sister to have any connection with them.

Jun Rin shrugged her shoulders and decided to listen to Jun Ren after giving one last glance at the girls.

Su Yaya and the other girls were livid at the twins, but after having been warned by Lin Meixi that those two came from the Jun Family, they finally shut up and decided not to pursue the matters anymore, because, from all the influential family in the capital, the Jun family ranked number one as the family that can't be offended.

Just as when the peace of in the hall came back, the moderator announced that the event will begin, and all the participants took their designated seats.

Jun Ren and Jun Rin were walking to their seats when Jun Rin felt like someone pushed her from behind. Jun Rin was so shocked she can't find her balance and she panicked when thinking about the humiliation she was about to face if she falls and kissed the floor, Jun Ren tried to reach his twin sister, but some girls somehow managed to block his way so he failed. Just as when Jun Rin felt so hopeless and she closed her eyes to prepare herself for the oncoming pain, she felt someone's hand holding her waist and the next thing she knew was that she was in someone's embrace.

Jun Rin was so relieved and grateful to the person who just had saved her and was about to thank the person, but when she looked up- she lost the ability to think.


Velove opened her enchanting phoenix eyes just in time when Fang Moyu knocked and came into the room after he got permission from her. Velove was still in the same position just as when he left her. Heavenly beauty but sinful, perfect manners, powerful aura, not a person in this world can beat her bearing and looks. If not because of his daily interactions with his devilishly dark handsome boss, he might be lost inside his own head and fantasy by now.

Velove let out a soft chuckle when she saw the man that was sent to assist her by Jun Kaien trying hard to not lose his focus on his duties in front of her. She appreciates Jun Kaien considerate acts towards her, and she was also very thankful that Jun Kaien generous enough to lend her his important personal assistant. This Fang Moyu was very capable, intelligent, trustworthy, and above all- loyal towards his boss. Velove had nothing but good impression on this man.

After having been informed that the event was about to start, Velove and Fang Moyu were heading towards the convention hall. She finally made it in the hall, but because she requested to just appeared in a low-key manner, her arrival was not announced.

Velove stopped on her tracked when she heard a crowd of young lady trying to badmouth her, she listens in everything that they had said about her, but instead of angry, she was bemused. She was listening on attentively when suddenly, a crisp clear gentle voice tried to defend her. She brought her gaze to the source of the voice and saw a beautiful delicate young lady wearing a green floral dress with long black hair was having a glaring contest with the crowd of girls that just bad mouthing her. Velove turned her gaze to the man beside the young lady that has a striking resemblance to her, 'Ah, they must be identical twins, how cute'

The moderator voice, announcing the start of the event, brought her back from her thoughts when she saw a girl pushed the female twin and two other girls blocked the male twin's way that was trying to help his sister. Without much thought, Velove walked very fast but still looked very graceful to reached and helped the pitiful lady. She pulled the lady to her embrace. The lady in her arms was staring at her blankly, so Velove gently let her go and gave the absent-minded lady an unopened bottle of mineral water before said, "Please be careful next time".

And just like that, she walked towards her designated seat and ignored the many gazes of infatuation, awe, curiosity and envy from every person in the room.