
Every one stood up at the drum beat, the king entered along with his servants and home minister, he sat on the bejeweled chair and nodded his head, all others present then sat on their allotted chair according to their designation.

He then held up his cup of wine for everyone's good health, every one did the same wishing good health of the king. The prime minister sat right beside the king said, "Long live the king".." long live the king and his kingdom ", echoed every one. " I have few a announcements to make before everyone, we have gathered here celebrating the safe return of my only daughter and son, on this happy day I would like to engage my daughter princess Ragini with the son of my well wisher and friend prince of Ujjain Shashank... and I would like to bestow honor to Hassan and appoint him as the royal bodyguard of princess Ragini as he dutifully saved the apple of my eye, come forward Hassan, accept my humble gift"

Hassan came forward with a heavy heart towards the king as she never expected this would happen, she is a young woman disguised as a man and she thought she would run far from the palace and the royal matters... What if she gets caught for cheating ? No girl is allowed to study and learn martial arts in this Kingdom except the daughters of royals and elites, and that too in rare cases if the daughter showed interest in studying, poor girls like her is meant to do farming and work as a maid.

The king bestowed him with five hundred bars of gold and a shawl of honor.The king then hugged his friend-the Ujjain king and summoned the start of the garden party with the huge clap from everyone . Ragini was shocked, she never expected this, how could her father be so rude to her and fixed her engagement with some prince without her permission and consent ?? She must talk to her father about this although she thought he didn't mention any marriage date otherwise she would have protested now. " Princess, Prince Shashank will arrive tomorrow especially to meet you, aren't you shy.. hmmm?", teased her maid.

Hasini heared this and knew it will not be easy to be Princess bodyguard along with the presence of Shashank. She knew how Shashank men tried to kill her and her friends. At what a mess she have fallen too, she was then in deep thought and when suddenly the announcement of arrival of the king, queen and prince of Panchal took place, "Here comes one of our special guests, the royal family of Panchal", shouted the announcer followed by drum beats.. " Welcome welcome my old friend", said the King joyfully and hugged the Panchal king, followed by Prince Arjun(who was one of Hassan's bestie in his school).Now Prince Arjun was shocked to see Hassan standing with shawl of honor behind the king and ministers. He looked at Hassan inquisitively, 'wow Hassan had already become one of the respected members of the kingdom and is in the palace, i must congratulate him', thought Arjun and went to hug Hassan. But Hassan showed dejectful eyes and then Arjun stopped moving towards Hassan with open arms and instead hugged the Home minister standing right behind the king. Although some were confused by such act of Prince Arjun but Master Bheem also standing there understood what Arjunwas going to do and he smiled to himself.

"Now everyone let's proper start the party, enjoy yourself and be our humble guests", announced Ragini. Every one applauded,and many princesses came to her to congratulate her engagement. Ragini said, "It's a complete surprise for me you know, i had no clue about this"; "Don't play innocent dear I am sure you knew this beforehand, and you must exchanged letters before, you are quite lucky to be the queen of Ujjain as prince Shashank is the only prince of Ujjain, congratulations on your engagement ", frowned princess Anjali the younger sister of Arjun and the princess of Panchal.. "I don't know him.." screamed Ragini but already Princess Anjali left the place. Actually Ujjain was a powerful and prosperous Kingdom in that time, very prosperous because it had the golconda gold mines and a strong military base, Prince Ujjain was the only prince, his wife would be the queen of such prosperous and powerful kingdom caused a natural envy among other royal ladies.