Friendly Bodyguard

"My daughter Ragini as my wife and son will arrive tomorrow please on this engagement accept my humble gift as your father", saying so the Ujjain king handed Ragini a opened jeweled studded box, in it was two shiny golden bracelets fully studded with emeralds, diamonds, Sapphire in a peacock design, the stones glittered under the sunlight.... "Wow awesome unique gift for a engaged daughter in law" "truly unique bracelet" "I must ask my husband to make me a bracelet like that" came murmurs around Ragini.. In that situation she had nothing to do but to accept the gift although in her heart she felt to throw away these types of gifts "Thanks your majesty", replied Ragini and gracefully took the gift.

Meanwhile Hassan and prince Arjun was having a serious conversation, and Hassan told him his story about how things happened between him and princesses Ragini in the vacation and he ended up being the Bodyguard of princess Ragini, and Shashank her would be husband. "Shashank might try to harass you in front of the princess, you must be careful Hassan", said the prince. "I know, I will try to avoid Shashank and the princess and find a way to escape the duty", said Hassan softly. "What did you say just now?you will avoid me and try to escape the duty you are given nerd! Forget that you have to stay with me starting from dawn till me going to bed you nerd! Forgive me Prince Arjun for speaking so rudely to my bodyguard", frowned Ragini who was standing just behind Hassan while none of them noticed her.

" No he was not saying that princess Ragini, he said how he escaped his fretful life as a farmer and wine maker", said Arjun "Ok then please excuse us Prince I have to take my bodyguard", said Ragini "Sure" "Follow me Hassan" Now Hassan was already furious of how this lady spoke to her and ordered to be around her as a mere body guard, but she cannot start a fight with a princess but to tolerate her and protect her. "please take the delicious food and drinks of your choices on your plate and sit down with me on this table to eat", kindly ordered Ragini. Hassan knew it was a serious order of the princess but there was some politeness in her voice, Hassan quietly took her plate and stood near the food trays undecisive of what to eat, "Let me help you bodyguard , as you are new to the palace you are not familiar with the royal food and food habits, take this chicken korma it's an Arabic dish, look this vegetable kashmiri polau it's delicious, this salad it's Irani dish...." Ragini kept insisting Hassan to taste dishes and soon Hassan plate was flooded with various food items.

"W w wait my plate is overflowing", screamed Hassan "ok you may take the seat with me", said Ragini "What will you eat princess", asked Hassan gently " nothing much, rice and fish curry for lunch and Irani wine in evening " answered Ragini smilingly... "Ooookkk let's stuff our stomach then".. Both of them then started eating together, " let me have the pulaou, let me have the gulabjamuns, give me this, give me that", saying so Ragini took one food item then another food item from Hassan's plate. "Princess you are taking food from a mere bodyguard's plate, it doesn't look good" , said Hassan seriously "No problem no one is watching us, everyone is enjoying the meal look around mhm", explained Ragini while busy tearing the meats flesh. Hasini was looking at Ragini for a long time, she didn't expect a princess could be so like a normal lady, however the sight of Ragini tearing meat with such a cute funny face made her burst into laughter, she could no longer control it..... "Ha ha ha ha hhhhaaaa", the garden bursted into her laughter