Bosom Friend

"Actually I know him dear,he is my bosom friend,we go to the same school isn't it Hassan ?", explained Shashank and put his arms around Hassan's shoulder . What the hell! When did she become his friend, may be Shashank has some nasty plans now,so he is trying to show Ragini they are friends but she must be careful of him; an enemy is much dangerous when pretending as a friend. " Yes princess we are in fact best friends" said Hasini regretfully,it's her bad fate that brought her into this palace and is making things more complicated for her.

The two followers of Prince smirked as they know Shashank is going to make things hard for Hassan. "So Hassan is my personal bodyguard now ,as our honorable Princess is going to be engaged with me tomorrow" said Shashank proudly. "Not yet not now,we are not engaged still" ,said Ragini with a curved smile ,'and you are never going to be engaged with me' thought Ragini. "Look look they are chatting sister ,how sweet are our children pairing, don't forget your mother now as soon as you get a beautiful smart wife " ,said Queen Sushmita(Shashank's mom) and walked toward them along with Queen Maya and their group of other queens and maids.

"Look so nice their pairs are"

" The prince is trying his best to win his wife's heart before engagement only "

" Princess Ragini is blushing "

"Prince Shashank too"

"The bodyguard is handsome too,wish I could marry him". " Yes yes I wish I could have a handsome personal bodyguard like that ,you know the king always busy with that concubine"

"Get him,he is very brave and will protect you well"

"Forget it,the king and Queen of Irawati won't give him to you ,he is kept for protection of this palace and moreover he is like your son"

" So what? My king is like my father " and giggles came all over

Amongst that when all the three of them are already embarrassed with red faces, Queen Maya Ordered "OK stop gossiping every one,Ragini Hassan go to your rooms and rest ,Hassan and his friends please follow the maids ,they will show you your rooms,there will be party at night, dancers,singers will be showing programmes,dishes from all over Aryavrat will be served,Queen Shusmita please follow me"

Ragini and Hassan were going together towards their rooms but suddenly they noticed Hassan and ,his followers are following them with the maids. Ragini stopped and said "Where are you taking them? Their rooms are in the opposite directions".The maid bowed and said " Yes princess,but the prince requested to stay close to you so we are opening rooms near you" .What?? Is this prince kidding, we are not engaged yet and still he is becoming so protective?? Shashank had other intentions, he wanted to mess up with Hassan ,he actually had least interest on Ragini. Hassan understood that but she had nothing to say,she can only spend the night with Arjun to escape the bullies

"OK you can", said Ragini and walked away with Hassan. " It will be awesome maid if all my besties stay near by,give us rooms side to that of my friend Hassan",said Shashank " but master but those rooms are small and not for the royals ". " OK don't worry maid, I won't complain,I am used to living like commoner " ,said Shashank " OK follow us"

Shashank's two followers were surprised by his acts,he gave up the room for the princes and chose the room for guards during his visit in Irawati, Shashank is always fond of lavish lifestyle and it's very normal for a prince, but when in case of Hassan he acts very stupid ,in martial arts college too he gets punishment for this Hassan,why does he not just leave this filthy man to himself? But still they both are alive by the kindness and respect given by Prince Shashank,they have to support to death whatever this Prince does.