Get a handsome man along with a wife

"Ouch ,stand up,my hand hurts..", saying so Arjun dropped Anjali. Anjali knew this was coming and quickly took her balance and stood up, " Brother Brother please, I will give you anything you ask for it,I will make anything happen to you, I didn't even tried a chance against Prince Shashank ,his engagement, marriage is happening to early ,please do something brother,please help your sister " said Anjali with tearing eyes. Arjun heart ached seeing his little princess sister in tears,his royal family always had pampered Anjali since she was born,being a princess, his only sister and the king's only daughter they have given her whatever she wanted.Be it the dolls,beautiful ornaments,dress,pearls,whatever she wanted.

The last time she shedded tears for Lankan pearls, he sailed for days on sea to visit Lanka and get her pearls from there,he even went to the mountainous Himalayan town to get Bhutani silk for her ,why does his sister makes him so helpless??He even realized something new,all women makes him helpless,no not all women to be precise women whom he cares for or l..l ..l..loves???!!!What the hell!!He loves Ragini??? It's true whenever he saw Ragini he became too anxious, too interested in her,when she asked to help her ,he couldn't refuse,at the back of his mind.. somewhere he craved for Ragini just like Anjali is doing . 'I am a Prince too,why don't I stand any chance for princess Ragini' ,Arjun suddenly felt a jerk "Brother what are you thinking; where are you lost?", asked Anjali shaking Arjun's wrist.

" OK I will try to break this engagement so that you could get a chance in impressing Shashank ;but you have to keep your promise,you will give me what I want and do what it needs to fulfill my wish and also help me to break this engagement,OK? " said Arjun .. "I will keep my promise and give you whatever I can to fulfill your demand but please help me". " OK done, trust your brother and don't do crazy things and show like you have fallen in love with someone else's future husband else I will be in trouble, behave like other princesses here are behaving ",said Arjun confidently with a smile . " OK just let me know if you need any help", said Anjali.



Meanwhile on entering the palace , Prince Shashank stared at Hassan continuously and constantly without a blink,seeing that Ragini said, " This is my personal bodyguard Darling, he saved my life few days back so he's chosen to be my bodyguard,are you jealous dear? " Shashank was startled by sudden comment by his future wife,he didn't expect that Ragini will be observing him, he actually always wanted to keep such talented brilliant handsome young boy Hassan to be on his side , he even could make him his future prime minister or even be his own body guard, but this stubborn boy Hassan won't pay any attention to him, he never met such stubborn man before,so he has to show off his power and prosperity, but wow look at that ,Hassan is now his future wife's personal bodyguard, after marriage with him,he will not only get a beautiful wify and dowry but also his long waited man Hassan on his side...