Award Ceremony and Robbery at Home

Nikita had said that she was with them now and wanted to know what they wanted her to do.

At present, there was nothing to be done but go with the flow. What she had heard was amazying. In the Western countries no one believed in rebirth. But the facts narrated by Tania and her paternal grandparents had some basis. She had felt many times that her son was an evil reincarcated. He seemed to be a complete copy of her father-in-law.

Her husband, Fedor, had felt that the same mean mentality of his father had been inherited by their son and the intensity was more as compared to his father. Igor was not only mean but wished to aggrandise the asserts of others by fair or foul means.

He treated others like dirt. On top of that, he believed that money could buy anything. This included resorting to murder to get what what he desired. She knew, within her heart that her father-in-law was responsible for the fire that had caused the death of the neighbours and the little girl Anastasia. She had now got to know that her son had caused the death of her daughter and her son-in-law and making Tania an orphan. The shock of her daughter and her son-in-law was there now she had to live with the fact that it was not an accident that had killed them but it was all her son's doing that too a brother killing his sister and her spouse.

It was up to her to fix things. She would ensure the protection of Tania, her grand daughter, from her son, in whatever manner she could. If the worst came to the worst, she would not hesitate to do what a mother did in an Indian movie, 'Mother India'. She had seen that movie and realised that a mother could do anything to protect others.

A few days earlier they had discussed about the award giving ceremony in connection with the acceptance of Tania's thesis by the University management. Tania was due to receive a citation at the ceremony in the college. Her colleagues were also to be honored in a similar fashion.

Tania wanted her grandparents from both sides to attend the function. After the function ended they would embark on their journey to India. The function was a few days away. How time flies. It felt like yesterday that her grandparents from both sides had come to her house and made it a home for her. This was leaving aside the hiccups made by Igor, her uncle.

Her paternal grandparents as well as her maternal grandmother, had agreed to attending the coming convocation which was slated two week away. Tania would be receiving her degree as well as the citation for completing her project in a record time. They would all be attending this prideful moment in her life. After all, her parents were no longer alive to attend such a proud moment, but her Dada ji, Dadi ji and Nani ji would all be going to support her.

The invitation cards had been received. It was a big day for Tania, when the convocation day arrived.

The family members went to attend the ceremony in two cars, one of Tania's and the other a hired vehicle. There was a big rush at the university. They managed to park their cars and entered the auditorium. Parents of all the students who were to receive their degrees were there. All were wearing their precious gowns.

The auditorium was full and a huge round of applause went around when the Master of ceremonies took the dias. After a short speach about the University and encouraging worrds to the students and their parents, the names of the receipents were announced, one by one along with a short introduction of each receipent.

Soon the name of Tania Gagarin Sharma was announced. The master of ceremonies made a huge speach about her research work. The speach was obviously longer than that of others as her introduction contained some features of her research work which had been considered extraordinary work . The audience figured out that her research work was of outstanding importance. As soon as the speach finished, there was a standing ovation as Tania went towards the dias, to receive her degree and the citation.

Within two hours the entire work, of handing out the degrees, awards, citations, certificates etc ,concluded. After the ceremony, there were snacks with tea and coffee which were served in the lawns adjacent to the auditorium. The professors interacted with the students and their parents while having their warm drink and snacks.

Many teachers had praises for her and came to talk to her grandparents. They also paid their condolence to her grandparents on the loss of their children.

After the snacks and tea, goodbyes were said and the family piled up in Tania's car and a few took the taxi and headed home. When they got home and came out of the cars, the found the main door of the house ajar. It seemed as if someone was inside or had entered and left in a hurry. It could not be Igor as he had come to the function. What was going on? Tania and her grandparents were worried as to who had broken into the house and what wasthe motive? Robbery or something else? If it was robbers then insurance was there against burgulars. Igor sending people to ransack the house while they were out, could not be ruled out.

As Tania and her Nani ji and Dadi ji made to enter through the door by pushing it, Dada ji stopped them, saying that the police needed to be called first. The robbers could be still inside the premises and they could be carrying weapons.

The ladies realised that what Dada ji was saying was possible. The police should be called and let them enter the premises to clear it, pick up fingerprints etc. Thereafter they would enter their home and take stock of their belongings in order to see what was missing.

Dada ji called the police and then asked Tania to take over the telephonic conversation as she could explain better. After all he was not so fluent in the Russian language. He just knew a few words to get by.