Who Staged the Burglary?

The ladies had wanted to enter the house, but were stopped by Dada ji.

The door was ajar and who-so-ever had broken in could probably be still inside and may get surprised by you ladies entering."

"They may resort to shooting, so we need to be careful and call the police first. Let them handle this matter."

"If the robbers are inside, they can be caught and if they have already left, then there must be finger prints that the police could lift."

"At the same time, the police will need to make the house secure. After all, we have no idea what they came for"

The ladies understood and stepped back into the car. They had figured out that it was not Igor as he was with them and had attended the university function.

Their thoughts were centered around what could be the motive? Was it robbery or something else?

It could not be ruled out that Igor could have sent people to ransack the house while they were out, maybe they came to look for something.

If it was just robbers, then the house was insuranced against theft .

Dada ji was speaking to the police on the mobile phone and called Tania to take over the telephonic conversation as she could explain better. After all, he was not so fluent in the Russian language. He just knew a few words to get by.

Tania took the phone and explained to the police what they observed on reaching home after attending her University function. Yes, the entire family was at the function. The police noted down the address and said they would be at their house within 15-20 minutes. No one should enter the house as it could be dangerous. The robbers could still be inside and they might be carrying weapons.

Meanwhile, the taxi driver heard everything and wanted to leave but he was promised extra payment to wait till the police came. He realised that he should not say much as the police would scold him.

As soon as the police arrived, the taxi drive took his payment and left.

The police arrived just as the taxi driver left. They came along with their investigation team in tow. The policemen pushed open the door and started entering with their weapons raised ready to fire, if needed. As they entered, the ones following behind were from the investigation team and they started lifting finger prints from the door itself.

The police cleared all the ground floor rooms as they entered. The sitting room, dinning room and the kitchen were cleared. The study seemed to be clear too but they let their investigation team to look around.

The police headed upstairs with their weapons. Some of the investigation team members started checking the sides of the staircase to see if any fingerprints were there.

The police reached the bedrooms. The listening device in Tania's room was found by the Police. They followed the wire of the listening device from Tania's room to Igor's room. The wires were cut and the apparatus that connected the listening device to Igor's room was missing.

All the other rooms were clear. Apparently, the police had missed the tiny CCTV camera that was placed slightly above the TV in Tania's room.

Igor, was obviously called by the police. His room was connected to the listening device in Tania's room by means of the wire that the police traced to his room. But the apparatus on which he had taped the conversation, was missing.

The police asked him a number of questions.

Nikita was not very happy about this bugging business and asked him, "Why had you bugged your own niece's room?"

"Is this what I have taught you?." She added.

"No no, I did not bug her room." Igor replied.

"Why are you lying?" The policeman said. "The wires from the listening device under your niece's bed goes to your room."

"Well, it was a harmless bug and I wanted to know what her plans were for the future whether she intended to stay with us in Ukraine or head to India to live with her paternal grandparents. I also wanted to know more about her grand parents." Igor replied.

"I don't think you need to bug someone's room to find out about this information. There is something else, I am sure."

"Out with it, or we will take you to the Police station and get your confession there. Let me make it very clear that your lies will be detected."

"Do you have anything to do with this robbery incident?" Asked Nikita.

"No mother, I had nothing to do with the entry of the robbers in this house."

"We do not believe you. As far as we are concerned you are involved in this robbery." The policeman added.

In the mind of the police, he was already suspect No. 1.

The Police suspected him to be the main culprit as he had installed the listening device in Tania's room. The cut wires indicated that he had been listening in to their conversations and even taping them.

It also indicated that someone else was interested in the taped conversation. The persons who had taken the taped apperatus were either in connivence with Igor or were his enemies. The Police would interrogate him a few days later. Let him make a few more mistakes, they had thought.

It took the Police an hour to take stock of things missing in the house that had been broken into. This included talking to the family members as well as taking down their statements on what all was missing.

The Police observed that nothing had been touched in any other room. There were no strange finger prints in any other room. Yes, there were a few on the staircase and most were on the door knob of Igor's room. These had been lifted. One robber had used the attached washroom. Those finger prints had been lifted from the bathroom door as well as the knobs and handle and the taps for further examination.

From an early examination of the finger prints, it could be inferred that 3 person had entered the house.

Thereafter, the police left.