The Nine Realms and Beyond

In a secluded lake between three mountains, a seemingly normal fifteen year old swam within the lake. Unlike most or 'normal' people, he swam like a crocodile. Using his legs like a tail and his arms to pull himself forward. Yes, this is the creator, the one and only creator of heaven, this world and primordials. After taking another week of relaxing in a hot lake, melting on a beanbag and sleeping for God knows how long, he got bored of the vacation. He swam towards the shore and walked towards the beanbag, naked. Since no one exists yet and his children would definitely stay away from his private stuff, he would never be worried about being seen naked while swimming or sunbathing.

Once he had reached the shade of the umbrella, he created clothes for him to wear. Since he knew nothing about clothes and their size, he created them to easily adjust to the user's body. Now, he wears a plain white t shirt and blue jeans. The creator likes to appear simple in his human form, unless the system allows him to edit his body. After wearing his clothes, he shouted to the mountains, "Yam, get me to space!" Almost immediately, a bright white light surged from beneath him as the creator is teleported to the bubble space on Yam's back. He looked up to see the glass bubble, he could see the blue depths of the sea through the glass.

The heavenly beast had been resting peacefully in the ocean floor, waiting for its creator's command. As soon as the creator shouted, the beast teleported him within and prepared to surface. Without any warning, the beast began to float up from the watery depths. The dark blue colors seen from the glass dome had begun to lighten up. Soon, the water's color had almost reached colorless. Then, a large thump boomed as a massive silhouette burst up from the water, causing mini tsunami waves to form. The heavenly beast quickly penetrated through the clouds and quickly entered the empty realm that is space. In its deep, beastly voice, Yam announced, 'We have arrived in space, creator.'

"Thanks Yam." 'I am not worthy of your gratitude, creator.' I replied, "Sure you are! Now, please wait here." He created a blue portal and entered it, reaching the vast emptiness of space. He drifted around, using his arms and legs to try and balance himself. After flailing around for a minute or two, he managed to balance himself, his brown eyes now gazing upon the empty expanse. Since Yggdrasil's present, he wanted to make the nine realms just like in norse mythology. A solar system, containing eight planets which are eight of the nine realms. From closest to farthest from the star is muspelheim, svartalheim, vanaheim, asgard, alfheim, jotunheim, helheim and nifleheim.

The star is twice the size of earth's sun and has a lighter color than that of earth's star. The nearest planet muspelheim has an average surface temperature of 60° celcius, its size is easily five times greater than earth and is home to the fire giants. The planet is littered with volcanoes constantly spewing out pillars of ash. It's a fiery wasteland where only extremophiles could survive the harsh temperatures and the burning, plume filled air. However, this planet possesses four times the mana density of my base planet, allowing most creatures to quickly adapt and become a part of the ecosystem of fire creatures.

As I have not planned to install life just yet, the planet does not possess any wildlife at all. Only acid rivers, volcanoes and craters could be seen in this land of fire and smoke. A whole year in muspelheim is equal to about one and a third earth years. Muspelheim possesses a burning moon, slightly larger than earth itself. Unlike the planet it orbits, the fiery moon is completely unhabitable as surface temperature is slightly over the boiling point and its atmosphere is thrice as dense as earth's. The moon does not have any intended magical wildlife as all of its mana are only present underground, forming magic ores and crystals within the moon's crust.

Next in line is the svartalheim, realm of the dwarves. It's a planet with milder temperatures and a more hospitable environment compared to muspelheim. Svartalheim is twice the size of earth and completes its revolution once four years. The planet's composition is mostly metal with over half of the planet being made of metal. Due to that, all metals are over ten times more abundant in the crust and the surface compared to earth. However, the reduction of silicates in the planet increases the rarity of gems like sapphires, rubies, diamonds and others. The planet's moon is twice the size of earth's moon, making it considerably larger than the planet mars.

Opposite to muspelheim's moon, the moon of svartalheim is much more hospitable than the planet itself. The moon also has less metal composition and greater silicate composition, increasing the abundance of gems and ionic compounds found on the moon. Behind the dwarven world would be Vanaheim, the greenest planet within the solar system. The jungle world of Vanaheim is home to the race of Vanir humans. After a short thought, I decided to make the Aesir and Vanir tribes into more of a superhuman race as both tribes do not fit the exact description of what I would refer to as deities. Example, in the legend of Fafnir, the Allfather, Thor and Loki had once been kidnapped by dwarves.

If they're so powerful then why could a few dwarves capture them, the so called strongest gods of the Aesir tribe? From that point is why I decided for them to be superhuman races instead. The jungle world of Vanaheim also has a jungle moon about the size of earth as Vanaheim itself is four times larger than that. Behind Vanaheim would be Asgard, an earthlike world slightly smaller than the world in front of it. Asgard's abundance of mana in the air causes multiple phenomenons to enhance its appearance like rainbows, floating islands and glowing ice. It possesses a gold and silver rich moon with a slightly higher mana density.

This world would be the home of the Aesir humans, battle oriented superhumans with superior strength and physical combat abilities. Beyond this world would be Alfheim, the windy and magical world of the light and dark elves. Alfheim is thrice the size of earth with many magical lifeforms and twice the base planet's already high mana density. A translucent fog covers the skies of that world when dawn breaks and it vanishes when dusk arrives. The planet is filled with rich deposits of magical materials and an abundance of magical creatures. It's the home of the human like and magic oriented light elves and the more predatory and physically superior dark elves.

This planet possesses two moons, one rich in mythril and another rich in igneous materials, causing a white and a black moon to exist. Behind the magical forest world is the mountainous and massive planet of Jotunheim. Jotunheim's average temperature is seven degrees below the current average and a quarter of its surface is frozen in ice. Despite the world being a muspelheim sized winter wonderland, the skies look heavenly when the sunlight passes through. The beautiful tundra world of Jotunheim possesses high mana density like its twin planet muspelheim, the high density gives the planet an almost endless source of magical ice, eternal frost and other similar materials.

Behind the tundra paradise is the mystical world of Nifleheim, a land of glittering frozen mist and immense frozen power. Nifleheim is thrice the size of earth and its surface temperature is a cold zero degrees centigrade. Nifleheim has the highest mana density in all the realms, however, all of its mana is purely frost mana and most of it is condensed in magical ice. The frost mana in Nifleheim help create beautiful spectacles of ice such as different colored ice, sparkling mist and gigantic structures. This planet's frost mana causes its unhabitable nature as the ambient mana in the air would gradually transform one into an eternally frozen statue.

However, the ambient mana is less hard to control than on the other realms, giving frost magic users and elementals a massive boost in abilities. Now, is the final realm, Helheim. Helheim is a frozen world with constant snowstorms and blizzards bombarding the permafrost landscape. The planet's surface temperature stays at negative four degrees centigrade. The frozen world also acts as a sort of underworld that will absorb people who died either purely or mostly because of freezing or cold temperature. To allow good people who die of freezing to enter heaven, the absorption process will take a year. By then, an angel would've already collected the soul and lead it to the corresponding heaven.

Later on, I will task the Goddess Hel to watch over that world. It would act as my second prison but also as a secret meeting site in case of a war between worlds or something similar. I mean, no one would look inside a frozen wasteland filled with damned souls first would they? Anyways, I have completed the nine realms, excluding all lifeforms. From where I'm floating at, I can see one large white star in the distance, the only other light in the universe else than the first sun I've created. "Well, that looks nice." I looked towards my bright white star, the center point of its own solar system exactly two hundred light years away from here. Since the second star has been born, I decided to make the third, fourth, fifth until a hundred billion.

With the system's aid, I visualized a whole galaxy with a hundred billion stars. From afar it looks like a swirling mass of blue, green, red, indigo, white and gold. A multicolored galaxy slightly smaller than the milky way. Its center mass is a supermassive black hole, whose gravitational pull causes all the stars to orbit it without colliding with each other. The black hole itself easily outshines the collective vortex of stars. It also provides a miniscule amount of mana to everything in the galaxy, causing space to have trace amounts of mana. Although it's not much, microgravity makes the mana easier to manipulate as the forces moving the mana around is negligible.

The visualizing process took tons of time, the system AI said that it took me days to create all this, even with the system's randomizer help. Each star has between five to twelve planets orbiting it, with seven planets being the most common. Overall, there are around eight hundred billion planets within the galaxy. Of the eight hundred billion, only seven hundred, ninety two million of them are habitable and only eight million of them are intended to have life develop in. Also, only eight hundred thousand are intended to develop complex animals while only eight hundred is intended for sentient life to develop. I feel happy with my first created galaxy, it's existence managed to increase the universe's size and fill the base planet's sky with beautiful stars.

Due to mana existing in the universe, stars can be of any color. Green, purple, indigo, violet and other colors that are physically impossible for stars to have on my old universe exist here. My base planet's solar system exists in the outer rim of the galaxy's south region. After admiring the stars that now filled the once empty horizon of space, I turned to see my solar system. Despite its title as the firstborn, it's one of the smallest due to only having one planet. Since I created this to be the start of all existence, I'll have to make it the best. I created twelve moons, each being the size of earth and possessing similar compositions to earth. The terrain of each moon is a randomized version of earth's terrain and its atmosphere being slightly altered versions of earth's.

I intend to have living moons, but I will only seed life on two of them. Each of them are filled with different resources and a high mana density that is either slightly higher or lower than my base planet's. Then, I fashioned eleven other planets to accompany my lone planet. Each world possesses similar mana densities and so, magical beasts can survive within these worlds. Only two other worlds are naturally habitable as they share the same orbit as my base world. I gave each of them a moon a third of their size and eighty percent of their density. Now, I have a fully working solar system for my base planet. While the creator had been placing the stars and the great galaxy, the elementals and titans on the surface saw the stars appearing in the night sky.

The older titans and elementals are quick to realize who had created this and bowed to the creator of all. As for the youngest ones, they admired the beauty of the stars and were told that the creator had placed them there to shine and glorify him. As for the creator himself, he is oblivious to their worship and simply enjoys the stars he created. Some of them were specifically placed to create twelve constellations. "System, can I modify my body?" The creator wanted to gain a different form and abilities if possible. He doesn't like his current human form and would prefer a more grand appearance. Also, wouldn't it be cool to have magic or other stuff like his creations do?

After a short pause, the mechanical voice of the system replied.

[It is possible but Creator will enter a period of Stasis during modification process]

"Ok, thanks!" He smiled, it's actually going along this way. During his short vacation, he thought of letting evolution create animals by placing bacteria to develop and then wait for millions of years before adding other things. The stasis would work great for the waiting process since he could modify his body to a certain point where it will take millions of years to complete. Now, he needed to create the afterlife. Although heaven and helheim are already created, he thought of adding more diversity to the afterlife. He had always been a mythology fan due to playing Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse and due to being very interested in the God of War series. He created another mythology book and chose nine other underworlds.

He wants to have twelve afterlifes and he already has three in mind which are Heaven, Helheim and Hell. However, Hell has not existed yet and he would call it Gehenna instead of Hell since Helheim is also known as Hel and it would probably cause mix ups to happen. As for the other nine, he had settled with Yomi, Xibalba, Hades, Tartarus, Naraka, Sheol and Tehom so far. He didn't have any other afterlife ideas for the last two. However, he already thought about the functions of each of the seven. Yomi acts as an afterlife shared by both sentient races and animals regardless of alignment and deeds. Xibalba acts as an afterlife for evil people in general. Uness other torture afterlives claim the soul, the soul will end up in Tehom or Xibalba.

Hades acts as a three part underworld with Elysium acting as heaven for the good, Asphodel acting as the place for reincarnation and the rest of the realm acting as the torture area. Death deities or entities that are affiliated with Hades are the ones who will claim souls. Despite its name, Hades will be ruled by Pluto, his roman version. Tartarus acts as a torture prison where powerful evils are sent to. The realm of Tartarus stretches to no end and the only light within there is the light from the everlasting fires. Naraka acts also as a torture prison but is divided into multiple levels depending on how evil one is. Unlike Tartarus, Naraka cannot imprison deities and cannot claim their souls.

As for Sheol, it's an underworld for neutral beings who are neither good nor evil. Beings claimed by shades will be brought to Sheol. Sheol is similar to the world as spirits here can build things unlike in most other underworlds. Beings who stay for a year in Sheol will become a shade, its plural form being shedim. Also, the shedim cannot reincarnate and can only return to the realm of life either through ascension or by inhabiting a host as a guardian spirit or a parasite. Finally, the empty realm of Tehom. Tehom is my personal prison of emptiness. It's a realm flooded with endless pulses of pure chaos and pure order energy. It would constantly rip things to shreds and painfully reassemble them.

It's a torturous existence where one is completely alone and suffering within an empty void. There is only pain and every good feeling will be turned into pain in that realm. I would only place things that I deem as lost causes within the void of Tehom. Also, that reminds me to create the primordial of nothingness. Through the system, I created Nihilo, the primordial of nothingness. Nihilo can manipulate life, death, space, time, matter, energy and existence. He could do anything related to non existence and existence itself. His abilities and stats are on par with the average primordial and his appearance is that of a dark, cosmic cloud of dim stars with two bright and ominous indigo orbs acting as his ancient eyes.

Nihilo is very obsessed with harmony, he will always find a way to create harmony in every action. But, he is still immensely loyal to the creator and would do whatever he commands. Nihilo also has no emotions but he could understand them. I designed him to understand existence but still personifies nothingness. As the dark cloud of chaos appears before me, I look into its ancient purple orbs and commanded, "Nihilo, I command you to enter Tehom and merge with the realm. If you require anything, you are free to leave your realm." In an ancient, benevolent voice, it humbly replied, "I shall fulfill your will my creator and I humbly accept your gift of freedom." Then, the mass of darkness distorted and blinked into the void of Tehom.

There, the living darkness controlled the chaotic streams of the pure energies, giving them order. He systemized their movements but did not prevent any chaotic movements from occurring, reaching the balance of order and chaos. As for the creator, he's still has no ideas about the two remaining underworlds. Since he had no ideas right now, he decided to come and relax, also hibernate for millions of years. With a wave of his hand, a portal formed and he exited, entering the lake's warm water. 'Yam, you can take a vacation. I'll be sleeping for a few million years. Thank you.' Like a machine, the heavenly beast followed the command in perfection.

It used its power to teleport to Earth and know what is a vacation. Once it had read the definition, the heavenly beast went back to the new universe and swam down into the deep waters of the sea, resting peacefully.