
At my vacation spot, I began planning on how I will seed life to the world. Earth life began with simple microbes within the primordial soup. I intend to mimic that way so that life would develop similarly if not exactly like how it did on earth. My main reason is that I wish to have the cambrian era all the way to the jurassic era recreated but with some alterations. Before I left, I had already watched Godzilla: the king of monsters and that movie awakened something in me. My love to create things. When I watched the movie and all the prehistoric lore that comes with it, I suddenly felt an urge to one day create those very titans I witnessed. Since I had been blessed with such power to create, why not complete this mission?

However, I'll need to have prehistory play out exactly or similarly to earth's own prehistory. To do so, I'll need the cambrian, ordovician, silurian, devonian, carboniferous, permian, triassic, jurassic and cretaceous periods to exist. In order to get the most accurate result, I would have to replicate the first life on earth and guide its evolution accordingly. Even though I created mana, I only know that it speeds up evolution and allows the existence of magical wielding creatures. But, I'm not sure if something else might happen during evolution thanks to mana exposure and it might ruin my plans and cause me to restart the process. As easy as it is to do so, I don't like to wait too long and repeat unnecessary events.

'I have an idea!' Instead of hoping for the best and preparing to empty the planet if it fails, I could create the will of the world. If I do, the will would regulate life's evolution by replicating all events in the early years of life. If something goes out of line and starts messing up my plans, the will would create disasters to extinguish the species or reduce its population to harmless levels and wait for further evolution on that species to occur. I'll name the being as Gaia, the will of the worlds. I gave her the ability to control and generate any form of matter, omnipresence within matter and the ability to possess living things. I made her a primordial with average primordial abilities.

With this, I would have around sixteen universe busting primordials. Although it might sound like overkill to have so many powerful beings, I'm not taking any chances that hostile universe busters exist and have set my eyes on my tiny little universe. Hell no! I'm not letting this primitive paradise I built get destroyed by some random thing with nothing better to do with its own damn superpowers than destroy random shit! Back to Gaia, she appears as a massive woman in her twenties whose height easily dwarfs even the tallest of mountains. Her body is made of wood and soil while her hair is made of long, thin green vines. The primordial's eyes are golden fiery orbs that either dims or burns brighter depending on her emotions.

The primordial wears a colorful sleeveless dress created from billions of blooming flowers. Her golden eyes shining brightly like candles in the dark. With every step she takes, a trail of life follows closely behind. The titanic woman stands before the creator's lake, her massive form reaching above the clouds. To greet her creator, Gaia kneels down, the earth trembling beneath her feet. Billions of vines began appearing from the clouds, signaling the arrival of the primordial's head. Soon, the clouds parted as Gaia's face descends from the sky. She looked down at the small lake with great reverence and eternal gratitude. The primordial had spotted her creator and awaited his word for she knows that his word is what created her.

I feel ecstatic about my newest primordial. I never originally planned to have so many primordials created during my genesis plan. Unlike my previous primordials, I would completely detail her purpose since her actions would affect my creations the most. "Gaia, my youngest daughter of this age. I bestow you the greatest honor of guiding life as the will of all the worlds." I spoke in my regular tone since Gaia is omnipresent within matter and can hear and know even the smallest changes even within subatomic particles. The titanic woman smiled triumphantly, happy to be of service to her creator.

"My Creator, I am your humble servant. I shall do whatever you wish and become whatever you want me to become, for there is no greater joy to myself than to serve you." Said the primordial of worlds. Her very words echo throughout the worlds, heard by the universe itself. Even between the stars, her words echo within the darkness. Even though he created her, the creator himself felt chills down his spine as she said those words. 'Man, she's very good at talking. It's like I'm hearing a verse from the bible get recited. Wait.' I shook my head, dispelling any sinful thoughts in my head while Gaia simply watched in slight confusion of her creator's sudden action.

I'm starting to turn prideful, I'm having a blasphemous thought growing at the edges of my mind. I thought of becoming God Almighty and doing whatever I want with no regards to my own creations. Basically becoming the type of jerk that has infinite power and uses it for petty things like killing for not getting what I want or other typical noble behavior from novels that I used to read. I need to prevent myself from crossing that thin line separating Benevolent and Happy Creator to Almighty Tyrannical God and boy it's a very thin line. I push these thoughts and temptations away, 'Down Dark One! Down! Down to the endless darkness of Tehom!' I took deep breaths and thought about how beautiful my utopia will be here in the future.

After doing a short prayer and a few more short breaths, I looked up to see the concerned Gaia. "No need to worry, I've gotten rid of it." The primordial did not push further and simply waited for his next words. "Gaia, here are the details of your purpose." I continued, "You will guide the evolution of life and make it so that the processes of evolution on Earth repeats itself here. I intend to sleep for a hundred no, a billion no, I mean one and a half billion years. By then, I hope to wake up in the early stages of the earth's cambrian period." I created an orb of green primordial ooze containing microbes from three and a half billion years ago on earth.

The orb is the size of a basketball as it floats above my right hand. I took a short look at it before I turned to the awaiting primordial, "Gaia, this green orb contains the first life of this world. As your first command, you must place it within the sea and grow it in the same way as how the Earth had grew its first life. Now go and nurture life itself." Gaia nodded and rose up as the orb of primordial ooze floats up into the air, resting on Gaia's left hand. Gaia walks towards the west, following the air's whispers as it leads her towards the sea. The mountains tremble as she walks, quickly disappearing into the mountains and the clouds. Thanks to her immense size, only a fifteen minute walk was needed to reach the shore.

A few small patches of sand are present on the beach. The sea was quiet, only the soft sounds of the small crashing waves could be heard for miles. The titanic being walked into the sea, the waves crashing softly onto her wooden feet. The primordial found it a little ticklish while she made her way to deeper water. According to the information in her head, these microbes are filter feeders and in order to facilitate their growth, she would have to place them in areas with rich nutrients. Thanks to her matter omnipresence, she quickly located a current rich in nutrients from volcanoes deep within the sea. There, the water had reached the top of her toes as her foot provided an extra volume to reach it.

Titanic footprints formed underwater, a testament to what has once walked into the sea during the distant past. Gaia knelt, causing strong gusts of wind to push down onto the ocean's surface. Tidal waves formed as the gust pushed away much of the water around the primordial. She placed her left hand underwater, printing its outline on the stone sea floor. Once the orb had touched the water, the bubble burst as the ooze scattered itself around a few yards in every direction. Green liquid filled with squirming microbes entered the nutrient rich waters. The bacteria began devouring the nutrients and producing energy. Soon, some of them began to split as the second generation of microbes is born.

After seeing that they are developing well, Gaia left and searched for a place for her to observe life in. As for the creator, he prepared to sleep by modifying his form. He opened the system menu and found he modify button. He pressed it and entered the self modification tab filled with all kinds of superpowers and abilities. First, I looked for something to enhance my other stays such as speed, reaction speed, strength, intelligence and stamina. Being indestructible is nice but having pain accompany it would make others more likely to seek death. Those who do are usually people who do not deserve immortality since their dreams are definitely too shallow to carry them into infinity.

Anyways, I searched for a modification that would make me strong enough to the point where even titanium is like wet paper. The name of the modification is ten thousand times strength. With this, a single normal punch from me contains the same force required to vaporize a hundred humans. According to the system, the modification will require a hundred years to add. I added it on queue as I search for others to hopefully add enough to take a billion years. I added a modification to make my five senses transcend its biological limits. I can now detect if even a drop of poison is added to a whole pool of water. I could hear down to one decibel and smell things far better than a dog.

With my new upgrade, I could also hear radio frequencies and what's within them, I could smell things even up to a hundred miles away, my eyes could now see the lower and middle frequencies of ultraviolet light and I can also see even the slightest twitch. Using the sense of touch, I can even sense a bullet coming towards me without looking. Even if it was shot from a kilometer away, I would still sense it and know its trajectory, speed and target. This upgrade will also take a hundred years as the modifications required are very complicated. Next, I searched for endless stamina.

Stamina had been a problem on me for a long time. A very annoying problem that limits all of my physical abilities. It seems that my liver is so bad at clearing lactic acid that the sharp pain you feel when you exercise will take more than an hour to dissipate and around three hours to completely disappear. I did come across an endless stamina upgrade but its drawback is that I would need to eat tons of food. Without that limitation, the total time would take a trillion years since endless stamina without requiring more energy is something immensely hard to accomplish. Since I don't plan to wait for that long, I looked for extremely high stamina which should allow me to last a whole decade of exercise before getting tired.

I minimized its side effect so that my appetite would only double instead of multiply tenfold. However, it would take around a million years time in order to integrate it. Next, I looked for reaction speed and found one where I would only have a thousandth of a second as its delay. This upgrade requires ten thousand years as it would have to reconfigure all of my neurons to relay impulses much quickly. With my 'normal' abilities completed, I started searching for magical abilities and even skill sets so I can be like those cool anime people with superpowers and whatnot. I integrated one that generates a strong ice shield, its durability depends on the amount of mana I used to make it.

Since I can basically generate infinite mana, I could make the ice shield virtually indestructible. Also, if the shield breaks, its fragments can be controlled to fly and attack targets by stabbing them like telekinetic knives. Next, I integrated a skill that allows me to summon up to eight waves with each being as tall as me and twice as wide as I am tall. I can control the waves to combine and push at a direction or act as my transport. However, the waves have a limit of 1km and would revert to normal water there and its maximum speed cannot exceed 308km/h when under control. Next, I added a skill that summons a small ball of thunder that shoots a thunderbolt every two seconds for two minutes.

For every successful hit, the ball increases its size by 5% and same goes for the thunderbolt's damage while its duration increases by a second. After ten successful hits, two thunderbolts would be shot. Then, for every twice the last amount of successful hits, another thunderbolt summoned would be added. After getting those three skills, I decided to get more elemental skills and become something like a paragon. It'll be cool for me to be capable of using many different elements in my skillset. Next, I gained a fire elemental skill that allows me to summon seven fire arrows at a time. Then, I gained myself a wind skill that allows me to create three wind blades that can transform into a shield and even into wind weapons.

Next, I gained an earth skill that allows me to summon a two stories tall stone wall at will. After that, I gained a light skill and finally a dark skill. As for the light skill, it would create a burst of light that heals all physical injuries within a hundred meter radius and temporarily blind enemies within a five hundred meter radius for ten seconds. As for my darkness skill, it would summon a bolt of darkness that pierces multiple targets and traps them in demonic shackles for ten seconds. The bolt should normally be strong enough to effortlessly pierce metal bars. After adding them all to the queue, it still isn't a billion years yet. In fact, it barely passed through two million years.

I frowned, I don't feel like getting more powers for now. Having this much would be good for now. After all, I'm going to sleep for fifty million or a hundred million years to skip between periods so I could create the immortal titan beasts of each period. You know what, I'll just search for transformation skills. I searched for one that will allow me to transform into an angel in white and gold armor with seven pairs of golden tipped white wings. I made it specific since I want to transform into incarnations for me to have my adventure throughout my world. Although I'll be unbeatable, I'll purposely act weak and pretend to gradually strengthen before overwhelming whoever dares to challenge my great power.

The seraph form I wanted to integrate will take a billion years because it wouldn't consume much stamina in that form while multiplying all my non infinite stats by ten million times. I inwardly celebrated that I finally found a one billion year long upgrade. Sadly, I still have four hundred ninety eight million years of extra time that I haven't used yet. "System, can I just sleep the extra time?" I hope that I could do that since I definitely hate having to wait for almost five hundred of millions completely awake as everything slowly grows. As much as I would probably try to rush things into existence, I'd rather watch the process and admire the beauty of life and evolution.

[Extra time can be converted to upgrade]

[Would creator like to convert?]

Unhesistantly, he said "Confirm." Then, a few system logs played out before an immense fatigue rushed over him. The fatigue was so strong that fighting it is like fighting a tsunami wave. For the record, it wasn't a fight, it's more of an instant knockout as he enters the dimension of dreamless sleep. While he slept, the living things began to evolve under Gaia's motherly guidance. Volcanoes began to erupt, spewing nutrient rich ashes onto the land and the ocean. The bacteria then began to split more and more until they separated into three main species. One used sunlight to grow, one fed on nutrients while one fed on another. From there, they continued splitting until the day where two cells fused, forming the mitochondria.

Such a change was revolutionary as the microbes began to band together into larger microbes. Multicellular life is born as these mitochondria carrying microbes come together to form greater organisms. Soon, an explosion of life occured in the seas as new types of multicellular but still microscopic organisms began to emerge like a rash. Then, a small transparent lump in the sea became visible. This lump then grew bigger until it reached the size of a thumb before it split into many more transparent lumps. These lumps drifted in the sea, beings at the mercy of the currents coming from Thalassa's vortex. Not long after, more life like sponges and corals begin emerging.

The pre cambrian age has been achieved as primitive reefs began to sprout from the sea floors. Now, only five hundred million years are left before arthropods and worms begin to conquer the ancient seas, replacing their calcified and soft ancestors as rulers. At this moment, a great storm occured above the sea where the first life divided and evolved. The winds are howling as ominous clouds pelt the seas with its endless barrage of water drops. Suddenly, the clouds vanished into thin air and the howling reduced to mere whispers. A large rainbow emerged, its appearance heralding that the creator has slept peacefully for a billion years.