Dawn of the Gods

As the Chaos Heaven passes through the barrier between realms, she arrives in the empty white void of Yahbenon, the soon to be birthplace of the Gods. There, the creator made a new avatar for himself, the avatar known as the Goddess of Destruction. The goddess is a divine beauty with an innocent but adventurous face, bright violet eyes and a warm, cheerful smile. She wears a laurel wreath shaped crown that is half laurel wreath and half made of azure blue dragon scales.

Her flawless dark brown hair is long and part of it is tied to a long ponytail held by a golden band with hebrew letters inscribed. She wears a bra that completely covers her breasts made of dark blue petal like scales, a golden belt that holds a decorated golden roman skirt and twin golden bracelets with sumerian decorations and hebrew inscriptions. The goddess possesses absolute dominion over destruction and all forms of it.

That means that she also has the dominions of death, decomposition, sickness, rebirth, magic, energy, elements, space, time and etc. Anything that can be destroyed or can destroy regardless of degree is under her domain. That would make her truly invincible as her nature would prevent her destruction in any degree, preventing her from being hurt at all. However, she doesn't have the side effect of not feeling anything.

With her powers, she can erase anything, even nothingness itself. As long as it exists in some way, it can be erased by her power. Her destruction abilities also allow healing since she could destroy the poison or decomposing matter, turning them into whatever she wants by controlling how they are destroyed or decomposed. The goddess also possesses a weapon called the Kalivana.

In a language for gods that I just invented a second ago, it means the Destroyer of Worlds. The Kalivana is a double edged trident divided into two sections. Its lower half is demonic and abyssal, with glowing demonic inscriptions and lava demon decorations on it. The demonic half's trident head is made of gold, with fiery inscriptions and a faint aura of darkness enveloping it.

Its upper half is holy and divine, with decorations and designs related to holy divinities and judeo christian angels. Its trident head is silver with golden inscriptions and a faint aura of heaven. If one were a wizard or a person who can read auras, they would feel the aura of infinite darkness and despair but also infinite peace and love generated by the double sided trident. The double edged trident can only be wielded by the goddess.

Anyone else who tries will either be turned into a statue of molten lava or scattered into light particles, depending on their intention. The creator transforms into the Goddess of Destruction. Her appearance caused the very world of the gods to be filled with an abundance of energy. The violet aura that she passively emits is eroding nothingness itself, filling the realm with divine energy.

The creator had planned to create twelve first gods, each possessing power equal to the average between each member of the Seven Heavens. They would be known as the Primordial Twelve, the oldest gods who are eternal equals to each other. Although he had planned for the group's existence since before he got Absolute Creation, he doesn't have any ideas for names and most deities he knew were mostly girls. Luckily, time is nonexistent here.

No matter how long he'd take, not even the smallest fraction of time would have past. So first, he thought of the female members. He would create Benzaiten, Goddess of Dragons, Serpents and Music. This deity possesses dominion over all dragons and their abilities except for the dragon primordials.

She can also control any serpent that is younger or is the same age as her. Her music domain allows her to sing in any note, manipulate air vibrations freely and instantly becomes an expert in any instrument or song simply by hearing a note or a tiny piece of melody from it. Second, Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Sun, Light and Order. She possesses the power to do anything related to any star, manipulate or generate light freely and control any form of order.

The goddess possesses a weapon of her own. The Yata no Kogami mirror, a mirror with the power to erase, create and manipulate anything that relates to stars, light and order. Next, would be the twin sister goddesses Inanna and Ishtar. Innana is the Goddess of Dimensions and Rebirth, allowing her to create and destroy any world as well as create anything through the Rebirth process.

Ishtar is the Goddess of Love, Animals and Monsters. She can manipulate and create love, animals and monsters freely without limits. The sisters look pretty much the same except for Inanna being an inch taller, has brown hair instead of Ishtar's black and green eyes instead of Ishtar's pink. Also, Inanna can transform her toes and fingers into golden talons to fight while Ishtar uses golden knuckles instead.

As for its fifth member, is the Goddess Astra, the Goddess of Weapons & Equipment. She's an original one, not a borrowed one from human mythology. Astra has the power to replicate any weapon and equipment she knows and completely use their powers without any restrictions. Any weapon she touches would instantly resonate with her, allowing her to display impossible feats of technique without having to train at all.

As for the last female member, she is Morrigan, the Goddess of Death, War, Shadows and Light. The goddess Morrigan is the ruler of Sheol, also known as the Shadow lands. As the Goddess of the Shades, all things that end up in her world whether temporarily or permanently will give her their power. Added by her power to cause and reverse death, cause, manipulate and prevent war, summon and control both light and shadow, she would have a massive arsenal of skills to use.

Now for the six gods. I'm so bad at making guys and their names. I'm only good at creating girls for some reason, probably because of my straightness. Let's not go into that topic and give me time to think of male primordial gods. I need them all to be attractive of course, what kind of God is standard looking.

They either look like masses of distorted chaos which I would classify as Chthulhu like Gods or extremely attractive humanoids like usual. After an hour of coming up with something, I came up with a good few gods. Pan, the God of Secrets, Nature, Medicine and Plants. Adriel, the God of Magic, Peace, Prophecy and Discord.

Seth, God of the Desert, Death, Undead, Rot and Resurrection. Valk, God of the Sky, War, Weather and Wind. Ryan, God of Hunting, Animals, Strength, Missions and Combat. Saphra, God of Knowledge, Truth, Justice, Civilization and Technology. Those are what I came up within an hour of thinking.

I then created them simultaneously, making none of them older or younger than the other. Upon their birth, the first of the gods bow down before me their creator as I assign them tasks. They would act as Gods for the sentient race, with their racial assignments to be done millions of years later. I need them to live long enough to become wise and develop complex personalities before I assign them anything.

Each God would be very limited in the world, their powers would be limited to the devotion and offerings they receive from their followers. Every prayer to them would grant them one miracle point. Miracle points would be exchanged for interference in the world, each interference has a limit of energy entry. If more energy than the limit is used, the extra energy's effects is suppressed.

If a God loses all of his/her followers, they would be severely weakened. This would give them one week to have full power in the lower realms. However, only the stronger gods and unworshiped gods are unrestricted during this time. The interference ranges from speaking in the follower's minds, casting spells to creating holy artifacts.

But first, I will teach them to be responsible. I created three stone tablets, similar to the ones with the ten commandments. It entails the nine laws to follow and that each God must never break them or else. As for the else, I haven't thought of a good punishment yet so the else will stay as an else. But, I already have the nine laws thought out.

The first divine law is the law of divine rights. Thou shall not slay nor severely injure another God directly without a pure and universally righteous reason. Second is the divine law of equality. No one God but the Primordial Gods are higher than another God. Third is the law of Allegiance.

Thou shall not conspire to destroy all existence or an entire divine race. This law is to ensure that we don't have any suicidal gods who try to destroy everything along with them or just destroy everything or aid invaders in the destruction or oppression of my creations. Fourth, Thou must treat the mortals not as slaves but as children or as allies for they are the only reason you can influence the lower realms.

Fifth, Thou shall not steal from another God. Sixth, Thou shall not Lie or provide false evidence during judgement or trials. Seventh, Thou shall not have more than seven demigods or Gods no matter what. Accidents will result in the God's punishment and the child would have his/her nature suppressed until the parent's punishment has been carried out.

As for eight and nine. Eight, Thou shall not conquer any lower realms. I don't want to have God Emperors who rule my creations, that's what I'll probably be doing in my adventures. I want them to look for other worlds beyond my creations and build their domain there, and then connecting them to my creations to let Yggdrasil transform it into one of my realms.

Nine, Thou shall not descend or travel to another realm without alerting at least three gods. This law is to prevent any 'missing' gods who want to escape their duties. However, I allow vacations and retirement to the Gods which can be purchased with miracle points. After creating the stone tablets, I placed them at the realm's center as the twelve watch me with curiosity.

I imbued power equal to a primordial's inside the tablet. The tablets would strengthen the power of Gods who adhere to the laws. Its power would also prevent it from being shattered by any being less than a primordial. At the center, the three tables are facing outwards as they rotate clockwise next to each other.

A blue beam of energy bursts both up and down from the space between the three. This energy burst touches the top and bottom edges of the world, acting as a measurement pole for the infinite sized fourth dimensional universe. The creator turned to the watching gods and said, "Kids, you can do anything in this world but you must always follow the laws written on these tablets."

Then, the creator summoned a thick book filled with all the knowledge about his creations that the gods need to know. He handed it to Benzaiten and commanded them, "As the First Gods, all of you must learn everything within this book. I expect you all to know everything within this book by the time I return cause I need to go."

The creator waved his right hand and smiled before teleporting away, leaving violet particles behind. After she left, the gods began shaping this realm to their respective wills, wholly ignorant of older beings that exist in the creator's multiverse. As for the creator, he enters the world once more and continues the titan race.