Bloodlines and Magic Beasts




A massive, blue crab like titan roared triumphantly as it grabs the charred corpse of its most recent enemy. Using its massive pincers, it disassembles its prey's body before placing chunks of raw mixed with cooked meat into its mouth. As the meat is digested by its impossibly corrosive stomach acids, glowing blue lines appeared on its body carapace. A new pair of mini hands appeared beneath is two pairs of massive, armored pincers.

Although they look like their as useless as a T rex's tiny hands, a large amount of mana fluctuates around this pair of mini arms. Following a trail of pheromones, the crab titan searches for its next opponent as it walks down the path of evolution. The creator has been following this cambrian titan for a week. It had evolved by devouring other titans caused by a mutation that it received when it devoured a magic beast.

In a week's time it had evolved twice, gaining thicker carapace and human like sight. It was originally a trilobite titan that frequently clashed against others of its kind, giving it unusually high combat abilities among its kind. The triassic titans had been placed just before he had started following this titan. Currently, cambrian and carboniferous titans roam the triassic lands alongside the dinosaurs and their magic enhanced counterparts.

Watching this titan for a week had prompted him to create a bloodline system. How different bloodlines gave ability and or physique boosts to those possessing it depending on its purity. Like how demigods or dragon born are far stronger than the average human due to their bloodlines. With that in mind, I used my absolute creation to create the bloodline system.

At the top of the bloodlines, I placed the primordial bloodline. This bloodline would give infinity^2 times boost in all attributes and abilities to its possessor. This bloodline would merge with other bloodlines to get stronger and would transform all weaknesses into massive advantages instead. If one were weak to water, this bloodline would give that person the ability to heal from receiving water attacks instead of taking damage.

Below it is the primordial gods bloodline which would give the possessor 100 billion multiplied by infinity times boost in all attributes and abilities. Then, the supreme god bloodline which is a hundred times weaker. Then, the great god bloodline which is a thousand times weaker than the supreme gods bloodline. Then, the lowest divine bloodline is the God bloodline which only multiplies by infinity.

Then, the false God which multiplies by infinity but is not immune to mortal curses, attacks and seals. As for the lowest bloodline, it would be the human bloodline, which multiplies things only by 1 times. However, it has the ability to dilute non divine bloodlines, removing or reducing weaknesses but also generally weakening the bloodline effects.

Bloodlines are basically the physical component that determines the extra abilities an entity would possess from the entity's race. Even animals have bloodlines in which the highest is the dragon primordial. There are also twelve divine beast bloodlines which will grant these animals the ability to harm or even kill gods. However, they would also be subjected to the law of rejection.

The twelve divine beast bloodlines are the Ancient Titan bloodline, the Apocalypse Beast bloodline, the Living Beast bloodline, the Archon bloodline, the Avatar bloodline, the Ancestor Beast bloodline and six others. The Ancient Titan, Apocalypse Beast and Ancestor Beast bloodlines can be obtained through living long enough or gaining enough power. As for the Living Beast bloodline, they must be born as heavenly beasts and ascend to greater power in order to become a true Living Beast. Of them all, the Living Beast and Apocalypse Beast bloodlines are generally the strongest in all terms.

The other bloodlines are basically fantasy creature and race bloodlines that I copy, add and some I modified. They are registered in the world's laws, so I wouldn't have to create every race from scratch. The bloodline system also defines the possibility of one's naturally born talent and their magnitude. Example, the high elf bloodline would provide immense talent in wind, earth and light magic, swiftness, immortality and biology.

While the normal elf bloodline would yield only great talent in wind and earth magic, swiftness, longevity and biology. Also, the normal bloodlines could evolve into new bloodlines or higher versions of them. Such as the elf bloodline to the high elf, wind elf, light elf or fairy bloodline. These evolutions would only occur if they absorbed enough things that would boost their bloodline or become powerful to the point where the bloodline would be forced to evolve.

However, bloodlines cannot degenerate only evolve or fuse with other bloodlines. But, creatures like vampires that can spread their bloodline in the form of a virus can erase or merge with the current bloodline. Also, this would prevent those of stronger bloodlines from transforming into a being of lower bloodline. If a vampire bit a dragon, the dragon would be unaffected due to its stronger and more ancient bloodline.

But if a human is bit, the human's willpower will determine how long they have before they transform and how much of them will change. A weak willed person would become a bloodthirsty vampire with no similarity to the person it once was. But a strong willed person would retain personality and may even be only partially transformed. This follows the law of stronger bloodlines either consuming, eliminating or coexisting with lower or equal bloodlines.

Another bloodline law is the law of rejection. The reason why immediate transformation doesn't occur is that the bloodline present in the body has a form of compatibility rate. If the invading bloodline is compatible, a fusion or coexistence occurs with fusion being the rarest case. Human bloodlines are only compatible to holy bloodlines and would violently react with demonic or undead bloodlines.

This causes a struggle between bloodlines that will either end in one side being devoured or eliminated or a form of coexistence in which coexistence being an extremely rare case. After I created the bloodline system, I fast forwarded time and placed the titan species until the end of the cretaceous when I struck the world with a jupiter sized mana meteor. The blue, circular meteor crashed into the sea, the violent mana explosion causing tsunamis that reached the clouds to form.

Then, pulses of blue energy travelled across the planet and every crack on the surface glowed blue with mana. Biomes were reshaped or destroyed, creatures are either vaporized but their bones or transformed into magical versions of themselves. The mana concentration on the world increased to the point where a single gust of wind can cause a tornado to happen. This surge of mana caused the weaker dinosaurs to die of mana poisoning and the stronger to turn magical.

The increased magic concentration also causes random magical disasters in the form of storms, tsunamis, explosive earthquakes and even hyper eruptions. To give mercy to the dinosaurs, I teleported the survivors to the Archaic lands alongside the souls of the dead dinosaurs who are reincarnated as super dinosaurs with elemental and other magical powers.

Then, evolution went as usual after the dinosaurs. The titan series have been complete because the last titans are all dinosaur related and all the titans were put to sleep by the increased mana concentration. A million years after the disaster, I created the first magic beasts to live on the world. As a result, evolution of all creatures have been slowed by ten times but the diversity of animals have been multiplied a hundred fold.

This means that the creator would have to fast forward time by 649 million years in order to begin the creation of the sapient species. While the magic beasts roam the word and reproduced freely, the creator is reading web novels for more ideas to implement on the world. He didn't want to directly rip off, so, he modified these ideas he liked and combined them with others to remove what he saw as imperfections.

The first system is the reincarnation system, the typical Isekai cheat. Having several Isekai cheat users in the world would make things a lot more interesting. To qualify as one, the person who dies must answer a set of questions related to why they want to reincarnate and as what. Question number 1, do you think you can change the world and destiny itself if you were given another chance?

Question number 2, if someone ruined your life, would you take revenge? Question number 3, would you live a new life of good, evil, neutrality or transcendence. A new life of transcendence is where you would live in order to strive for higher power and or evolution. Basically transcendence is constant improvement and evolution, like the true purpose of the Zerg race.

Question number 4, if I gave you a cheat system, what system would it be and why the hell do you want it? I can only have twelve living Isekais at a time so that a somewhat state of balance exists. Most Isekais would probably be selfish and not alter the world's balance and hierarchy by too much. I kinda doubt that they would do the honorable action of creating a kingdom for the people's betterment, spread knowledge to the world or ascend to godhood to help the mortal worlds and beyond.

But anyways, it's still more fun than having to interfere every now and then to get a good story going on in my world. Also, Isekais don't have to be sentient, even animals and magic beasts are qualified to become cheat reincarnators. Moving on to Question number 5, would you rather spend your eternity in peace or come back and have an adventure in the world of the living? This is the deciding question that'll decide whether you are a candidate for reincarnation or not.

Even though I'm the God of this world, I'm going to follow my Creator's principle of uplifting the glorious power known as free will which I would try not to interfere with. Question number 6, and I'm already bored, I should let the fates decide what to do. I still have 649 million years before humanity's natural birth and 640 million years before I create any sentient races. Hmmm, what to do?

Suddenly, a thought emerged in his head as another life long dream emerged. The creator transformed into his human form and summoned a psionic blue portal. "Starcraft Universe, here I come!" The creator then shot into the blue portal, leaving a large burst of psionic energy behind in the white void.


The fiery skies of Char rumble as red lightning strikes the hard, dry ground followed by a large roar. Mutalisks flew in groups around the smoke covered sky as ground zerg breeds patrol the inhospitable surface of Char. Small discharges of lava would occasionally burst, sending magma into the sky and raining fire and brimstone to all around it. Purple structures made of flesh and hard brown carapace surrounded a massive hill.

Anyone who saw these structures would puke as zerg creatures emerged from their orifices like a baby being born. Atop this evil complex of flesh and carapace, is the ruler of the Zerg Swarm. The Overmind looked like a horrifying and massive chunk of flesh and muscles with five mandibles surrounding a massive brown eye like structure with some red glowing cracks on it. Its very form would strike fear into the beholder as its eye would peer into your soul and lock you into place as its zerg guardians would shred the beholder into pieces of biomass.

The Overmind used its vast reserves of psionic energy to peer into the future, to know of what would occur in due time. As it did, a figure appeared in his vision, one who would free it from the darkness that created it. From the Dark God who created him on Zerus one hundred and twenty thousand years ago. 'Finally, I could be free. I wonder who is this being that I have seen.'

As the Overmind ponders on this hopeful vision, a bright red object shot towards the jungle world of Vanahim VII.