Let the Swarm Begin

Dawn breaks on the planet of Vanahim VII as the sky's color gradually changed from black to dark blue to orange as the bright sun rises in the west. Vanahim VII is the seventh planet from its large sun, lying in the middle of the habitable zone. Two other planets are within the zone, possessing thriving ecosystems. Vanahim VII has two moons, one of which possesses habitable conditions and an ecosystem of massive, flying creatures.

The world was slightly larger than Earth, with seven separate continents covered in an endless carpet of green. Each continent is separated by large spanning seas containing a myriad of lifeforms whose size ranges from the microscopic diatoms to something thrice the size of the massive blue whale. In a vast tropical jungle, a fiery object streaks across the sky. As it hurls to the ground at great speeds, it burns brighter as it accelerates.

In a minute, the flaming object crashes into the ground.


A loud shockwave spread from the crash site as airborne creatures fly away in droves. A ten meter wide smoking crater forms on the ground, centered on a humanoid figure. Suddenly, the 'human' jolts to life and stands up, completely unfazed. The 'human' floats and claps as the crater immediately disappears, replaced by a patch of fertile soil and jungle grass.

The creator slowly floated and flew towards a nearby hill in order to look for a place to start his dream. From a 20m elevation point, he could see the vast jungle and the massive mountain range a few miles south. The mountains acted like a wall, separating the jungle and something else with their massive stone bodies that looked like mounds of dry clay. "This looks like a good place to start."

The creator floated towards a large sized clearing, only a hundred yards from the hill he was on. As he floats down to the grass, he looked at the clearing he chose. The clearing is about the size of a small park, with several wooden logs here and there, partially covered in vines and fungi. A boulder the size of a truck was placed at the other side of the clearing, it had some blue crystals on its surface.

'There's minerals here. But, I'm not gonna need it anyways.' The creator had plans to create his own Zerg Swarm, with him as the Overmind. The Swarm could act as his army, heralds and even companions when he explores the multiverse and beyond. He had formulated a system for him to use when managing the swarm since he might need some time to get used to the Overmind life.

As for the Swarm, he would extend the Psionic Link they have to be capable of passing through universes, allowing them to commune with members of the swarm even if they are trapped or stranded in other worlds. However, only his Broodmothers would have this ability and he would need to unlock it later on. As easy and practical it is to summon a whole swarm without effort, where's the fun in that? But first, he needed to create his first larva, the start of his swarm.

The creator pointed his hand to the ground and with a single thought, a bright light shone before quickly dimming. A maggot like creature emerged on the spot, it had a carapace covered, segmented body with many legs akin to a cross between a caterpillar and a centipede. It was a larva and almost immediately after its creation, it puked a blanket of creep on the area. The purplish, gray goo gradually spread along the grass, absorbing sunlight like a plant.

Unlike the Starcraft lore, the creator modified this creep to live in mutualism with other organisms. The creep would transform the plant life into a part of the energy collection network, giving any waste materials and water, depending on requirement, to fertilize the plant life while gaining the excess energy from the connected plants. The plants would gather solar energy and its extra energy would fuel the creep on the ground. This would increase efficiency and provide cover since from orbit, the presence of zerg would be hard to spot with so many trees hiding the creep.

Also, the presence of native life would cause the enemies of the zerg to think that the planet is uninfested or colonized which would provide my zerg with the element of surprise. Right after the creep began spreading, an information menu appeared in my head.

Swarm Tier: 0

Bio Energy: 300/1,000 units

Bio Energy Production rate: 1/day

Genetic Information Acquired:

- Larva

- Overlord

- Drone

- Hatchery

Tier Advancement Requirement:

- 500 Bio Energy units

My swarm currently produce 1 unit of Bio Energy a day from my current creep carpet which has now covered much more than the clearing in a minute. 'Wow, they're quite fast.' The creep has covered a km² in area and its daily production is 1 unit/km². Thanks to the integration with plant life, the creep is rapidly expanding, only stopping after another few minutes.

It had managed to cover up to five km² of area, increasing its production rate to 5 units per day. With the addition of plant life, this number is increased by 2 units per day. The creator looked at its larva as it watches him and eagerly waits for a command from its Overmind. Focusing on it, the creator opens a tab to morph it into a hatchery.

Hatchery [Tier 0, Building]

Bio Energy Cost: 300 units

Control: 20 Zerg


- Spawn Larva (1 Bio Energy)

Morph Time: 1 day

I pressed the mental button and the larva immediately morphed into the Hatchery. A large, orange cocoon forms with the larva squirming inside. It would occasionally pulse as an eerie orange glow would emerge. With nothing to do for a whole day, the creator decided to collect wood.

Bio Energy would be converted at a rate of 10 kg of biomass for 1 unit. All I need to do is to place it on creep and command it to devour the pieces of wood. Deciding to not use my powers, I wandered off to find a faraway area. After an hour, I had reached the bottom of the mountain range.

Their massive size makes the mountain range look like the home of titans. Some parts of this land are experiencing a storm, as if the gods think that some of these stone behemoths are sleeping titans that they would have to vanquish in their sleep. I ventured into the mountain range, following a seemingly predetermined path. There was only the occasional tree with some grass with every passing mile.

At the other side, is more jungle. However, the forest is less thick and there is more diversity of life in her. I could also feel a mystic touch on this forest, it seemed like every living thing here emits a small amount of psionic energy. In total, the forest has an archon's worth of psionic energy. Using his powers, he created a neo steel axe for him to chop down trees with.

Thanks to his super strength and neo steel axe, he cut even the sturdiest of trees in this forest as if cutting tofu. Thanks to that, a single swing is all that it takes to chop down a tree. In order to preserve its biodiversity and for energy gathering efficiency, he only cuts down the most common and small trees. The larger the tree, the less likely he would cut it down.

He opens a portal at the forest's entrance to drop off the wood. On average, it takes 12 minutes to chop down a tree and bring it to the portal. At night, he was attacked by a native lifeform. A massive white gorilla with elephant tusks and a gray, scale like hide.

The creature towered over almost nine feet, around twice the creator's human form in height. With the potential Bio Energy it would provide, the creator brought its corpse alongside the chopped down tree into the portal for the creep carpet to digest. Else than chopping trees, he started hunting any wildlife he can. To make sure he doesn't cause it to go extinct here, he only hunts for every two trees delivered.

Hunting and chopping trees are very different. The creator had problems in hunting, causing some hunts to span even six hours long thanks to inexperience. Luckily, a day passed quickly and by the time the hatchery emerged, his bio energy reserves is full.

Swarm Tier: 0

Bio Energy: 1,000/1,000 units

Bio Energy Production rate: 10/day

Genetic Information Acquired:

- Larva

- Overlord

- Drone

- Hatchery

Tier Advancement Requirement:

- 500 Bio Energy units

Only ten trees have been digested and parts of the beast corpse have been eaten by scavengers. Luckily, the wildlife left the hatchery alone. From afar, I commanded the hatchery to produce five larva. All the larva will take 11 minutes to hatch and he hatchery could only make five larva at a time.

While waiting for my first batch of larva to emerge, I used my Vishnu's eye to find nearby areas with minerals and vespene gas. These would provide 1 Bio Energy per mole instead of per 10 kg, which is attributed to the fact that minerals and vespene gas are only existent in the Starcraft universe. Therefore, they are much more valuable and provide more Bio Energy units. A hill around the area has a small pocket of both minerals and vespene gas, they would last for about six months if they are harvested.

The trip to the hill took an hour since it's a few miles away. Thanks to that, he managed to finish more batches of larva. Right now, he has 15 larva at base, 9 of which he morphed into drones and one into an Overlord. The drones took twelve minutes to be morphed and five of them have already followed him, a mile away from their Overmind.

The Overlord is still a minute away from being completed. He commanded the four drones to chop down trees and deliver them to base for more Bio Energy. Right now, he has 720 Bio Energy units left with him. Fifteen to build a hatchery in this small hill and five to make a from the hatchery.

He needs to build the hatchery in order to have more zerg units and to expand faster. He plans to advance a tier by the time his hatchery is being built in order to not have to wait since he would be placed under sleep for a day. After waiting, his drones have arrived. Two drones morphed into extractors while the other two begin harvesting.

He called one up to puke creep, which is less disgusting than it sounds, and then to morph into a hatchery. As the large orange cocoon forms, the creator activated the advancement. Upon doing so, a psionic shockwave emerged, commanding all the zerg units to immediately enter cocoon state. The evolution would last for a day and his second hatchery would be done by then.

As all the Overmind's zerg become cocoons, their traits begin to transform as they improve. Even the hatcheries slowly improve despite one still being built. This would cause these buildings and creatures to take hours to be built but the creator had done that on purpose. Since he doesn't have any genes that would prevent assimilation, he doesn't want the zerg overmind to have rapid production which would result in the overmind's zerg having an unparalleled advantage against all the other races.

The evolution brought significant changes to the current creatures. Larva can be produced in batches of ten in every hatchery and in batches of twenty five in a Lair. Drones are 15% faster, stronger, larger and more durable. The Overlord is given increased speed which is from 30 miles per hour to 50 miles per hour and it can provide control and command to 30 zerg entities at a time instead of the previous 20. After the evolution ended, the same menu appeared in his head.

Swarm Tier: 1

Bio Energy: 200/100,000 units

Bio Energy Production rate: 20/day

Genetic Information Acquired:

- Hydralisk Den

- Hydralisk

- Roach Warren

- Roaches

- Spawning Pool

- Zergling

- Lair

Tier Advancement Requirement:

- 50,000 Bio Energy units

- 7,500 Zerg Lifeforms

Seeing the new information, the creator began his plans of expansion as he exits his cocoon that deflates like a popped balloon. He immediately commands for all hatcheries to produce larvae, which now require 33 minutes to produce. As for the fifteen larva at his main hatchery, he commanded two to become Overlords, three to become the Hydralisk Den, Roach Warren and Spawning pool respectively, five to become drones and leave the rest stationary for now. The Overlords now require 75 minutes to morph and each building requires around a day and a half to be completed.

To pass time, the creator speaks to his only Overlord through the Psi link. 'Overlord, do you have a name?' The intelligent zerg replied, 'No, Overmind.' Its voice was deep and old, like a being who has lived for a thousand years. The creator commanded, 'Then, I'll give you one. I name you Alpha, for you are my first intelligent child in the Swarm.'

The Overlord nodded using its fly like head in acceptance and also excitement like a child being praised by his or her parents. Eager for a command, the Overlord asked, 'Overmind, what is your command?' The creator made a quick thought and replied, 'Alpha, I need you to produce a batch of larva at every possible time. Every two batches, morph an Overlord to control them and morph them into any buildings or strains available, place priority in buildings.

Every three Overlords that are morphed, send two of them with five larva and five drones each to find another spot for a hatchery. If you lack any Bio Energy, command the drones to collect more wood and drop them inside the Hatchery for processing.' Instead of having to manage the Swarm all on his own for this repeatable process, he could have his first overlord manage the lesser ones to expand. The Main Overlord's control range reaches both hatcheries, allowing it to manage any processes required.

Before doing anything else, the creator morphs both Hatcheries into Lairs, which would halve the time needed to build structures. From a day and a half into a dozen hours instead. However, a day is needed for the Lairs to form, so it's a little slow. Tier 2 would unlock Creep Tumors, Evolution Chambers,

Baneling Nests and Queens. To wait off the day, the creator went hunting and tree chopping again, moving to more distant areas to pass time.

Occasionally, he would peer back into the Swarm and see how's it going. After three days, the creator is quite amazed at the Overlord's progress. It handled the local life by using zergling packs to hunt any predator within a mile's range. Three Lairs have been morphed and two have all the available combat breed buildings. In total, five bases have been formed and more expeditions of zerg are sent as it spreads along the surface of Vanahim VII.