Elves of Destruction part 2

The village of the dark elves are under attack by an ancient flame dragon. Its warriors fought the dragon, hoping to keep it at bay while the non combatants escape. The dragon appeared since three days ago, attacking elven hunters and travelers in the Schwarz Forest. Usually, it only attacks people in the forest, it never ventures close to the village at all and until ten minutes ago, it attacked the village.

Annoyed by the village's warriors, the dragon proceeded to swipe them, throwing them into buildings and the panicking villagers. With no more dark elves distracting it, the dragon began its first phase of destruction. Breathing fire rivaled only by the sun in temperature, the dragon scorched the village in its torrent of flames. Buildings and structures were set ablaze while some unlucky dark elves found themselves vaporized by the intense heat.

Falling rubble blocked the exit for many villagers while others found debris injuring them or burying them. With its black claws, the flame dragon dug into debris to find the immobilized dark elves, ready to be devoured. A group of eight elves will be the first of his meal. He plucked them out one by one, debris scraping their skin, causing them to bleed.

The smell of dark elven blood enticed the flame dragon, it becomes more eager to devour them. With a loud chomping noise, the dragon ate the poor dark elf, ecstacy over its taste evident on the beasts scaly face. So, it took more dark elves and shortly devoured them while they screamed in agony or accepted their fate as dragon food. As for the last one, he was a bloody and tearful mess.

He shouted prayers to Hardy for him to be saved from this rampaging beast. As he draws closer to the dragon's open maw, the dark elf lost his faith and called upon other gods to help him. A few feet away from a bloody death, a whisper resounded in his mind. "Rei, dark elf of the Dushi Clan, I have heard your prayers."

Suddenly, time stops and the world turns bright purple. Noticing that the dragon stopped, Rei tried to squirm his way out of the beast's clutches. After a minute of trying to no avail, he finally took notice of the frozen time and the violet hue of everything. He panicked, frozen time could only be the work of a god.

Then, it dawned on him, the voice that spoke into his mind before time stopped, it must be the work of a god. Before a single word could be uttered from his lips, a rebounding, feminine voice called out to him. "You guessed right Rei haa Dushi." Before the trapped dark elf, the destroyer shimmered into existence, her violet eyes amused at the dark elf's surprise. The black haired dark elf scanned the goddess' form and found no similarity to any known God of Falmart.

"You're not Hardy."

"Was it the brown hair or the fact that I'm not a bored, dragon summoning slut of a goddess." Said the goddess with venom. "What do you mean?" Rei is really confused, this mysterious goddess freezes time, shows up and suddenly insults the goddess of the underworld in front of a believer-ahem ex believer. If it were him a few minutes ago, he would've did what any fanatic would, shout death threats and street level insults because it's the only thing he can.

"Well, let me tell you this in a clear and concise manner. Your goddess, Hardy, is a pussy licking bitch who kills her own people with dragons on a whim because she's bored and made poor life choices like being hell bent on fucking a loli demigoddess of death." For a goddess, she sure cusses a lot, he heard that becoming a god or a goddess would remove things like this. He wonders how she could still cuss and display normal emotions like this, basically thinking how she could ascend and retain all this.

"For the record, I ascended differently and please don't compare me to Falmart's gardeners, I'm much more superior in many ways. Example." The goddess lifted a finger and suddenly, the dragon's grip loosens and before the dark elf could fall, he is teleported before her, floating and amazed. Lifting another finger, the goddess repaired the whole village in a wave of violet light despite the still active frozen time.

"You might wanna denounce your faith and follow me, considering that I will actually pay attention to my own people. Also, I won't abandon or awaken dragons to kill my own people for entertainment, unlike Hardy." She said it with a smile, a friendly but threatening smile. He just realised that she held his life in her hands the whole time and if this were any other god, he probably would be told to prostrate or immediately worship them instead of the indirect approach here.

"While you're stating facts here, can you hurry up and consider joining me? I'll promise eternal prosperity of your whole race and the best afterlife!" Rei was quick to agree, reminded that she saved him and repaired the village before making any demands. His life is much more worth it than his fate to Hardy, after all, she mentioned an alternate afterlife that his people can enter else than the underworld. Take note that she mentioned that Hardy does not care for her people which means that all these rituals for the dead are pointless.

So, it's a good deal and as with most good deals, he took it. "Good, before I leave, I need to tell you something. This dragon will be killed by my first followers who are already in this village. Once the scaled beast is slain, tell their leader these exact words. Colt, your journey south has bore fruit for we, dark elves of the Dushi clan pledge our allegiance to you and the goddess that sent you."

Rei nodded, a moment he thought to be simple will later become a moment immortalized and revered by the future Church of Destruction. Next, time gradually starts flowing and the Rei was no longer in the dragon clutched but below, with his fellow protectors. Their equipment were clean and the will to protect was evident in their stance. However, there was something else he felt, a boiling anger rising inside his supposedly dead comrades.

His suspicions were confirmed when they charged and shouted their war cry. "Die you beast of hell!" "Death to Hardy's beast of destruction!" "Hail to the new goddess!" "For the elves and the goddess!" 'Was she serious, did she really mean it when she said that Hardy sent this beast to kill?' It seems so, as the dark elven guardians fought with wrath and tenacity only found in those betrayed. Unlike before, he could see them actually harm the dragon as scratches became more obvious.

Soon, a man crashed into the dragon with a black spear, causing the dragon to crash into nearby trees. After impacting the dragon, the man pursued it, followed by a group of 100 well armed men. His comrades followed these men to the dragon, bringing back up to fight the dragon. Soon, Rei joined them in their fight against the dragon.

Their leader was some sort of a hybrid, he had the aura of an elf, a giant and a human but a body that appeared to be a cross between a human and an elf. He almost mistook him for an elf until he took a closer look at his ears which are less pointed than his. Other elves and dark elves only have a difference in skin color and religion. Dark elves pray to Hardy while most elves pray to Wareharun, Goddess of the Forest or Zufmuut, God of Light and Order.

Colt Formal stabbed his spear to the dragon's torso, its power of destruction corroding the flesh around the injury. The dragon roared in pain, entering a frenzy to kill and eat its attacker. Before the dragon could trample him, Colt had swiftly taken the spear out of its flesh and then dealt a powerful slash into its belly. Corrosion and rot spreads from the spear, poisoning the millenia old beast with the venom of death and decay.

This blow rendered the dragon immobile, the pain was just too great. All the dragon could do was breathe fire and claw aimlessly, hoping for its attacker to either be shredded or burnt to a crisp. Colt recognized this as an opportunity as aimless hits are usually easier to block. He jumped into striking range and nimbly dodged the fires and claws, crossing a distance of ten yards within a second.

Once he reached the dragon, he went for an uppercut using his spear, slashing the dragon all the way up to its head where its mouth was cleanly split into two. Rot quickly stemmed, spreading throughout the wound and the beast's body. Bones were reduced to calcified dust, flesh rotted thousands of times faster while blood broke down into its rudimentary biomolecules, causing streams of rotten blood plasma, water and fat sub units to trickle out of the wounds.

It was a disgusting sight, but the dark elves did not care because this creature was sent to kill them, it deserved its rotting fate. In truth, the dragon still lived, but in a state of impossible agony as its body and soul breaks down under the lingering power of destruction that nests within its wounds. The battle was over rather quickly, as the stranger and his men quickly destroyed the dragon over a five minute battle. The black spear their leader wielded seamed to cut through the ancient dragon's hide like it was some common leather.

In falmart, wyvern or normal dragon hide rivals iron plate armor in terms of durability. Then, there are ancient dragons, dragons who have lived at least 1,000 years and possesses enough power that allows them to survive encounters and skirmishes with gods. Their scales are capable of resisting powerful magic and only human sized arrows shot from a ballista had any hope of scratching them. To see a weapon deal such damage must be the work of gods, as no mortal magic could inflict such damage.

In the aftermath of the battle, no dark elves had died during the attack but many claim to be once dead and resurrected by a goddess who told them that Hardy sent the dragon. They are well aware that gods rarely lie and that even Hardy could not resurrect the dead as she requires aid from Emroy, the God of Darkness, Death and Chaos to do so. If one goddess could bring the dead back to life and create a mortal emissary that could slay dragons, it means that she must be a greater goddess than the gods of Falmart. 27 people report themselves to have died and be resurrected by this goddess, they immediately welcomed the emissary and his group, even swore an allegiance.

Most of the village, especially the elders are still skeptic about Hardy attacking them with a dragon, saying that the goddess cherishes her followers. As for those who knew better, they joined the travellers and pledged themselves to Lauria, Goddess of Destruction. A festival occured in the Colt and his mens' honor for saving the village from the dragons. The believing dark elves, who number 47, invented a new holiday to commemorate the goddess resurrecting 27 of their should be dead people, slaying the flame dragon and revealing Hardy's true nature.

It is named Veredis and the elders warn them of grave consequences of offending Hardy, remaining faithful despite her inability to resurrect the dead and her lack of miracles. They all feasted, danced and talked, a togetherness like this between humans and demi-humans is unheard of ever since the empire's dominance over Falmart. At around midnight, the festivities ended and they all went their separate ways to sleep. While they rested, the zerg rampaged beyond the gate, devouring the empire one village after another.

Darkness had enveloped Falmart and cool winds breezed, cooling its surface. However, screams reverberated through the woods as travelers, bandits, soldiers and villagers alike suffered a bloody death at the hands of the zerg. Travelers set up camps, sitting in front of the bonfire, unaware of the zerg prowling behind them. A hydralisk slithered out of the shrubbery, making soft rustling noises.

When one of the travelers turned to the source of the rustling, he beheld the terrifying visage of a grinning hydralisk. Before he could scream, the upright serpent zerg shot a spine towards his head, causing a gaping hole on the terrified traveler's skull. Then, drones emerged from the bushes and using their formidable pincers, they dragged the body into the bushes, never to be seen again. His friends suffered a less terrible fate as they died in their sleep, never knowing the horror of a grinning hydralisk.

Bandits found themselves mutilated as dozens of zerglings rushed into their camp and massacred both sleeping and awake bandits. Their leather armor and cheap weaponry never stood a chance against the hound like zerg's diamond hard hide and neo-steel piercing claws. However, the zerg never slaughtered any innocents, the drones simply carried them away to pre-built villages where they found themselves dumbfounded at the actions of these violent beasts. Hundreds of innocents were carried over to these villages, confused to why these beasts brought them here while they massacred the rest.

Hours later, equipment was dropped in front of each house, distributed equally. These equipment were refined and polished using zerg creep, either calcified or elasticized using complex biological processes. Thanks to that, they were ten times as durable as iron and as for elastic equipment, they could store ten times the elastic energy. Also, other buildings were established other than houses.

Mines, a town hall, farm lands, wells, gardens, pebble paved streets and warehouses were also constructed. In the villages, houses would be dismantles and trees would be harvested in order to build these structures. If extra stone were needed, it would be replaced using calcified creep, whose appearance is barely different than that of stone. Due to this operation being executed at night, the empire's western borders were quickly claimed by the zerg and their makeshift town.

Due to their growing numbers, around sixty thousand casualties were reported overnight, both civilian, slave and soldiers alike. By daytime, the empire was shocked to its core to find a few dozen towns and several minor cities have fallen in a span of ten hours. They were even more livid when they discovered that these cities were also disassembled, all clues pointing to their existence erased and used for unknown reasons. As for the demi-humans, they feared this but are confident that these mindless beasts would not discover them.

Back in the Dark Elf Village,

As dawn breaks, the believers of the goddess of destruction found themselves waking up to see suits of armor in front of them. There were four types, most of the human followers found themselves a bulky white combat suit with symmetric patterns of small lights decorating the chest portion of this armor. The suit had two pairs of gas filter holes on its large chest portion and appeared identical to CMC Powered Combat suits except for their less bulky appearance and the lack of visible wiring. These suits are made of enhanced neo steel that grants it half the weight of CMC Powered Combat suits but twice the durability.

For the 'leader' types of Colt's group of 100, their armor looks vastly different. This armor is much less bulky and appears as standard medieval knight armor but with a futuristic style similar to a synthetic warrior. It sports dot sized purple armor lights, metal plates and decorations alongside a long, flowing purple cape. This armor is outfitted with an intelligent AI containing more than 3,000 strategies from the worlds of Starcraft, Halo, Warhammer 40K, Mass Effect, Star Wars and their counters.

The armor also enhances brain functions by slowing down the perception of time, allowing the wearer to see a second in real life split into four seconds. This will allow decisions to be done faster and allow the commanders to survive ambushes and sudden attacks due to increased reaction speed through greater time perception. To increase survivability and tactical advantage, the suit can reveal all visible targets within a ten mile radius and its AI can process all this data within a second. As for the elven believers, they were granted a much more different design.

Non magical wielders woke up to see black armor whose designs are a cross between protoss and aeldari armor. Its helmet was mostly protoss in design, which is highlighted by a silver color but the face is completely covered by a black plate with three pairs of glowing yellow binoculars extremely similar to normal eyes. Its main theme is Aeldari, a standard, black, full body armor that is covered and decorated by protoss designs and parts. Its protoss like gauntlets sport a miniature hard-light projector to allow the user to generate up to two weapons of light.

As for their magic wielding counterparts, their armor is a cross between Farseer Macha's armor and a Protoss High Templar's armor. However, its color is predominantly black and silver with some glowing purple lines and patterns. The armor amplifies psionics and magic, allowing its users to become ten times stronger in both aspects. In relation to that, it sports a pre-made shield generator and mini bot generator well hidden inside its design.

Unbeknownst to them, this will be the start of a new, powerful, interstellar military and one of its most powerful divisions, the Elves of Destruction. Soon, the might of the light wielding Wraithbane and the fearsome power of the Oracles will raze battlefields, earning them the fear and awe of beings from the galaxy and beyond.