Great Saintess Anastasia

The primary hive cluster of Falmart is filled with writhing, squirming life, from the purplish gray carpet of creep to the large, carapaced and squid like form of the evolution chamber. In the game, the evolution chamber acts as a place for upgrades. In here, it has the same role but with different mechanisms from the one in the game. In the game, the evolution chamber upgrades the armor, melee attack and ranged attack of ground units divided into 4 levels.

Here, there are more options to this upgrade and even specific evolution paths for certain units. Entering pseudo tier 4 allows two evolution paths for each unit. The upgrades done by an evolution chamber will affect all hive clusters under a 500 mile radius, resulting in all zerg morphed from the hatcheries in range to have these upgrades. If the evolution chamber is destroyed, another one must be rebuilt but half of the upgrades will be removed as much DNA was lost during its destruction.

The upgrades available are maximum health, armor, regeneration, melee attack, melee attack speed, ranged attack, ranged attack speed and movement speed. Maximum health is increased by 15% per level, stacking up to 60% at max. The first upgrade requires 1,000 bio energy and each consecutive upgrade requires an additional 100% the previous cost. As for the upgrade time, the first level requires 12 hours and an additional 12 hours per level, upgrade times apply to all.

Note that upgrades can only be researched one at a time in each evolution chamber so having multiple evolution chambers are recommended during invasions and occupations. Armor is increased by 0.125 per upgrade, resulting in a total of 0.5 increase after all four levels are bought. A single unit of armor is equal to a half meter thick wall of neo-steel which is twice as hard as titanium. So, full armor upgrades will increase zerg armor by around the durability of a half meter thick titanium wall.

A fully armor upgraded zergling should be capable of resisting a few shots of titanium bullets before their carapace starts to crack. Regeneration factor is upgraded by 50% per upgrade, up to a 200% increase. The upgrade cost for regeneration and armor is 5,000 bio energy units, the cost doubles for every level and costs 40,000 bio energy units for level 4. Melee and range attack speed increase by 15% per level while melee and range attack increase by 0.75 per level.

Each point of attack is equal to a depleted uranium round bullet used by the standard Dominion Marine. A level 4 upgrade for both would result in 60% attack speed added by an extra 3 damage per attack. If these upgrades were applied to a zergling, the DPS of every zergling produced will be multiplied 2.56 times. As for movement speed, they increase speed by 0.5 points per level of upgrade.

Each point of speed is equal to a human's average walking speed. At full upgrades, the total movement speed added would amount to 2.8m/s or around 10km/h. However, the different physiques and movement methods of each zerg strain results in it taking 8 hours for the first level and doubling in time after every upgrade. Also, the upgrade cost is at 2,000 bio energy units and multiplies by 3 times after every upgrade.

These upgrades are why zerg on one planet may be stronger than one from another due to these upgrades. Each upgrade chain would take a total of 5 days to complete, not to mention that the upgrades only affect hatcheries in a 500 mile radius only. So far, the Feltamor brood led by Nesfel has upgraded movement speed and regeneration to level 1 after 12 hours of establishing and expanding into the world of Falmart. The Gods are indifferent to the expansion of the zerg, as Hardy and the other gods are none the wiser about the Swarm's ability to kill and assimilate far greater beings than them.

Beside one of the two evolution chambers on Alnus Hill is the infestation pit. The infestation pit is a crab like structure of flesh covered with hard, calcified carapace. It sports five pairs of large, claw like appendages on its size, making it look like a crab ready to attack and crush its foes. Here, one of the most sinister and disturbing creations of the swarm are produced, the Infestors.

The infestors are ten legged creatures derived from the borbu matriarch, an animal more like a colony than a single organism. The infestor appears like a fat tick armored with plates of brown zerg carapace and a mouth of tentacles below its glowing, yellow eyes. The creature has a pair of massive front legs with sharp ends, allowing it to burrow quickly and anchor the creature in place. Its abdomen is a massive purple sac protected by carapace above and below it, this portion maked up half of its size and contains its colony of zerg parasites.

Infestors are being morphed by Nesfel to create an endlessly replenishing army for her brood. They possess the ability to drag corpses into their sacs and mutate them, after that, they would discharge the mutating corpse inside a cocoon through its abdomen. Soon, the cocoon will burst and reveal the horribly disfigured, nightmarish form of an infested. Not only that, the Infestors can inject neural parasites through its mouth tentacles and control subjects from afar, allowing almost undetectable infiltration.

This will be the start of a long process of remote infestation where the host bodies of the Infestor's parasites will slowly be transformed into the infested. The changes are subtle, enhanced motor functions, heightened senses and later on, increased intelligence. Once these changes are complete, they will become intelligent Infested, beings similar to Alexei Stukov and the Queen of Blades but with the lack of free will. To make them even more deadly, the Infestors can spawn more infested, even without corpses as the DNA of the corpses they devoured and mutated are forever imprinted within the Swarm.

Devouring corpses requires much less energy and much less time than simply generating them outright. Despite all this, it would sound that Infested from corpses and normal people would be shambling cannon fodder, right? Mostly not, despite their lacking mobility, all Infested are capable of using tentacles to grab their opponents and if they carry weapons such as guns, they can operate it like an experienced soldier. Added by the fact that they can spew acid blasts and infect pilots of giant machines and wield those controlled machines simply makes them unstoppable if a pandemic occured.

This is why the protoss had to use purification, as the zerg can infest both the world and its people. Creep may recede but the infestation cannot be cured by any known method else than purification by fire. Nesfel decided to employ the new strain to terrify the empire as pride is their strong suit, therefore, it will be their greatest downfall. Once the slow moving Infestors emerge from their cocoons, Nesfel commanded them to charge ahead and begin abducting people for infestation.

The creatures scuttled away into the woods, leaving behind green, slimy trails filled with infestation virus to infest unsuspecting humans. With the infestors in the safety of the woods, Nesfel summoned her large army of 20,000 zerg and marched on to greet the incoming army. In an attempt to minimize losses, the Empire is focused on killing the zerg as fast as possible before they conquer and dismantle another city. Although a few nobles and a senate expressed their concern on fighting the zerg, the majority of the empire's upper management is still vying for war and conquest, still believing that the empire is invincible.

Senator Residence, Imperial Capital

Senator Anastasia Sparatus is not having a good day, in fact, the young senator is experiencing her first day of stress and extreme anxiety. Originally, the senator approved and supported the expansion of the empire despite how brutal it is. After all, resources are limited and expansion was the only choice they had to maintain peace and prosperity in the empire. She sent only a small group of thirty of her troops to conquer beyond the gate as she wanted to test the waters first.

However, the result of that brought deep fear into her heart. Hounds with claws that can tear up iron like a piece of paper, upright serpents shooting bone needles so sharp that it pierces through groups of men before stopping, turtles firing green sludge that melts anything it touches, even the trolls. She could imagine the massacre that is the first expedition. Every time she thought of that, she felt glad that she only sent a small fraction of her men, it lifted a weight in her heart that most of her men are still safe.

Unlike the other senators, her forces are mostly made up of her friends, her supporters and not mercenaries. She spent her money to charity and to protect the demi-humans or help their escape. Unlike the empire, they hold a special place in her heart as demi-humans were the one who raised her and adopted her from the orphanage. Her parents died wen she was only three years old and a month later, a lieutenant and his feline wife adopted her and raised her as if she were their own.

She had a talent in politics and was praised by her tutors about how fast she learned and the creative solutions she came up with for several problems. Because of her talent in politics, she decided to take a job in the government. To do so, she had to leave her family and head for the imperial capital to apply. Her decision was supported by her parents because they wanted her to choose her own way in life and not be stuck inside the city forever.

She was often mocked and underestimated due to her gender, but her talents quickly silenced her persecutors. Anastasia quickly climbed up the chain of command, eventually landing in the position of Senator thanks to her hard work and talent. Missing her parents in those years, she regularly wrote letters to them about her condition and she would receive theirs. However, when news about the zerg's current location arises, she despairs.

Her home city had been overrun and reports said that the walls were dissolved by the green sludge and its population was massacred by the combined assault of claws and a hailstorm of bone needles. After the first expedition force's annihilation, she immediately realized the gravity of this situation and had relocation plans ever since. However, her thoughts about escape were shattered knowing that her parents are most likely dead alongside all inside that city. Since these invaders are known to be an army of monsters, no other fate could have befallen her parents.

Anastasia didn't cry, she found that crying over her parents death would disappoint them. She could imagine their last words telling her to survive and that they were watching and proud of what she had become. Although her aim was to focus, the emotions of love towards her parents and grief over their deaths stopped her from being focused. News travels fast with magic, something she would consider a boon another day.

When the senator opens the doors to her office, she found a beautiful young lady sitting on her chair, reading one of her books. She recognized the book as her personal dreams and aspirations notebook. Seeing her violate her personal property, the senator ran towards her, attempting to snatch it away. Unexpectedly, the senator crashed into an invisible wall with an ouch.

"Anastasia Sparatus, 25 years old, youngest and first female senator of the Saderan empire. Good politician and an even better person, deserves salvation." The senator shook her head, dispelling the pain from hitting the wall. Back to her senses, she asked, "What?" Placing her book down, the violet eyed stranger replied, "You'd make an excellent leader for my Church."

"I'm sorry, what do you mean about your church?" Suddenly, reality distorts and both of them found themselves on the branch of an unimaginably large tree. The branch itself expands halfway to the horizon, beyond it are massive white, pink dotted rifts and other massive branches. The blowing wind is loud yet the air was not too cold.

Anastasia wondered what this place is, looking around to see the endless horizon of rifts, leaves and branches. Her eyes were wide in bewilderment and awe as a tree so large could not possibly exist, not without the interference of gods. Yet, no god has possibly created such a tree, could this be an illusion? Then, the stranger began to talk, "Like the scenery? It's one of my youngest creations, Yggdrasil, the tree of infinite worlds."

Anastasia perked up when she heard the phrase 'tree of infinite worlds' and asked, "The tree of infinite worlds?" A blue hologram of the tree suddenly emerged from the branch, startling the senator. "Yes, a tree that connects all worlds and their alternate timelines. A nexus point between all planes of reality. From here, you can go anywhere and nowhere with no limit at all. Except for the fact that without sufficiently advanced magic, you will die of multiple reasons."

This must be an illusion, even the gods are incapable of such a feat. A tree connecting endless worlds, is that even possible? But the facts are there and this place is tangible. Heck, all five senses and even her sixth can see that this is no illusion. 'What are you?' Reading her mind, the goddess replied, "A goddess from another world who decided to help the good people of Falmart. Lauria, pleasure to meet you, human."

The goddess extended her hand with a smile, beckoning the senator to shake it. The senator shook it with great respect as it's not every day that a goddess decides to show up and actually ask for a handshake instead of telling you to bow or become her servant. "You're probably wondering why I was in your office and reading your personal stuff, right?" Anastasia nodded, seeking to know why she was reading her personal stuff.

Despite knowing her divine nature, personal stuff must be respected by all, even the gods. "Well, I wanted to do a little wish granting to show my good intentions to this world. In your journal, you wrote about making the empire a better place by promoting equality, freedom and education for all. You noticed that nobility does not equate to intelligence, only power."

"I say that you are right and I would like you to make this true in Falmart." Anastasia had a bad experience with nobles, only a few of them were actually kind to her and supported her demi-human rights plan. The only reason why she wasn't a major senate was the gender discrimination and the nobles disagreeing with her ideas as her ideas only benefitted the peasants and slaves, not them. "Anastasia, the empire will soon fall under the might of the Zerg Swarm. I need you to reestablish a new empire after the current one falls."

'So the monsters are called the Zerg Swarm, fitting, they do attack by swarming the empire's troops despite their lesser numbers.' Anastasia was also quick to accept her offer, most of the nobles and the senate are idiots if they think stopping the zerg is possible. If she can build a new and better empire, she'd take that offer anyday. Her parents would be proud of her, oh right, they died.

Anastasia's head hung low as she remembered her parents, the zerg would probably have ripped them to shreds, desecrating their remains with acid. She held back tears and swore to kill the zerg for what they've done, even if it's not possible now, she will one day have her revenge. Seeing her second apostle holding back tears and clenching her fists with anger, she revealed a fact. "Let me tell you something, the Zerg did not kill your parents."

She looked up, teary eyed and confused as she asked, "What?"

"Your parents, alongside the innocent people were not killed by the zerg but transported to towns made by the zerg for them." The goddess warped reality once more into an infested city. Creep covered the walls and buildings of this city while drones dismantled buildings one by one with their pincers. Each drone was protected by a hydralisk and two zerglings, the low hovering zerg production unit carried pieces of wood or stone into the forest.

Then, the scenery warped to those villages being built by drones, with creep as a substitute for cement. The senator was amazed at the sight, seeing how these monsters could build villages so quickly. Even an army could not do that over a day, let alone half a day. "Your parents are safe, alongside your men, they're with my first follower in the Schwarz forest."

"I managed to convince them and Count Formal to desert the army and survive the zerg. They are now my first followers and you will be their co-leader, establish the church of destruction with the survivors and Falmart will see a new, better future." With a firm handshake, Anastasia becomes the second key member of the Church. "Now, you must bring the most loyal people to you and make your way to the Schwarz forest to meet your allies."

"Tell them that I sent you and after that, embark to the land of the head hunting bunnies to gain their warriors. Then, enter the forest of the High elves and wherever you go, gain more for my cause. Once your great journey is done, establish a capital city on the edge of the peninsula southwest of the Falmart Capital. There, the church will begin civilization anew while I prepare for the final battle against the evil of Falmart."

The goddess disappeared in a flash of purple light, leaving the senator in her dark, empty office. Immediately, she prepared a letter for her resignation and called for her most trusted aides to leave with her. On sundown, she leaves with her army of eight hundred trusted aides, heading towards the Schwarz forest. Her departure and resignation was not taken kindly by the Empire, who accused her of cowardice and betrayal.

A legion of 5,000 men is sent to kill her and bring her head back as an example for those who attempt to desert the empire.

Codex Domini - Anastasia Kyriel Sparatus

Great Saintess of the Church of Destruction, blessed by the Goddess and second member of the Trisagion. With her power to read minds and intentions, reveal secrets and weaknesses, Anastasia is the best diplomat and politician known to exist. Thanks to this, the survivors of the Judgement of Falmart surrendered without struggle and the Church grows ever stronger.