
After setting up the foundation of her church, the creator decides to leave Falmart and Starcraft to tend to her world. Opening a large, blue rift in space time, the creator walked into her world. Above the firstborn world, a cosmic storm came into existence and from it, the creator emerged to view her first world. The world had dramatically changed since her last visit.

250 million years of random evolution has brought the existence of thousands of bloodlines of magic beasts. These ranged from simple chameleon owls to the dreaded khonsu beetles, whose shells are harder than the planet's crust and menacing bright lights that turn valleys of sand into scorching glass. Gaia's been doing a good job.

These beasts have thrived, becoming the rulers of the world's ecosystem and a pivotal member of life. Some of the ancient beasts of the world have evolved to possess powers rivaling the gods, courtesy of their long lives and near spontaneous evolution.

Alongside them, the normal animals and the great titans thrived in a variety of immense environments. Rough mountains whose peaks touched the stars themselves, the den of all things that soar in the beautiful blue skies.

Vast plains of green, occasionally sporting shrubbery and wide branched trees. Rivers flow through this biome and vast fields of light coloured flowers are found near these rivers. This biome is the domain of herbivores both large and small, from colonies of green grasshoppers to the fearsome Ox behemoths, whose steps shook the earth.

Then, forests of titanic trees sprout near mountains, where clouds of rain gather and the lands are eternally fertile. Primates and agile predators make these rainforests home, forcing the trees to witness much bloodshed over millions of years as battles for territory and dominance rages on.

Beneath the waves, titanic reefs have grown, forming intricate living labyrinths of colorful corals and the echinoderms that coexisted with them. All things that swam dwelled within these pelagic domains, thriving in the abundant but violent environments.

Even in the abyss, light and life thrived in volcanic rifts, whose ejections warmed the cold water and introduced an endless source of nutrients to the creatures who lurked in the midnight zone.

The creator found it good and because of it, she bestowed an inner fire to all living beings. It is frail and weak, yet when it cultivates itself, it becomes the center of all power. This is qi, the energy that flows within all life, and the creator had gifted it to the world.

After observing what has become of life, the creator had decided to reform and reformat the higher orders of the world. With the power of absolute creation in her hands, the creator had transformed most higher realms into the Immaterium, the realm of thoughts and the metaphysical.

The Immaterium is a realm where any concepts of dimensions or time do not apply at all. It is a formless yet perceivable realm of thought and consciousness, where the will of all things become manifest, though more strongly in the case of the self aware compared to the instinctual. Here is the source of psionics, the power to bend reality with thoughts, for the Immaterium encases all of physical reality.

There are many inhabitants of the Immaterium, generated by the thoughts and consciousness of all things living, where the dead return to. Currently, the thoughts and spirits of animals inhabit the Immaterium, forming a paradise of green with an abundance of all delicious foods and grand biomes fit to be the dwelling of gods.

Thoughts and dreams formed the landscape, hence the extremely natural appearance. Though they make up most of the realm of thoughts, truly sentient inhabitants could only emerge when a consciousness is grown. When a soul passes and many thoughts surround it, these thoughts will influence the consciousness by granting it a sort of mental mass.

This mass, pulls more thoughts upon itself until it could truly manifest as an active being in the world of wills. The lowest of them are simply known as spirits, while the greatest of them are known as gods. Only two immaterial gods naturally exist, Pa'hadai and Domahrus.

Pa'dahai is the collective god of abundance, the fusion of all herbivore souls and the personification of the will to eat and peacefully reproduce. It reigns as an equal to Domahrus, the collective god of territory and dominance, who represents the predators as uncontested rulers of their respective biomes.

To recycle the Gods, the creator restructured the concept of gods itself. From simple near almighty beings, the creator transformed them into the greatest manifestation of concepts and thoughts in the Immaterium. Alongside their restructuring, the creator also developed her personal categorization system for them.

Gods are divided into seven levels depending on how many concepts they embody or what concept they embody. A normal God embodies only one concept such as the Sun or the Moon. A Greater God embodies at least two related concepts such as Weather and Seasons or two opposing or unrelated concepts such as Fire and Ice, Mathematics and Stone. A Heavenly God embodies at least four concepts such as Light, Justice, Order and Truth.

A True God embodies at least seven concepts and or a true concept. A true concept is a concept that controls all related concepts. For example, True Destruction, the creator's domain. True Destruction covers many concepts such as decomposition, death, reconstitution, creation, nothingness and etc.

Creation is the destruction of nothingness, therefore its relations with the True Destruction concept. However, True Destruction belongs to a group called the omnipotent concepts, concepts that are related to all concepts, thus rendering the user omnipotent. Next in the list is a Super God, a Super God embodies at least three true concepts. Super Gods possess their own Immaterial world where they are omnipresent in.

The next level of gods are known as Supreme Gods, beings who master seven or more true concepts or master a greater concept, true concepts that cover other true concepts. The creator only made seven Supreme Gods who master True State, True Totality, True Perception, True Possibility, True Will, True Actuality and True Law respectively. Above this level is known as the Almighty God level, Gods that possess an omnipotent concept. The Creator has two forms with an omnipotent concept which are True Destruction and True Nothingness respectively.

The definition of Gods, beings that hold almost or absolute power as manifestations of a certain concept or groups of concepts in the Immaterial world.

For now, most of the Gods are in slumber within their own Immaterial realm. They will awaken once a sentient being emerges and their concept is introduced in the material realm. New concepts would be born and when they do, more Gods will emerge to take the role of these concepts. The Gods are capable of descending to the mortal realm in the form of avatars.

The old gods, whose nature was transformed by the creator's will retained all their memories. The creator did not wish for them to lose what they have created, so, she let them have the memories of the old realm of gods before the Immaterium's arrival.

As for the Fates, Nornir and the Primordials, the creator transformed them into nigh-omnipotent beings whose existence is unknown to both the material realm and the immaterial realm. Their location is in the Primordial realms where the True Yggdrasil and the True Fateless Turtle resides in. As for the angels, the creator made them weaker than the gods but are collectively the true rulers of the realm of thoughts.

And so, the creator fashioned the realm of thoughts in her likeness, completing the last piece of the world she willed for. After visiting her children, she returned to Falmart to complete her plan of salvation and domination.