
Over the week, Nesfel had grown her brood into a vast army of over a billion zerg. Half of the continent have been conquered by the zerg and millions have been slaughtered by the endless tide of acid and claws. Nesfel could have conquered this planet but did not because of the creator's command to conquer it slowly. She expanded on the other side of the empire, far from their main population centers.

The creator had commanded her to not begin the slaughter until she returned and commanded her to destroy the empire. Since her brood cannot destroy the empire prematurely, Nesfel sent the infested to attack. The millions strong army was sent in waves, large enough to instill fear of the living dead but small enough to be defeated by the primitive empire forces albeit after hours of battle. Three million humans and demi-humans have been captured by the zerg and placed in the artificial cities constructed by drones.

As for the fate of the creator's followers, the Swarm has always protected them from the shadows. The army sent to kill Anastasia and her fellow deserters was brutally massacred. Their bodies are defiled and corrupted into the abominations known as the Infested. Then, they were sent to the empire's capital, slaughtering a few senates before being destroyed by the empire's arriving armies.

Despite the death of over two thousand civilians and soldiers and the death of a few senates, the emperor still claims that they could defeat this threat. Unbeknownst to the primitives, the spores of infestation have been spread and once the goddess decides to bring her judgement, the empire shall fall into chaos. As for her followers, Anastasia and her 1,000 strong troops have met up with Formal, his troops and the half converted dark elven village. However, their meeting was cut short by Giselle who shows up with a ancient water dragon and two juvenile ancient dragons.

Before the battle, she commends them for killing the ancient dragon Hardy awakened. This confirms to the village that Hardy was indeed responsible for the attack, causing all the non converted villagers to renounce their faith. Upon renouncing their faith, the villagers were suddenly wrapped in purple aura as black armor begins covering them. The light black armor have purple markings on its chestplate and its black pauldrons.

Connected from behind each pauldron is a 2 feet long piece of purple cloth, glimmering under the sunlight. Covering the head of each elf is a black helmet of an elongated shape with a glowing purple visor. Then, weapons formed of blue light appear on the gauntlet covered hands of each elf. From swords to bows, the elves arm themselves with weapons of condensed light.

These weapons of light radiated power, power in the unseen. When the apostle saw these weapons, her confident smile faltered. From afar, she could feel that these weapons can truly harm her by stopping her regeneration. She could feel divine energy within these weapons, as if they were made from the shards of a broken God.

Little did she know that highly condensed light has a massive energy output due to its massless nature. Without mass, light is in a state between matter and pure energy, something similar to dark matter. It takes up space yet weighs nothing. The lack of mass means that it does not generate gravitational energy, resulting in its energy to be directed in other forms such as thermal or kinetic energy.

Due to a lack of gravitational energy, the light weapons are weightless and would never slow down in a gravity well as it is unaffected by it. Through the use of a certain system, it makes use of the gravitational energy exerted upon the user's suit causing it to be lighter. The energy is redirected to maximize the thermal and kinetic energy on the weapon, resulting in its massive energy output. A single hit would yield enough energy to hurl the moon towards the earth.

However, the creator tuned its effects down in order to prevent catastrophe from occurring when used. Luckily, it still has enough power to vaporize a tank in a single hit. This amount of energy is more than enough to disrupt an apostle's rapid regeneration and continuous hits would only result in their deaths. Soon, the small army charged and made short work of the apostle and her dragons.

The energy weapons easily tore through their powerful scales like a hot knife cutting through butter. After only 5 minutes, the apostle escaped and her dragons are no more, only charred corpses remain. A day later, she reported the incident to her goddess. Thanks to a little bit of mind control from the creator, Hardy could not take it seriously or even perceive the burnt carcasses of Giselle's dragons.

Thus, the apostle is all alone, running in fear of these powerful mortals. The village celebrated this victory with a feast and they partied all night long. When dawn breaks, Anastasia tells them that they must depart to the high elven lands in order to recruit them by her command. As an expression of gratitude, the dark elves gladly followed Anastasia to the eastern regions of the empire.

By Nesfel's psionic abilities, the small army of over a thousand arrived to the north western region of the empire within only a few days. Space distortions would engulf them while they sleep and transport them hundreds of miles away each time, bringing them closer to their destination. 3 days before the creator's return, they managed to reach the forest of the high elves. It was a massive forest where trees are as numerous as hair and sunlight cannot penetrate the canopy.

Light is supplied by blue, bioluminescent mushrooms that use mana to glow and allow life to thrive despite the absence of sunlight. Mystical creatures roam the woods, tending to nature with their powerful magic. A powerful illusion spell was cast upon the forest, preventing the empire from penetrating deeper. An army should be patrolling within the forest, waiting for the illusion to disperse.

However, the arrival of the zerg caused them to be withdrawn in order to attack. For those gifted with psionics, illusions would prove pointless as they could sense and differentiate what is real and what is fabricated. Nesfel guided them from afar, using subtle hints to influence them through the illusion's maze. After two hours through the labyrinth, they made it to a great wall of wood.

The wall is formed from massive intertwining branches, flowers and mushrooms growing on its surface. Their arrival is met with hostility as a few hundred elves emerged from the wall and pointed their magic infused arrows at them. They did not outright attack due to Nesfel's interference which allowed them to notice the odd armors that some of them are wearing. The eldest one of them all asked who they were, which was replied by saying that they were sent by a goddess named Lauria.

"There is no god of that name in Falmart! Speak truth or perish!" Tanrik's patience was never strong but an insult to the gods are an insult to him as a priest of the goddess Wareharun.

The high elves only survive because of Wareharun's illusion spell that protects them from the empire's armies. Without her aid, the high elves will no longer be a free race, they would be enslaved by the humans into their tools and toys. Thanks to that, the high elves greatly appreciate the divine, becoming faithful servants for the forest goddess. An insult to her or any other gods is an insult to the high elves and Tanrik would decapitate them without hesitation.

"We speak the truth High elf," Anastasia spoke up, "The Goddess Lauria sent us to your lands. She wishes to protect your people against the coming disaster."

Tanrik stepped forward, his magic axe ready to decapitate these humans, starting with the woman who speaks for them. He charged towards them, using wind magic to run faster with every passing moment. Before he could land a hit, Anastasia's voice shouted out.

"Have you ever wondered how we passed through the illusion?"

Tanrik paused, he never did. He never considered how they passed through the illusion or even realised it was an illusion. He looked at them warily. The illusion was casted by Wareharun, only an apostle or a god can make their way through the illusion and only an archmage would realize that there is an illusion in the first place.

This would mean that they are telling the truth since no archmage has emerged for the last decade.

No longer wary, he commanded his troops to stand down and let them in. The wall unravelled a large portion of itself to all the crowd of one thousand to pass through. Inside, they find a prosperous city of high elves living within massive trees. The large crowd attracted the attention of the city's inhabitants, earning curious looks.

Tanrik lead them towards a massive tree with hundreds of human sized blue fireflies flying around its flower filled branches. Tanrik led Anastasia and Formal within, towards the elders of the High Elves. They entered through a house sized gate made of magical giant vines. After Tanrik chanted a few verses in an unknown language, the vines unravelled and allowed them passage within the ancient tree.

Inside, glowing flowers guided them through the labyrinth of tunnels and branches until they arrive into an inner sanctum. Within the sanctum are five elder elves, all facing towards a pool at the center of the sanctum. A lone lotus floats at the center of this pool, the source of all nature magic of the high elven forest. Upon their entry, the pool started vibrating violently, startling the high elf elders as they started shouting in elvish.

Vines started erupting from the pool, rapidly covering the room in growth. However, mana started violently swirling around the room, causing flowers to rapidly grow and wilt repeatedly. Within the unseen realm, Wareharun is struggling against Nesfel's psionic power. The nature goddess found herself overwhelmed by the Large Queen's psionic power enhanced by her brood's mind.

The sheer number of minds forcing themselves onto her is too great. Unlike prayers that she could simply block, these thoughts are too powerful. Impossibly strong to the point that even instinct could not overcome it. After a few minutes of struggle, Wareharun's mind is consumed by the hive mind and a new being is born.

Now, the Nashfalic brood gains its own will, in the form of Nurah, the spirit of the Nashfalic. In the sanctum, the vines stop growing and purple and pink blooms emerge on these vines. Then, yellow pollen flies out from each flower, coalescing above the sanctum's pool as a humanoid entity. The high elves drop to their knees and some of the elders prostrate before this being.

A 6 foot tall woman made of pollen floated gracefully above the pool, her form exuding divinity. The woman floated towards the party before something unexpected happened, she knelt on one foot and said impossible words.

"Hail to the Great Goddess, creator of all! Great is your power and great is your glory for you humble yourself by allowing the presence of your chosen to grace me, an insignificant goddess."

Nesfel had grown to like the concept of gods and the typical fantasy world over the course of the invasion. By absorbing the minds of dead mages and mana sensitive humans, she gained much insight into the world and greater psionic power. Currently, she has over a hundred thousand minds absorbed and empowering the large Queen.

After hearing the words of their goddess, silence fell over the sanctum as mute gasps form on the faces of the elders. After several moments of silence, the eldest of them had the curiosity to ask their kneeling goddess. "Mother Wareharun, who is this great goddess you speak of?"

The goddess stood up and faced her children, walking towards the pool. Flowers grew on the bark she stepped on as she made her way to the mouth of the pool. Now facing her eldest, the goddess answered, "I speak of the Great Goddess Lauria, a goddess with unparalleled power of creation and destruction. She came from a world beyond this, a world born from her endless power."

"Her arrival marks the dawn of a new age in Falmart where the people can be free." A female elder furrowed her brows and asked, "Free from what?"

In a dual voice, she replied, "Free from the tyranny of gods. The other gods have suppressed the development of this world by removing those with great discoveries. Then, the gods would take the information and claim it as their own, only revealing it after making sure that their knowledge is unchallenged. When I ascended, I wanted to abstain from these actions, however, the sixteen others unanimously agreed."

"Therefore, I could do nothing but follow it as I do not wish them to hurt the forest and its children. Now, the great goddess is here and the gods of Falmart will face their end."

Wareharun manifested a spear made of wood, its edge glowing a verdant light. Then, a dress of leaves and vines enveloped her changing form. Her body transformed into flesh as she fully manifests her power in a physical form. Her avatar has motherly brown eyes, elven ears and long green hair with a magical wood crown on her head.

Two pauldrons of wood rest on her shoulders and a belt of wood protects her hips. Wareharun took a lithe and tall figure with ethereal beauty.

"Children, prepare for war. The end of an empire is nigh."

With Wareharun in the fold, the greatest faction of high elves converted to the church of destruction. With the aid of Nesfel's magic, developed by eating mage souls, their weapons are enhanced with the element of destruction. Despite the element's diluted nature, its amount is just enough to corrode a major piece of iron armor in a single strike. After staying for a day, the legion left to the head hunting bunnies via a tunnel created by Wareharun.

Their arrival was unwelcome but Nesfel's psionics allowed them to fight against their champions. Using their gifts, the legion easily decimated any challenge and successfully recruited the head hunting bunnies. Their culture revolves around ritual combat, their leaders are determined through these rituals. A whisper from Nesfel commanded the legion to stay and help fortify the land of the head hunting bunnies and prepare them for war.

Several minutes before the creator's arrival, Nesfel had managed to recruit a God out of fear. Lunaryur saw what Nesfel did to Wareharun and joined her in order to preserve his mind. As a sign of goodwill, Lunaryur commanded his followers to conduct an exodus and rendezvous on the southwest region of Falmart. The exodus caused chaos in the empire as all of Lunaryur's followers suddenly quit their duties and left southwest.

All attempts to follow them or track them down are foiled by the zerg, who proceeded to send a thousand infested for every expedition into their territory.

Space distorted on Alnus Hill, forming a singularity enveloped in blue energy. Shortly, the singularity collapsed and the creator emerged from it. Nesfel immediately deep tunneled to the creator's location and upon arrival, paid her respects by bowing. Then, she proceeded to fly down to the ground.

Once her delicate skin touches the creep covered ground, the creator spoke.

"So, what happened while I was out?"