The Wolf and The Sheep

Confused at the sudden pressure from his brother, Zhi Ruo followed Azura's gaze and looked behind at the bush.



Sensing the gazes of the two men on her, Iris cursed internally. After she started tailing Zhi Ruo, she had to pick up an unimaginable speed to match his own. Not only that, she had to use all her intelligence to follow him on every twisted turn he took, trying to loose all the girls behind him. When it was finally just the two of them, Iris even had to hide to prevent being found out for tailing him.

After going through all the painful ordeals, she actually stumbled upon the infamous Seventh Prince, which she totally absolutely did not intend to do. Had she known that Zhi Ruo was actually going for a rendezvous with Azura in his secret garden, she would've rather died than follow him! Not only did she do that, she even got caught!

Great, now she can't even leave!

As the three people remained in silence staring at each other, Zhi Ruo suddenly stood up and pointed at Iris, "You! The Miss I knocked down back in the street! What are you doing here?"

"..." After all the trouble I went through to tail you, at least you remember me.

Iris pondered on how to respond. Should she say it was a coincidence?

But how would that explain how she slipped past all the shadow guards unnoticed?

Then, should she be shameless and seek revenge on him for bumping into her?

...that should probably do.

She'll pretend she doesn't know these two.

After swallowing the embarrassment from being so shameless, Iris puffed up her chest to face him bravely, "You have the guts to ask me that! You still remember how you stupidly barged into me, sending me flying to the ground, breaking my bones? Do you really think I'll let you off for that?"

"Huh? What? B-but Miss, didn't I already apologize for that?" Zhi Ruo asked confusedly. He didn't understand why she followed him all the way here.

"Oh? So just because you apologized, I have to accept it? I don't accept your apology! I want compensation!" Iris spoke up, still dying of embarrassment inside.

"Hah?" Zhi Ruo looked completely flabbergasted.

Uh, what type of crazy person did he bump into, so petty to ask for compensation just for a slam?

And she even followed him all the way here!

Talk about holding grudges!

And here he thought he had seen all sorts of shameless people...

Zhi Ruo couldn't understand what to do now. Just as he wanted to say something further, he heard a very light chuckle from beside him.

But that little sound, contained an unimaginable coldness, like glaciers of ice, a cruel, blood-thirsty laugh packed with an oppressive aura, demanding total submission.

Zhi Ruo turned subconsciously towards Azura, only to see the man smiling sinisterly, eyes squinted and glistening with a dark patch of red as he gazed straight at Iris.

He shivered slightly, feeling that his Seventh brother was feeling bothered by the presence of an intruder.

After all, his Seventh Brother absolutely abhorred human contact. He was always detached from the world.

Thus, he turned to face Iris, "Miss, about the compensation, how about we talk somewhere else? I will be sure to generously compensate you!"

Seeing the opportunity to leave, Iris hurriedly snorted, "Humph! Fine, but don't think I'll let you run away!" After that, she turned around to leave, before the vengeful Seventh Prince decides to come after her life.

Zhi Ruo smiled at got up, ready to leave, when he heard Azura's bone-chilling voice, "Did I allow you to leave?"

Puzzled, he turned to face him. "Seven Brother, are you talking to me?" But after saying that, he noticed Azura's gaze fixated on Iris, not looking at him at all.

"Seven Brother, do you know her?"

Azura didn't reply to him.

As his unwavering gaze fell on her, Iris repeatedly cursed inside. She wanted to find a way to escape, as soon as possible!

She wasn't prepared to face off with Azura just yet. If words, she can easily force him to surrender, but if he straight out gets violent, she didn't know how long she'd last against him in her current body.

As she cautiously glanced here and there, Iris planned her escape. She inwardly started to calculate her route back so she could run away before Azura got up from his chair.

She looked at Zhi Ruo, "You know what? I'm very generous today, so I won't demand compensation anymore! Bye!" And without another word, she turned on her heels and dashed out the garden, immediately picking a fast pace.

"?" Zhi Ruo looked at Iris running away, confused as ever. Scratching his head, he turned to face Azura.

"Seventh Brother, did she-" As he turned around, he saw that Azura had already disappeared.

"..." Could anyone explain to him what was happening!?



Iris tore through the garden, running as fast as she could. Her keen senses told her that someone was hot on her heels, getting closer and closer.

She couldn't help but grit her teeth.

Isn't this Seventh Prince too much like a cockroach?

It's not like she tried to kill him! Why must he go out of his way to chase her?!


As Iris got further, she noticed 3 shadow guards blocking her way, standing very close to her. Narrowing her eyes, she swiftly elbowed one of the approaching guards in the face and kicked his stomach, sending him flying.

As the guard fell to the ground, the other shadow took out his sword and swung it at Iris full force. Instantly, she ducked and avoided the attack. As the sword swung over her head, Iris quickly reached out and grabbed his hand that was holding the sword, lunging him towards her. In full strength, she thrust her palm in his face and plummeted him to the ground, hard.

All of this happened in a flash.

Barely given any time to straighten up, the other guard directed his fist at her face! She quickly used both her hands to block the attack as the guard continued to punch.

As he threw another punch, Iris grabbed his fist and swung her arm at his face. As he raised his other hand to protect his face, she took the opportunity and kicked the place where the sun doesn't shine!

As the last man fell to the ground groaning in intense pain, Iris straightened her back and prepared to run.

But before she could even begin, an arm grabbed her wrist strongly. Before she had the chance to turn around, her legs were strongly hit and she fell to the ground!

Shaken by the fall, Iris opened her eyes to see a figure hovering over her body, pinning both her hands to the ground, making her unable to move.