The Fox that would be tamed by The Wolf

As his cold breath hit her face, Iris frowned. She tried struggling, but it was as if he was an octopus, she couldn't break free at all.

Finally giving up, she raised her head to meet his darkened gaze. She calmed herself and her tone was level as always, "Your Highness, what do you mean by this? It's not like this garden is a forbidden property, so why are you arresting me like this?"

"Heh." Azura, upon hearing those words, chuckled. "How brave of you to mention forbidden property. Do you need this prince to remind you of the incident back in the forbidden territory?"

"Ahem...what incident is Your Highness talking about? This official's daughter doesn't understand Your Highness's meaning." Iris at once put back the formalities that she had long thrown out the window.

"Don't remember? Haha..." His menacing ghastly laughter buzzed in her ears. "This Prince is very proficient in bringing back lost memories. If someone told this prince that they didn't remember something, This prince would catch them and put them on their knees, and had them remember by force. From my years of experience I know a few hundred ways to bring back lost memories. So, should this prince use those ways...on you?"

A slight chill ran down Iris's spine. It was fairly obvious that those ways of his were in no way peaceful. Iris could easily imagine the brutality of those ways...

"Oh, it's good that Your Highness doesn't have a common face, this official's daughter has remembered the events of the hunting competition. When Your Highness was senselessly chasing after this official's daughter, and I was trying to run away, lest I got killed. Ah...this official's daughter also carelessly shot an arrow at His Highness back then. Asking Your Highness to forgive that accidental offence." Once again, black was painted white by Iris's mouth.

"Accidental offence? This prince understands, won't be petty and will forgive that offence. However...for the other matter, this prince won't be lenient."

"That...Your Highness, would you believe me if I said I saw nothing that day, and just said that ambiguous line to test Your Highness?"


Azura raised his eyebrows.

"How could this prince believe you, when this prince can't ascertain if you are lying or not? This prince insists on you taking responsibility."

"How do you want me to take responsibility?" Iris asked warily.

"You have two options: Either hand over your head, or hand over your neck." Azura smiled like a devil.

What bullsh*t was this?

Two options, either die, or die?

"I choose...none!" At once Iris raised her leg and strongly attacked where he was the weakest!

Frowning, Azura let her go to avoid her attack, and as soon as he did that, like a fox, Iris rapidly slithered out of his grasp and immediately dashed towards the wall!

Jumping up, she climbed the wall and jumped down, disappearing into the crowd.


After witnessing the escaping Iris, Azura didn't chase after her. He just stood up and brushed off the non-existent dirt off himself. His face had regained it's indifferent as always look. He just nonchalantly left the garden, as if nothing had happened.

Yet, those who know him well, would know that at that moment, an intense emotion was swirling in his eyes, they were deeper than usual.

In his life, he had made this expression before only once, when he took down the strongest swordsman, an expression on intense interest and desire to dominate and conquer...

He had already begun planning how to tame the wild fox he had discovered, the fox that had bested him of all people.

It was at this moment, that Iris's fate had been tied to him completely, to him and him alone.


After escaping from the wolf's den, Iris came back home.

After today's encounter, Iris had promised herself not to meddle with Azura. Not to meddle with him until she came back to her strength.

He...was much harder to take on than Iris thought. He was absolutely unpredictable, a man born for the darkness, a man born to be the highest.

She had to stay away from him for as long as she could. He was, in many aspects, stronger than Leon. Had he not died, Leon wouldn't have taken over the throne.

Even Iris, who had dealt with all the princes competing for the throne and took them out of the league in her past life, would not have been able to get rid of him easily, if at all.

Thus, she had decided to forgo her naivety of today, and never even think of taking on the evil Azura in any way.

Goodness, if only she knew right now, that this was something that could never happen, ever.


After Riya's poisoning incident was investigated, Libera had, as always pushed out a scapegoat to prove her innocence. By that, the matter was settled.

It was what Iris had expected from the start, nothing surprising.

And very soon, the day the results of the hunting competition were to be announced, had come.

The Emperor would announce the results himself at the autumn banquet annually held at the Royal Palace.

Every noble would attend this banquet, and in the Silcia Manor, the preparations of the banquet had begun in full force.

Clothes for all of the Young Miss's were being made, all very beautiful, decorated with the most exquisite embroidery, adorned with the most precious jewels and worn by the flowers of the capital.

Of course, this was with the exception of Iris, who was given the most mediocre dress one could receive. And of course, the one in charge of these dresses was Libera.

Looking at the most rusty dress she had ever seen, Iris immediately threw it into the fireplace. She contacted the dress store she had made a reservation with, with the money provided by Rivas and got her dress from there.

It was one of the most beautiful dresses she had ever seen.