Their Scheme, Her Response (1)

With a wave of Libera's hand, Liu Jiao got up from the floor. Libera sat back leisurely on her dressing table and started to put on her makeup. She glanced at the maid and faintly said, "So?"

"Reporting to Madam, The Young Miss indeed lives in very bad conditions. The courtyard is shabby and the food is not very good either, as you commanded."

"Good. Did you find a suitable spot for the thing I told you about?"

"Yes, Madam."

Libera nodded at her.

"Here, take these. You know what to do.'

She handed her a bag she retrieved from the drawer. Liu Jiao took the bag and stepped back.

"You were too hasty in coming on the first day. What if she suspects you?"

"Ah, Madam. This servant...this servant thought that going on the first day would be better when she is suspecting nothing at all, than to go when she may become suspicious..."

"En. Now go back. And wait for a few days before you carry out the task. Be sure to serve her properly in the meantime."

"Understood Madam."

And then, the black cloaked lady went back to Iris's courtyard, unaware of the red eyes that were following her every movement...


Imperial Palace, Seventh Prince Mansion.

Deep withing the darkness that prevailed even at daytime, a man laid on the huge bed, eyes closed. His dark hair were lazily sprawled around, yet looked like pure silk woven into thin strands. His loose robes revealed his abs, strong and sturdy.

His face was such an exquisite work of art, one couldn't help but gape at it. Those usually terrifying red eyes were now closed, yet still didn't fail to instill a terror in the onlooker.

In the dark room, a faint breeze blew and within a split second, a shadow had knelt in front of the prince of darkness, respect and reverence in his every move.

"Your Highness." The man called out. Only then was it discovered that the man wasn't asleep, as he gently fluttered his eyes open, revealing those bloody pupils deep and profound as always.

This man, always gave off the feeling of having lived for hundreds of years.

Azura slowly got up, laziness in his every action.

Looking at his Master, the shadow lowered his head further.

"Your Highness, the seal has been broken. The elders are calling for you, to solve this matter."

"Heh, their incompetence is marvelous, needing this Lord to do every little thing for them. See if this Lord doesn't cut off their heads..." He cut off his sentence with a low laugh, making the shadow involuntarily shudder.

"Your Highness..."

"Go and monitor that girl, Iris Silcia. If any annoyance were to appear..." His voice trailed off. The shadow although confused, nodded his head in acknowledgment. "Yes, Your Highness."

"Your Highness, about the seal..."

"This Lord will deal with it."

And with those words said, Azura actually, in front of the shadow's eyes, completely vanished on spot!

With a faint gust of wind after his departure, the shadow proceeded to leave the Manor too, not expressing any surprise over the supernatural matter just now.

The Seventh Prince's existence, truely is shrouded deeply in layers of mystery...


A few days later~

Fiddling with her priceless jade hairpin, Iris was basking in the sunlight at noon. She seemed to be a bit absent-minded, while the maids behind her seemed slightly relaxed.

Actually, ever since they started working for this new Master, she had been oppressing them with her pressure everyday. They could only stiffly stand there without even daring to breathe loudly. The constantly felt as if they were being eyed by a beast, any movement could be their death.

Today, when she was actually not doing anything, they could feel their tense body relaxing.

As she gazed at Iris who had her eyes closed, Liu Jiao resolved to carry out her plan today, when she seemed slightly off-guard.

Her constant wariness was why she put her plan off for so long, so today seemed to be a good opportunity.

As she was thinking this, Iris's voice lightly resounded in her ears,

"You all seem so relaxed today, huh?"

Subsequently, their bodies once again stiffened.

"But it's good to be relaxed..."

Everyone: Who was it who didn't let us relax, huh? Who!

" least it's better than meaninglessly doing stupid things." As her voice lightly fell, she slightly tilted her head to glance at Liu Jia meaningfully.

Liu Jia shuddered slightly, a bad premonition raising in her heart. But she shrugged it off.

At that night, after making sure Iris was asleep, Liu Jia snuck around the courtyard. Coming over to the small tree planted in the courtyard, she dug up some of the soil and buried the bag she got from Libera inside.

After covering it up nicely, she looked around and after making sure no one was near, headed out towards Libera's courtyard.

Watching her exit out the courtyard from the bedroom window, Iris smiled slightly.

Must be a struggle to be so stupid, even failing to notice the hint she 'generously' dropped for her, and jumping to her own doom.

And this Libera, really lacked originality. She used a similar trick in her past life, though at a later time.

Honestly, she won't fall for it twice you know?

It's absolutely impossible, you know?

Iris sighed. This night sure was long for a lot of people...