Their Scheme, Her Response (2)

Early morning next day, a servant came over to Iris's courtyard to invite her to join the family at dinner. Apparently, Libera had called for her in hopes of spending time with her due to her 'recent' arrival.

Iris did not object and slowly moved towards the family hall. Before she had the chance to enter together with Liu Jiao and Si Liqia, she saw groups of servants carrying extremely delicate and appetizing dishes inside towards the hall.

Looking at the amount of the dishes and their lavishness, Iris didn't blink once.

Moving inside to see all the family members sitting on their respective places, Iris performed the perfunctory greeting. Raising her head, to her surprise she saw her mother sitting there as well. Looked like she was invited too.

She was smiling warmly at her, yet her uneasiness could easily be seen. Iris didn't think twice before going and sitting next to her.

All the while, Azer hadn't lifted his head to look at her even once, only her grandmother had nodded at her and gestured her to sit.

Aria looked her way and flashed a kind smile at her.

While Azer and the Matriarch were chatting with the others, Iris's gaze drifted towards the seat on the right side of Azer which was empty.

Libera hadn't come yet.

Collecting her gaze, Iris turned to her mother. She was wearing a light pink dress today with a small mediocre hairpin on her head. She didn't have any makeup on, yet her dazzling beauty could not be hidden away from the world.

However, looking at her dressing, by no means could it compare to anyone from the family at all, even the other regular concubines wore stuff much better than her.

Looking at her so worn down, Iris couldn't help but heartache endlessly.

Mom, just wait for some time, I will surely give you the most beautiful dresses, the most sparkling jewelry and the greatest comfort you deserve.

It's enough for me that you are alive, but I will give it my all so you can live comfortably...

As Iris was lost in her own thoughts, the servants announced Libera's arrival. She came inside looking very depressed. Her eyes had swelled over and her smile was forced as she gave her greetings. It was obvious that she was crying though she had made an obvious attempt to cover it up with makeup.

Immediately after her arrival, Azer had noticed her state and furrowed his brows. He asked, "Libera, what is it? For what reason are you so haggard and worn down?"

"Husband, it''s nothing."

"Speak, what is it. Do not conceal it from us of you have suffered a grievance. I'll deal with the matter." He spoke in a reassuring way.

"This...Husband. it is a rather personal matter, afraid it's a bit selfish of me to speak of in a family gathering. I do not wish to ruin the joyous mood." Libera spoke with a heavy tone.

"What selfish, any matter of yours concerns the family." Azer spoke in a slightly gentler voice.

Looking at this display of affection, Not to mention right in front of her mother, Iris felt a strong wave of anger towards them. Her hand under the table tightened slightly.

She shot a glance at Riya to gauge at her reaction. Yet to her surprise, she was just indifferently looking at their interactions, not bothered too much.

This made Iris feel relieved. maybe she was starting to let go after all.

"The thing is, Husband... some of my jewelry has gone missing from my room. If it were just regular jewelry, it would have still been fine, but afraid it was the last piece of jewelry I had received from my mother before her passing, so I had always treasured it but unexpectedly..." Libera told her story and with tears clouding her eyes.

"Missing? Have you checked properly?"

"Yes, everywhere, but..."

Azer felt perplexed at this case of sudden missing jewelry. Just as he was about to question about the servants, Aria stood up from her seat.

"Mother, are you talking about your jade set? The one in the small red box with dragons on it?\

"Yes! Aria, perhaps you've seen it?" Libera asked in a hopeful tune.

"Ah...That is....Well..." Aria hesitantly looked down. It was obvious she was struggling to say something.

"Aria, if you know, go ahead and say it." The Matriarch interjected.

"Mother, the thing is..." Aria looked at Iris slightly, before lowering her head immediately back. "...I don't know where it is."

The little action of looking at Iris and looking back away, everyone caught it. Coupled with her struggling appearance, some suspicions were created.

"Aria, say what you have to. You shouldn't lie to us. If you've seen the box somewhere, then just say where you've seen it. No need to conceal anything, it is your mother's precious jewelry." Azer sternly propelled her into confessing.

"Father...Well, the other day I was passing by Mother's courtyard, and there, I happened to see...Fourth younger sister. A-At that time, well, I think...I think I saw something like the red dragon box in her hands while she was running away, s-so I thought my Mother gave it to her...B-But I didn't...But I could be wrong! Maybe I didn't see very clearly, after all why would fourth younger sister do anything like that..." Looking extremely unwilling, Aria gave her thoughts. Though at the end, she started to blame herself, everyone's expressions had darkened.

Immediately after Aria had finished, Azer shot a glare at Iris, "Iris, what is the meaning of this?"

Looking at everyone staring at her, Iris was very calm. Faced with such an indirect accusation, she didn't say anything.

"I'm asking you! What is the meaning of this?! Why did you steal Libera's jewelry?!" Azer's voice became louder.

Iris opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, someone was faster than her in denying all the accusations.

"What slander! Why would Iris need to steal jewelry from you people? Please stop such baseless accusations, my daughter would never eye your jewelry!"

Speaking in a firm voice was Riya, with a determined look on her face as she stood up for Iris.

The girl herself widened her eyes. She never expected her mother to lash out like this, denying all accusation with a firm belief in her...