Hunted in Hell

After getting over the fact that I'm now a cockroach, I begin to crawl around a bit in this cavern place. I just realized that this place is huge. I mean, it could fit multiple high rise building in here. Also, as I expected everywhere there is lava. A river of lava, a lake of bubbling lava and waterfall lava. The last one is breathtaking by the way.

Now, what am I gonna do? Oh right! Surviving. I remember about cockroach being hard to kill and all.....SHIVERS. Still having this fits. Moving on, cockroach can be quite hard to kill, even after losing its head, it could still survive. So, in terms of abilities in that aspect I'm more or less covered.....SHIVERS. Yup, gonna be awhile for me to get over it.

Remembering the lesson my mom thought me in camping, I would need shelter, food and water to survive minimally. So, first up is shelter. Where can I find a proper shelter? Finding a small cave seems acceptable. Alright, lets do that.

Avoiding the lava pits and climbing the cavern walls, I couldn't find any caves that's just right for me. They were either too big or just filled with lava. After probably an hour, I think I hit a jackpot. Located on a cavern wall near the ceiling, a small entrance appears. The inside is wide with no lava and the entrance is just the right size for me. Alright, shelter check.

Now, to find food and water. Let's go with food first. Crawling out of small entrance I scan around the huge cavern area looking for prey. Looking down at an area far below my cave, I could see a group of cockroaches circling around something. It looks like a dead corpse of a tortoise. The thing is quite big comparing with the cockroaches. It's like small hill to them.

Is my first meal in this hell is gonna be a corpse? Urgghh. I really don't want to but, do I really have a choice? Yes! I do have a choice, lets find something else. I'm not gonna let my humanity slip by eating a corpse yet. Crawling away from the scene, I stick to cavern ceiling while looking down at anything that could seem like prey.

After half an hour, I finally found some potential prey. A small spider-like creature hangs on the cavern wall while grooming it's front legs. Yes, this is going to be my first prey. I prefer eating a fresh kill rather than a rotting corpse. So, target confirmed.

Crawling slowly and silently towards it, I begin to near this unsuspecting spider creature. Hehehehe, come to me my crunchy meal. Although, I'm not really forward to eating it that much, but it's probably it's gonna taste find. Right?

Just before I could come closer than ten meters from it, a head of a lizard suddenly pops out of the cavern walls and immediately chomps down on the spider. It down the spider in one gulp! Oh shit! After it finishes swallowing it's prey, it looks over to me with it's four pair of slit eyes.

Oh no! Run! I dash away as quickly as I can from the scene and hears the scratching sound of dirt and claw behind me. Looking back with my compound eyes, I could see the full lizard headed my way. It has six legs and all with long dagger-like claws at the end of it. It's gaining quite a speed at is chases across the cavern ceiling. It's getting closer! It's faster than me. Oh shit!

With it's maw slowly coming closer to me, I quickly just jumped off the ceiling and nearly missing the bite. Now, I have to find a way to land safely. Ouch! Well ,there you go, landed safely on a rock. Looking up all the way up the cavern ceiling, I could see the lizard hiss at me with discontent. It crawls away and disappear behind a gigantic stalactite.......or stalagmite? Can't really remember.

SIGH. Crisis averted for now. Looking down at my body, it seems I'm all fine after the fall. This body is quite resilient. I guess I'm kinda lucky to have this body........SHIVERS. Nope still can't get over that. I really want a different body.

After fully checking that my body is fine, suddenly the rock beneath moves. Wait, in fact, all the rocks around me are moving. It's moving quite slowly together. What's happening here? Turning my head towards the direction their moving, it would seem they're heading towards a lava fall........Oh shit!

By the time I realize this the rocks are moving faster and faster down to the lava fall. Crawling to the side, it seems I'm stuck on a rock island on this lava stream. Shit! I'm stuck!