Statue in Hell

This the end of Zyn it would seem. Zyn who died as a cockroach....SNIFFLES. I don't want this! Just before I could say my last words, the rock I'm on finally got to the lava fall. Oh shit! The drop is flowing down a rapid it seems. Wait, I though there was a huge fall here, so, probably I could survive this! Alright, Zyn the cockroach ain't given up yet!


Dodging some lava that got splash between the rocks and trying not to get lodged off the rocks, it's making me tired after only five minutes on the rapids. This is like kayaking with mom all over again. Looking down the rapids further down, I see another lava fall...Nothing gonna go easy on me!



Just before I go down the fall, I got lodged off the rock after it crashed against a larger rock. It sent me forward all the way across the river of lava and I crash on something squishy once again. Feeling the scaly texture of the thing beneath me, it seem my fall had once again killed a creature. My luck is really on just killing creatures by body slamming them.

Having a closer look at the thing below me, it seems I killed a six legged lizard. It's probably the same species as the one before. I can't really be sure because I stabbed the head thoroughly to the point the head is so disfigured with one of the spikes on my back. Well, for now, I guess fresh food is a check? Yeah, I'll eat a lizard any day other than those cockroaches.

However, after I got chase rode the lava stream, I don't think I can find my shelter back. So, gotta find a new one. For now, lets have a bit of a bite of this lizard. Opening my strange cockroach mouth, I try to take a bite of the back of the lizard. Hmm, it's quite hard to chew pass the scales.

After a while of trying, I finally got the fleshy bit inside.

It's bloody, raw and for some reason quite tasty. Is it because of my cockroach appetite? SHIVERS.......Still can't get over it. After eating my full, once again I set to find shelter with lizard corpse pierce to my spike. It's gruesome, I know but, you gotta improvise, adapt and overcome.

After crawling around for only a few minutes and dodging some other creatures like the cockroach and the lizard along the way, I finally found a distinguishable landmark in this chaotic place. A statue carved in white stone. It only shows the face. While the other part is hidden by the rocks and lava lake it's in. The most surprising thing about it is not why it's even here, it's why does it have that face?

It's identical of my mom! Down to her sharp nose, clear beautiful eyes, long hair and the motherly look she would always exudes. I could only stare at it quietly.